The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 245: Whose victory 3

The night attack by Jan Sobieski the night before quickly repelled the reinforcements coming from all directions. But Jan Sobieski escaped from the east gate. Yes, Ximen’s night attack was just a cover, or a decoy to lure the various ministries of the coalition forces. When the defenders of Lida Fort believed that their commander would lead them out of the siege, Jan Sobieski betrayed them.

The defenders who retreated to Lida Fort discovered the truth in an uproar. They cursed Jan Sobieski's betrayal and opened the gate of Lida Fort. In this way, Lida Fort, which had been holding for three months, was occupied.

In the night attack, Victor was seriously injured. Seven or eight wounds were exploded on his body by a grenade, and he became the highest-ranking officer of the coalition forces that fell on the eve of victory.

Although Lidaburg’s defenders had surrendered, Brahe Wichensburg and Okinsky were very angry at last night’s loss. After confiscating the weapons of the defenders, they drove the remaining two thousand defenders of Lida Fort except the nobles and officers into the trenches of Lida Fort, and then used muskets and grenades to solve them all.

The refugees who fled into the city were not immune, and Swedish soldiers shot them one by one. Father Marek, who supported Jan Sobieski, was hanged on a flagpole in the city. Protestant Swedes will not show mercy to Catholic priests.

After doing all these things, Marshal Brahe Wichensburg even held a victory banquet in the castle to celebrate the victory. Every officer was invited, even junior officers like Tepes and Yelisei.

In the barracks of the mercenary group, some officers who did not want to go were taking leave to Cheerchen.

"Leader, Fedot and I are both Tsarist Russians. It's okay to be in the mercenary group. We are really not used to attending such banquets." Yelishei told Fedot to falsely say. And the latter kept nodding his head to show that he meant it.

Father Spasokukotsky also made it clear that he would not go to the dinner party. He did not shy away from treating Brahe Wichensburg, who slaughtered Lidarburg's soldiers and civilians, as a demon. Of course, the dinner party that night was a feast for the devil. As a former priest, how could he go to a dinner party hosted by the devil!

Although Bashit said it euphemistically, he also hated to celebrate the so-called "victory" with these murderous demons. Especially the nobles and officers who started this "rebellion" all survived, and all the innocent soldiers were slaughtered.

Ingrid and Fatima were not invited as women, but depending on their expressions, even if they were invited, they would not go.

"So, the only people who are going to the Marshal's dinner now are Tepes, Algierdas, and Uncle Pidro?" Chechen turned his head and said to the self-contained Pidro and the others.

Cheerchen allowed everyone to take leave. He was also shocked by the tragedy of Lida Fort. Originally, the model of the strong army in his mind would actually do the things of killing the city, which made Chechen unable to accept it.

Originally, General Douglas, who was very satisfied with the performance of the mercenary group in the battle, had hinted that he would tell Marshal Brae Wichensburg after the war that Chechen's mercenary group would be brought over from the hands of Prince Janusz. , Put under his command to fight together. Cheerchen readily accepted this kindness of General Douglas at the time. Because he thinks this is a good way to leave Yanush without making Uncle Pietro object, and he can learn a lot by joining General Douglas.

But now, his thoughts have been shaken. Because he met, serving the Swedish army, he had to face endless massacres and atrocities. How is this different from here in Yanush?

"And you, captain. You are also going to the dinner party." Pidro heard Chechen only mentioned three names, and hurriedly reminded Chechen that he must go, otherwise the marshal will definitely be dissatisfied.

"Uncle, I'm very tired. You, Tepesh and the others go." Chechen said happily. When thinking of the corpses in the trenches that will be buried in the future, Cheerchen can't help vomiting.

Pidro wanted to persuade Chechen a few more words. But I couldn't say what I said. The massacre of thousands of people is indeed cruel enough. Pidro felt the same way. In Magdeburg that year, when the city fell on May 9, 1631, Earl Tilly, who had fought with Protestants in the Netherlands and other places, let all his mercenaries plunder for three days. More than 30,000 Magdeburg citizens were killed. At that time Pietro was a few years older than Cherchen, and he was still a fledgling young man. When the other mercenaries were slaughtering and looting, Pidro was also spitting out.

"Then commander, since you are worried about Victor's injury, you are going to see him at night and cannot attend the marshal's dinner. If the marshal asks, I will tell the truth. I believe the marshal can understand ~Finally, Pidro found a reason for Cheerchen. Vic has not awakened from multiple injuries. He is a compatriot and friend of Cheerchen and Pedro. Cheerchen is worried about Victor’s injury not to attend the dinner, too. There is excuse, no one can make mistakes.

Cheerchen nodded, indicating that he had acquiesced to Pedro's statement.

Tepes gave Algildas a thoughtful look.

After coming out of the camp, Tepes pulled Algildas aside. He whispered a paragraph in Algierdas' ear.

"You want me to frame the captain!" Algildas looked at Tepes in shock. This is completely incompatible with the glory of his nobility.

Tepes covered Algildas' mouth.

"Damn it, do you want the entire mercenary group to hear you! How can this be framed? It can't be framed. You saw it at the time. The deserters did escape from Spasokukotsky, and The priest did deliberately let go of a gap, didn't he?" Tepes whispered.

"But how do you know that the head of the regiment asked the priest to do this?"

"I have no idea."

"You don't know!!! Then you still?"

"Maybe it was the command of the regiment commander. What are you doing with so much? This is an opportunity. As long as we defeat Chechen, I am sure that Prince Yanush will appoint you and me as the commander of the mercenary regiment. There is such a powerful force. The mercenary group, you and I are not the little officers who are sent to the fence, even General Okinsky has to talk to us kindly. We will definitely fly under the hands of the prince. Don’t you always want to rejuvenate your family? This is the best opportunity."

Algildas wanted to object, but Tepesh's rejuvenation family gripped his throat tightly, making him silent.