The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 268: Dispatch troops

Vrzevic’s sneak attack ended in failure. He himself took the Swedish pistol cavalry back to the camp where Arvid Wedenberg was stationed. There, Alvid Wedenberg was about to hear the good news of the success of the attack and to see the treasure of a carriage and a carriage, but now he is disappointed. Only a group of empty-handed and gray-faced men and horses returned.

"What's the matter?" Alvid Widenberg asked.

"Those damned monks are prepared. They seem to know that we are going to attack. Those empty gun positions are full of people. They beat me out as soon as I approached the gate of the monastery. They are still invincible. The Swedish army fired artillery. This is an insult to you and His Majesty the King!"

Arvid Widenberg looked gloomy after hearing Wrzevic's words. The white beard on his upper lip was shaking uncontrollably with the twitching of his facial skin. Anyone who knows the temper of the general knows that this is Arvid Widenberg who is about to get angry. And once this casual and not angry Swedish general starts a fire, it is unbearable for ordinary people.

Vrzevic was on his knees. Seeing that Alvid Widenberg hadn't moved for a long time, he couldn't help but raised his head. This admiration coincides with Alvid Wedenberg's eyes.

Now, Vrzevic is going to suffer.

Arvid Widenberg was originally furious at how a small monastery dared to resist the Swedish army. But when he saw the scorching and disgusting back of his head burned by the fire, and seeing that he dared to look up at him, Alvid Widenberg couldn't help but anger him.

Alvid Widenberg pulled it up. He was clutching the collar and roared: "You said that monks in the monastery would never dare to resist; you said that I will see boxes of treasures. But where are these things now? You liar!"

After speaking, Arvid Widenberg pushed Frzevic to the ground. Although Arvid Wedenberg is less than half the size of the tall Frzevic, now Arvid Wedenberg is like a lion and Frzevic is like a sheep.

Frzevich staggered up from the ground. He is very clear that everything he has now is given by the Swedes, and he is a useful dog in the eyes of the Swedes. If you lose the trust of Alvid Wedenberg because of this mistake, your dog will be kicked away, and the Swedes will find a smarter and more useful dog to replace themselves. There are many candidates for this kind of land in the Republic of Poland.

"General! My benefactor and protector. Yes, I did say that I will bring you countless treasures, but I rely on your boundless reputation. Because of your invincible reputation makes this film. Everyone on the land trembles. In my opinion, the monks in the Great Guangmingshan Monastery should be like this. But I never dreamed that those brave monks were not sincere and fearful when they saw your messenger. , They fired at the general and your messengers with their inferior hands, causing the messengers to bleed. This is my miscalculation, but just like no one can count the stars in the sky and measure the depth of the sea, I This miscalculation is really excusable, because no one can predict the unforeseen."

The flattering self-defense of Wrzevic's Arvid Widenberg's heart is extremely comfortable. He also succeeded in drawing the anger of Arvid Wiedenberg to this side of the monastery.

Arvid Wiedenberg then ordered Korstenmatsu to return to Krakow to deploy troops, and he wanted to level the monastery.

Frzevich was overjoyed when he saw that his words worked, and Arvid Wiedenberg no longer blamed himself. He told Arvid Widenberg that his Polish puppet army stationed in Krakow could also go into battle at any time.

It would take a week to transfer troops from Krakow at the fastest. Arvid Widenberg would certainly not wait in the field for such a long time, so he first returned to Vadovac, where he waited for reinforcements.

When Arvid Widenberg sent troops, the monastery was not idle. They mainly did two things.

The first thing is to block the door. During a routine inspection, Cheechen unexpectedly discovered that there were many door openings on the wall of the monastery. These doorways are as high as one person, and they are hidden behind weeds and shrubs. If you don't look carefully, most people can't find them.

Cheerchen hurriedly called Dean Koldecki to see him. The dean of the monastery didn't know when these gates were opened and what their use was. Later, Cheerchen and Dean Koldecki found the one-hundred-year-old deputy dean. Cheerchen learned from him that these gates were used by the monastery to relieve congestion and make it easier for believers and tourists to enter the monastery. It was opened temporarily for the pilgrimage. Later, after the monastery re-expanded the gates, these gates were no longer needed to dredge the flow of people, but these gates were not filled in, so they stayed until they were forgotten and overgrown with weeds.

Hearing what the old deputy dean said, Cheerchen and the dean were shocked in a cold sweat all their lives. Imagine if these hidden doorways were discovered by the Swedes in future battles, and they sneaked in from them, the monastery’s defenders would be unprepared.

After this, Cheorchen requested that all these door holes be blocked with stones and mud from the inside.

The second thing is to send people to a nearby village to find soldiers who can use artillery. In the previous shelling that drove Frzevic, Chechen found that the monks of the monastery were firing at a very poor level. They had no knowledge of artillery at all. But this is no wonder, after all, these artillery monks use them as salutes most of the time. And without a qualified gunner, it is unthinkable to want to defend the monastery.

Fortunately, Chechen learned from some nobles who lived in the monastery that many of the militia groups that originally defended Krakow were mostly disbanded by the Swedes and returned to their hometowns after Stefan Czarnetski surrendered. These people have combat experience, and their tactical literacy is much better than the monks. Cheerchen commissioned several nobles to find and hire. It took two days to find four In short, Cheerchen has done his best to strengthen the defense of the monastery these days. Natalie's performance also impressed Natalie, and she spoke softly to Cheerchen.

"You are really a good soldier. Have you thought about serving for His Majesty the King in the future?"

Natalie said to Cheerchen after a labor that blocked the doorway. Smoothly, she also handed a handkerchief to Cheerchen.

Cheerchen wiped his face with the handkerchief. The handkerchief is made of silk and is extremely soft, with a delicate fragrance on it.

"What kind of person is your king? I heard people say that he is extremely stingy, regardless of rewards and punishments. Especially for Yanush." ​​Chechen said.

Of course, most of these statements Chechen heard from Yanush and his cronies.

"It's not your king, but His Majesty King Kazimierz." Natalie corrected Chechen's statement.

Then she sighed again: "I know that your Majesty’s political opponents will use all kinds of slanders to slander your Majesty’s reputation, but you must believe that these are not true. Your Majesty’s leadership in the difficult times of the Republic For us, even though he was in Silesia, he never cared about the domestic war situation for a moment. Whenever news of a victory came, he was more cheerful than anyone else. Although many times it turned out that they were scammers. A fabricated lie... He loves this country, even if it is not his homeland..."

From Natalie's mouth, Cheer Chen heard a completely different version of King Kazimierz he had heard before. In this version, King Kazimierz worried about state affairs and treated his subordinates graciously. He was a rare good king.

"If there is a chance, I will go to Silesia to meet King Kazimierz." Cheerchen did not give a definite promise, but replied vaguely.