The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 251: Meet Again 2

These two are Chechen and Spasokkotsky. After leaving the mercenary group, Cheerchen originally wanted to follow Father Spasokukotsky’s suggestion to go to the Great Guangmingshan Monastery for a pilgrimage, but halfway through, he couldn’t resist thinking of Chris, so he asked the priest instead. After going to Warsaw to meet Chris, head to Czestochowa.

Spasokukotsky agreed to Chechen's request. After all, the pilgrimage was not in a hurry at this time. So the two rushed to Warsaw on horseback.

Since Warsaw was almost bloodless, the largest city in the Republic of Poland did not suffer from many wars. Although there are no less than two thousand Swedish military horses stationed in this city, these people can't defend the entire city, so the Swedes built a barrier around the city. Inside the barrier is the essence of Warsaw, with churches built according to special legal rights and secular Chinese mansions lined up. But the people living in these Huawu Buildings only partially retain their former glory and glory, that is, the former Republic officials who turned their heads and devoted allegiance to Karl X after Kaesong.

The other houses are already empty. The owners of these houses did not want to be enslaved by foreigners; or they made senseless resistance after the Swedes entered the city. Of course, they all went to see God in the end, and their property was looted. .

When Cheerchen and Father Spasokkotsky approached these houses, Cheerchen could clearly see the bullet holes and black marks left on the white walls of the houses. Occasionally, there were some German mercenaries poking their heads out of the window of the room. From these open windows, some valuable furniture, leather products from Florence, tapestries from the Netherlands, paintings on the walls, and heavy alarm clocks are thrown out from time to time, and then caught by the companion below. Obviously they were scraping away the valuable possessions hidden in the houses where they lost their owners, although their Swedish "companions" had done it once before them.

When Cheerchen and Father Spasokkotsky saw that in the center of the street, some of the properties that had not been moved were moldy and damaged due to the sun and rain, Cheerchen was also angry at the behavior of these guys. And Spasokukotsky was even more angry with tears:

"Look, Commander. The capital of the former big country now looks like a foreign city. It is foreigners who show off in the streets. Here, you hear more foreign words than Polish words, see There are more nights in the round-brimmed hat, boat hat, high helmet, tunic, armor, stockings and high boots than in the Kaftan. Lost, the people suffer. The Pidro regiment always says that I don’t think about the mercenary group, but the country is broken, so how can I not think about this country.”

"Father, when I see Chris, I will confess to her and ask her to speak to Karl X to stop the tyrannical behavior of these insurgents. Chris is the former Queen Christina, and Karl X will definitely listen to her words." Chechen comforted Father Spasokukotsky.

Spasokukotsky shook his head imperceptibly. He secretly sighed in his heart that Chechen still thought the question too simple. But the priest didn't say anything. The priest didn't want to discourage Cheerchen's trust in Chris, and seeing some things with his own eyes is more effective than hearing them with his own ears.

When Chechen and Father Spasokukotski went to the Kazimierz Palace where the two kings were stationed in Hua, they met a large number of Armenians. They have dark faces, and their black hair wears colorful round hats. They hold countless things on their hands, shoulders, and backs. Those are the spoils of the Swedish soldiers they bought. of.

After informing the guards of his name and request to see Christina in front of the Kazimierz Palace, the guards quickly went to report for Chechen.

There was a reply in a short while, and Christina actually came out to greet Cheerchen in person.

Christina today looks extraordinarily beautiful. She was wearing a white gauze skirt and a fox fur waistcoat, her thick hair wavy. When she appeared in front of Cheorchen, Cheorchen was stared blankly.

Seeing Cheerchen's such an expression, Christina chuckled. A strong voice behind her asked, "Christina, is this your kid?"

Cheer Chen noticed that there was another person behind Chris. He fixed his eyes to see that even without anyone introducing him, Cheer Chen knew that this man was King Karl X. Because this man is the most regal man Cheerchen has ever seen. In his body, Cheer Chen felt for the first time what it means to be a king over the world, that is a temperament that everyone wants to worship when they see it.

Karl X wore a sky-blue dress, and his eyes were like two shining stars. When these eyes look at Christina, it is full of love and tenderness, but when it looks at other people, the dazzling light is enough to make any life unable to overstep the heart. Karl X's face is slightly fatter and more rounded. He also has a goatee and is well maintained with grease.

"Have seen your Majesty!" Cheerchen bowed on one knee and bowed. And Father Spasokukotsky next to him only bowed slightly.

Although Father Spasokukotsky is a priest, this is also an extremely rude behavior, but Karl X did not take it seriously. He smiled and said to Cheer Chen, "Don't give me a gift, get up."

The voice was majestic and solemn, but it gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

Before Cheerchen stood up straight, Christina had already taken a step forward and held Cheerchen's hand and began to ask questions. First, she apologized to Cheerchen and told Cheerchen that she didn't conceal her identity deliberately. Then she blamed Cheerchen for coming to Warsaw to visit herself so late.

"Christina, the battle at Lida Fort has just ended. This kid Cheechen arrived at this time and soon. And it's cold outside, I think we should go inside and talk about it. Cheerchen and this priest are all in the dust. It seems to be tired too." Karl X suggested.

This reminded Christina that she couldn't help making her face redden for her inadequate consideration. Then the four entered the main hall of Kazimierz Palace.

This palace named after King Kazimierz is simply the most magnificent building Cheerchen has ever seen. The floor of the main hall is all paved with white marble, and every painting on the wall, even those who don't know how to paint like Chelchen, know that they are made by famous artists.

At the dining table in the main hall, the chef and waiter have prepared food. The four of them sat down and began to eat. At the beginning, Cheerchen was still a little restrained, but soon, he threw the restraint aside. He chatted casually with Christina and King Karl X. But most of the time, Chechen and Christina were the only ones who spoke. Father Spasokukotsky didn't speak, and Karl X just listened with a smile, occasionally interjecting a few words.

During the period, Cheer Chen mentioned the chaos of the mercenaries in Warsaw when he and the priest entered the city. He hoped that King Carl X would stop this behavior. After hearing this, King Carl X also angrily called the attendant. He sternly The attendant is required to notify Rajjovsky to strictly investigate and prohibit these behaviors.

"I'm really sorry. During this time, my generals and I were thinking about wars and were too indulgent to those mercenaries. This also reminded me: a king can't just focus on war, but also pay attention to the city. The law and order.” After the attendant retired, King Carl X apologized.

Such a statement made Cheor Chen's favor with Karl X greatly increased. The tolerance of acknowledging mistakes alone is higher than that of Yanush Raziviu.

Next, Christina asked more about the battle of Lida Fort, Cheer Chen also answered one by one.

"You mean, when my marshal and general arrived at Fort Lida, your food ration was almost out?"

After listening to Cheechen's narration, Karl X asked casually. He pretended that he only suddenly remembered this question when Cheer Chen mentioned it. Cheechen mentioned this point originally to praise the decisive role of the Kingdom of Sweden in the victory of the battle, but he did not expect Karl X to hear a different useful message.

"Yes, although there is still a steady stream of supplies coming from Werner, the civilian husband of the transport team complained that the prince hired them but didn't even give a Taylor, just gave it to Bai Tiao." Chechen said.

Karl X stroked his chin thoughtfully. Janusz once boasted to him that although the Raziwiwu family’s assets throughout the Republic of Poland have been lost due to the war in Ukraine and the looting of Sapega’s subordinates, even half of the total is given to the Swedish generals. Enough for them to become rich men. But this seems to be a discount.

If there is no money, the huge mercenaries hired by Yanush will surely be scattered. At that time, the former Lithuanian commander still has a few points of strength left and it is worth investigating. Karl X felt that the price he had offered Yanush was too high.

"Is there any interesting news? You know, the reports my generals gave me are very formal, although they let me know things, they lack a bit of fun to read." Karl X said. His tone was like a child curious about new things.

"There's something about Prince Yanush. But everyone said it as a joke." Cheerchen worried whether it would be good to talk about Yanush in front of King Karl.

"It doesn't matter, you just talk about it, and we just listen to it." Karl X said with a smile.

"Okay." Cheerchen nodded.

This joke is like this. One day Yanush heard that a nobleman in the city of Vilna had hidden a lot of money, and the prince borrowed from that nobleman, but the nobleman did not lend a son to the prince. Yanush was furious and locked up the nobleman, but after a few days, Prince Yanush regretted it again. He released the nobleman and gave the nobleman a golden button. Yanush repeatedly said that he had drunk too much that day and that the Laziviu family was not short of money. He just thought that it was useless for the nobleman to keep so much money, and wanted to add value for him.

Cheerchen took this as a joke, but Karl X didn't listen to it as a joke.

"If this story is true, Yanush has already encountered a financial crisis and is starting to be unable to do what he wants." Karl X thought.

As soon as this idea came out, Karl X couldn't help but want to find his most powerful Polish affairs consultant Rajjovsky.

"I'm glad to hear Cheer Chen tell me some interesting details that my marshal and general did not mention in the report. Now I have some business to deal with, please allow me to go ahead."

After Carl X left, Christina said apologetically to Chechen and Father Spasokukotski: "My cousin is always so busy when he becomes a king. He didn't deliberately neglect you."

Christina knew what her cousin was thinking and what she was going to do. Christina was also very helpless about this. Although she had repeatedly persuaded Karl X to unite his allies as much as possible, Karl X and his generals always couldn't stand the temptation of huge profits.

Although Christina, Brahe Wichensburg and others have encountered a crisis more or less, there are too few such people after all, and their voices are very weak.

"He could not have been so busy, because what he did made men bleed and women shed tears." Father Spasokukotsky said coldly. In the absence of Karl X, the priest was finally able to say what he wanted to say.

Christina also disapproves of war in her heart, especially for a Catholic country (although the Kingdom of Sweden is a Protestant country, Christina lacks Catholicism), but she can’t change anything now, and the annuity after her abdication is also the kingdom’s parliament. paid. Furthermore, she is a Swedish, and everything must be based on the interests of the Kingdom of Sweden.

"Father, I do not approve of war. But the parliament has passed a resolution, and many people in the Republic of Poland welcome Karl to be the king of Poland. Karl has guaranteed the rights and freedom of belief of the original subjects of this country. I I believe everything will be fine in no time." Christina persuaded the priest.

"That's because you didn't see the atrocities of your compatriots in Lida Fort!" Father Spaso Kukotsky said angrily without warning.

"What happened?" Christina asked in surprise. She didn't expect that Father Spasokukotsky suddenly made such a big fire.

"General Brae Wichenspa slaughtered all the soldiers and civilians in Lida Fort, leaving only the nobles." Chechen said for Father Spasokukotski. At the thought of that scene, Cheerchen couldn't help but feel low and his face was painful.

Christina collapsed on the chair. She did not expect such a tragedy to happen in Lidarburg.

"Why didn't you say it just now?" Christina covered her face in pain.

"In the presence of your king, shall we go and reprimand the atrocities of his marshal and general?" Father Spasokukotsky asked rhetorically.

Christina stood up.

"I'm going to see Karl, I'm going to tell him."

After speaking, Christina strode in the direction where Karl X had left. Such atrocities will shake the foundation of Sweden in the Republic of Poland.

After a long time, Christina has not returned. So the waiter took Chechen and Father Spasokkotsky to the guest room to rest.

In the guest room, Father Spasokukotsky stared outside from the window sill for a long time, and then asked Cheerchen, "Head, what do you think of Karl X?"

"King of Sweden? Father, I think His Majesty King Carl X should love Chris very much, and he is a kind king." Cheerchen remembered the way Carl X saw Christina in his eyes and after he reminded him of the brutality of those mercenaries. The tenth generation has followed the good and the flow of the belly.

For Chechen's words, Father Spasokukotsky declined to comment. He just walked to the other side of the window sill and opened the curtains.

"Head, what can you see?" Father Spasokukotsky asked.

"what did you see?"

Although it was strange how Father Yu Spaso Kukotsky would suddenly ask such a question, Cheerchen still walked to the window sill.

They live on the third floor of the Kazimierz Palace. From here, a large area of ​​Warsaw City can be seen.

"There are people and carriages outside, nothing special." Cheerchen replied. But suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind.

Chechen suddenly realized that if he could see the outside situation so clearly from the Kazimierz Palace, then even if Karl X was able to manage everything and stay at home, he wouldn't be able to know the employment in Warsaw at all. Everything the soldiers did. He lied!

Thinking of this, Cheerchen spread out on the bed like a deflated balloon. He couldn't help thinking: Are all the big people experts in lies, or that they have forgotten how to tell the truth. Yanush is like this, and so is Karl X.

Cheerchen's perception of Karl X suddenly fell to the bottom.

When he thought of his serious request that he might perform like a clown in Karl X's eyes, Cheerchen really wanted to leave here immediately.

People will think more when they find out that they have been deceived, and Cheerchen is like this now. Cheerchen even suspects that Chris is also acting with her cousin.

But this is considered Cheerchen misunderstood Christina. Because for a long time, Karl X arranged Christina in Lalowuf on the outskirts of Warsaw. Karl X’s feelings for Christina are contradictory: he both likes Christina and appreciates Christina for letting him gain the throne and wants to get close to her; but he is worried that the excessive intimacy will make his wife dissatisfied and be loyal to Christina. Na's courtiers were thinking about it. Therefore, Karl X arranged Christina on the outskirts of the city on the grounds of security in the city, and waited until most of the generals had gone out before taking Christina into the Kazimierz Palace. This is not a few days earlier than Chechen's arrival in Warsaw.

Chechen just lay on the bed so stupidly, he didn't even know when Father Spasokukotsky would go out.

When someone knocked on the door, the sun was already slanting west.

"Chechen, are you there? I'm Chris." Christina shouted outside the door.

The door was opened and Christina walked in.

"His Royal Highness, Yean." Cheerchen greeted. He was angry in his heart, and his words also brought honorable titles.

Christina was a little surprised when she heard Cheerchen's voice: "Cheerchen, my friend. What's wrong with you?"

Cheerchen shook his head, and he asked Christina: "Chris, have you just returned from His Majesty King Carl X?"

Christina nodded and said with satisfaction: "I told him Marshal Wichensburg's atrocities in Lidaburg. Cousin Carl, his cousin was furious. He said that he would not let his subordinates wantonly. Recklessly, he must deal with it with the justice of a king."

But Cheerchen no longer believes in the so-called "king's justice" now. He shook his head, and then said: "Chris, Father Spasokukotsky and I wanted to go to Czestochowa on the pilgrimage. Can you prepare a pass for us so that we can go all the way? Unhindered. We are ready to set off tomorrow."

Originally, Cheerchen wanted to stay here for a few more days, but now he has changed his mind.

Christina was a little surprised when she heard that Cheerchen was about to leave. Immediately, she wondered if it was because of her poor hospitality.

"Chechen, if your Majesty and I have a poor reception, please forgive me. Please also stay a few more days. You know, I have no friends in Warsaw."

Christina's serious and concerned expression warmed Cheerjin's heart, and he couldn't help feeling ashamed that he had doubted Christina.

But his determination to leave has not changed.

"No, Chris. Your hospitality with His Majesty the King was very thoughtful. It was our original plan." Cheer Chen "cheated" Christina.

Seeing Cheerchen insisted on leaving, Christina didn't want to stay. She just repeatedly asked Cheerchen to visit Warsaw again when he came back.

Cheerchen naturally agreed to this request.

"Chris, you see how beautiful the night is outside! The scenery during the day is also beautiful, you should take a look at such a beautiful scenery." When Christina was about to leave to go back to the room to rest, Cheerchen suddenly came to him with no thoughts. Such a sentence.

This is Cheerchen's hint to Christina. He didn't want to provoke Christina and Karl X's relationship, but Cheerchen was a little worried about whether Karl X would deceive his friend Chris in other ways.

The next day, Carl X showed his reluctance to give up Cheerchen's request to leave. He smiled and saved Cheerchen a few Seeing Cheerchen still insisted on leaving, Karl X sighed, he quickly wrote a few sentences on the desk, and then gave a pass Cheer Chen.

"It’s okay if you want to visit the Great Bright Mountain Monastery. Although I haven’t been there, I’ve heard about the grandeur and grandeur of the monastery for a long time. I think I will choose to be crowned there when the war in Poland is over. I respect Poland. People’s faith, so I ordered my generals not to step into the gate of the monastery at one step. When you get there, you can repeat this to the priests of the monastery.” Karl X said.

"Your Majesty the King is kind." Cheerchen complimented.

Karl X nodded.

"You know, Cheerchen. I really hope you can join the Swedish army. Although Sweden is a Protestant country, we do not exclude others who believe in Catholicism. There are many foreigners who believe in Catholicism in my army. In office."

Obviously, this was the olive branch that Karl X threw to Cheorchen.

"Thank your majesty for your love, but I have already been loyal to Prince Yanush." ​​Cheerchen rebuffed it euphemistically, finding a reason.

"Did you swear to him?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

This reason is very good. Even if you are the king of a country, you cannot deprive other nobles of their vassals at will.

"This is really a pity." Karl X nodded helplessly.

"So Chechen, I wish you a smooth journey. But I still have a small request, that is, please make a record of what happened on the road, and then tell me when you come back." Karl X said.

Cheer Chen certainly agreed to this request.

The meeting between the two was over, Cheer Chen went to say goodbye to Christina again. Then, together with Father Spasokukotsky, they headed towards Czestochowa.