The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 242: engagement

As Prince Mihav fled downstairs in a panic, frightened by Cheerchen's power, Natalie's father and Prince Mihav's mother were also discussing their children.

Of course, Princess Galisadai looked at the loving expression of his son looking at Natalie at the gate of the city today. To be honest, Princess Natalie is also extremely satisfied with her appearance. When she was young, Princess Galisadie was also a beauty, but she also had to admit that Natalie's beauty was better than her at that time.

But what made the princess more satisfied was Natalie's family background. She is the only daughter of Janusz Kishka and the only heir of the Kishka family. The old man Janusz is a celebrity in front of King Kazimierz, and he is being trusted by the king, but only a small part of the Kishka family has fallen into the hands of the Swedes, and the father and daughter are still huge financial resources. , And once the Republican army regains the lost land occupied by the Swedes, these lands will return to the hands of the father and daughter. This situation, in Garisade’s view, will come true in the near future. If the Vichynevitsky family can marry the Kishka family, it will be of great benefit to their son.

For this reason, at the banquet, Princess Garisade created the opportunity to talk and dance with Janush several times, and tactfully asked whether Natalie was married or not.

When the princess knew that Natalie had nothing to do with others, Galisadie immediately pushed her son out.

Regarding the matter that Princess Garisaida wants to marry her own family. The introversion of Mr. Janush is also extremely happy. Although the previous generation of Jarime Visniewitz was genetically on the wrong team on the issue of elections and received the suspicion of King Kazimierz, that had disappeared before and after the death of the prince in the army. Now there is only the nostalgia for the loyal soul. King Kazimierz once lamented several times, if the Republic had Jarime Visnievitsky, how could it have fallen into such a situation.

Therefore, Janush believes that His Majesty the King will not object to his daughter marrying Prince Mihavu. In addition, Janusz also had a faint ambition, that is, the huge and unparalleled wealth of the Vichynevitsky family fell on the left bank of the Dnieper River. Although countless farms and castles are now the trophies of the Cossacks, once the Republic’s army regains Ukraine, Prince Mihav will inherit these indisputably legally. At that time, his own descendants Will have wealth not weaker than that of the Potocki family and the Lubaumacki family.

"My dear princess, I cannot yet give you a clear answer to the question of the marriage of our sons and daughters. You know, my main mission this time is not to find a husband for my daughter, although this matter is also very important to me. Important. The marriage between the two families is not a trivial matter. I want to report it to His Majesty the King, and leave it to His Majesty’s decree. But I believe that His Majesty will not object, and I look forward to becoming in-laws with you." Janusz smiled without leaking. To say.

After hearing these words, Princess Galisadie also smiled cheerfully. At least, Janusz is not opposed to this marriage. In the eyes of the princess, the king's decree was just a formality. In the history of the Republic, there has hardly been a case where the king prevented the marriage between the nobles.

"Then, I'm waiting for your news." Princess Garisadia said.

"Don't worry, I promise it will be good news." Janush lightly held up one of the princess's jade hands and kissed gently with his mouth.

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from the stone stairs. Yanush and Princess Garisaide looked at the voice, and saw Prince Mihav ran down from the second floor in a panic.

The attention of others was also attracted by the footsteps of Prince Mihavu.

"I'm really sorry, young people are so frizzy." Princess Galisadai apologized for Janush with a slight embarrassment. Following the noble family's tutor, Mihau made such a loud noise when he walked, which was extremely rude.

"Really worthy of being the son of a hero." Janush looked at Prince Mihav's large body, and finally said a word of praise.


At this moment, Prince Mihav ran into a man standing under the stairs because he was walking too hurriedly. The man only staggered two steps, but Prince Mihavu fell to the ground like he hit a low wall.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay." When the man saw Prince Mihav fall to the ground, he hurriedly went over to help him up.

But Prince Mihavu did not accept this love. He slapped the man's outstretched hand away.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind, Mihavu Volodjavsky." Prince Mihav looked at the little knight with hatred and angry eyes. He was hating his mother for marrying Aniuxia to Mihavu Vorodjavsky.

The little knight is a little He was once a subordinate of Prince Yarimae, and he was deeply trusted by the Prince. Over the years, even though Mikhav Vorodjavsky was no longer Vishnevitsky's retainer, he still regarded the princess and the little prince as his masters, and respected them. But recently, Prince Mihavu has been picky and hateful of himself in every way, which makes the little knight really puzzled.

Prince Mihav stood up from the ground. Princess Galisadai and Janus also squeezed through the crowd and came to the prince.

"Mihavu, how did you speak to Colonel Vorodjavsky? Hurry up and apologize!" Under the eyes of everyone, Princess Galisadai taught her son with a straight face. Of course she knew why her son was hostile to Vorodjavsky, but she married An Niuxia to a little knight, and the princess did it all for the good of her son. It is impossible for the descendants of the noble Vichynevitsky family to marry a maid, even as a lover. If the scandal of Prince Mihavu and the Maid’s Land is spread, it will tarnish Yarimae’s fame, so the princess must eradicate it in the bud. What's more, marrying Ann Niuxia to Mihav Worodjavsky was also a way for the princess to win over the loyalty of the little knight. Princess Galisadai arranged this for most of the maids.

Prince Mihav feared his mother the most. He heard his mother berate him so harshly, and he had to apologize reluctantly to the little knight.

Of course Mihavu Vorodjavsky didn't even dare to say it.

Princess Garisaide apologized when he saw Prince Mihavu, then smiled and said to her son: "Mihavu, I just talked to Master Yanush about you and Natalie."

Before Princess Galisadai's words were finished, Prince Mihav said: "What are we talking about?"