The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 29: Scapegoat (3)

   "Ah, Lord, lead us forward.

   Your poor servants!

  From the heavy shackles,

  From the integrity of the noble lords,

   came to the bright morning light,

   came to a quiet place with fertile aquatic plants,

   came to the pure land of bliss on earth,

   came to this great world.

   Ah, Lord, please listen to our prayers——

   Please listen to the prayers of our helpless,

   Please listen to the prayers of our poor helpless. "

   "Enough, Blair. Stop singing."

   Blair's playing and singing stopped abruptly in Oleg's roar. The end of the performance is not because of Oleg, but the song is over.

   Blair raised his head and glanced at Oleg. The bear-like strong man's jaw was swollen and flushed, and his arm was also injured.

   "Who made you like this?" Blair asked.

"It's none of your business, Blair. Didn't I already say that I won't help you anymore, why don't you leave." Oleg picked up a bottle on the table, whether it was water or wine, and poured it all in one breath. Go down.

   "I stay here because someone wants to see you." Blair replied.

"who is it?"

   "It's me." A man in a cloak walked out of the black shadow and lifted the cloak on his head.

   "Bao Hong!" Oleg exclaimed. He did not expect that this Cossack commander who was as famous as Bogdan Khmelnitsky would have entered Smolensk.

   Instinctively, Oleg drew half of the saber from his waist.

   "My brother, I came here to drink with you." Bao Hong couldn't help feeling amused when he saw that Oleg was so close.

   "If you really want to catch me, you should not draw your knife at this time. Instead, you should shoot at the roof so that the whole Smolensk people will know that I am coming."

   "Oleg, turn the knife back. Cossacks don't hit Cossacks." Blair also persuaded.

   Oleg glanced at Bao Hong, then at Blair. Finally, he put the knife back in, and then sat down on the chair.

   "I will not betray my father."

   Oleg repeated it again. Oleg didn't know how many times he had said this to Blair in the past few days.

  Since the two Cossacks’ company captains decided to take Smolensk before Tsarist Russia, Blair was sent into the city to contact possible betrayers. He found Oleg, but he did not expect that although Oleg did not betray him, he had no interest in surrender.

"I know, I know. Oleg. The old head of Tatarchuk is also a Cossack I respect very much, but now he is on a crooked road and actually helped the Poles beat our Cossacks. Any conscientious Cossack is Wouldn't agree to this, you, as his son, should stand up and correct this mistake." Blair said politely. He and Oleg once fought in a trench and ate with a horse spoon, so they always hoped that Oleg could stand on the side of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and help Baohong capture Smolensk.

   No matter what Blair said, Oleg still shook his head.

   "How much benefit did the Poles give you? Oleg." Bao Hong, who had been silent just now, suddenly said.

   "What did you say?" Hearing Bao Hong unexpectedly said that he was helping the Poles for money and status, Oleg couldn't help but furious. No one can insult himself so much when he comes out, even the famous Bao Hong.

   "Bao Hong." Blair also reminded Bao Hong in a low voice. Obviously, he also felt that Bao Hong's words were too much.

   But Baohong turned a deaf ear to Blair’s reminder, and he continued: "How much did the Poles give you? How about I double it for you."

   "Bao Hong, take your words back." Oleg stared at Bao Hong like an aggressive bull.

"Why? Speaking of your heart. What love for your father, do you really have such nobleness? Who is your mother? Ukraine. And now your mother is bleeding because someone pierced her body. "Bao Hong pointed to the direction of the castle, and continued: "And those of your Cossack brothers, they will fight with their siblings under your order, and the Cossacks fight the Cossacks. This is what the noble lords want to see most. It's here. And you, for helping them realize their wish, how can they thank you? I think they will give your saber a golden handle."

   Bao Hong sneered at Oleg as soon as he came up. As if he was in his own camp, he was not worried at all that Oleg, who was furious, would call someone to arrest him.

   The atmosphere in the house is as quiet as before the storm. Bao Hong and Oleg looked at each other like this. This is a contest of will, a battle of affection between "mother" and "father".

   Oleg's heart is not as tough as he appears. In fact, Blair's persuasion had already caused waves in his heart.

Yes, let’s see how those so-called Polish nobles ruined this land and the people—the nobles and their Jewish rent collectors smashed the bones and squeezed the peasants in Ukraine. After a year’s work, every grain was handed over. The land rent still owes money to the noble lords; and these Cossacks are sent to the most dangerous places in every battle, but the wages and rewards are the least. In the eyes of the nobles, Cossacks are cannon fodder.

   And now, Bao Hong’s cynicism aroused Oleg’s rebellious psychology He wanted to prove that he was also a Cossack. Without betraying his father.

   Finally, Oleg was the first to weaken in this contest.

   "I don't need to fight with you. You should attack from the east gate. I will apply to my father to transfer the Cossacks to the other three gates." Oleg said. This is already the biggest compromise or even help he can make.

   "Not enough." Bao Hong shook his head and said.

   "Then what do you want! I will not betray my father." Oleg did not expect that Bao Hong was not satisfied with his compromise.

   "Help us blow up the artillery positions." Bao Hong said.

   This is the plan I made after exploring Smolensk these days. In Smolensk, the most threatening to the Siege Cossacks was the artillery positions. The Cossacks did not have artillery that could contend with Poland. Once they attacked the city, their soldiers would fall under the artillery shells in batches.

   "It's impossible!" Oleg said: "The artillery position is the most closely guarded place in Smolensk. It has always been guarded by the mercenary regiment and the city defense regiment. Our Cossacks can't get in at all."

   Of course, if Oleg can lead the Cossacks in the rebellion, it is not hopeless to seize the artillery position. But in this way, Tatarchuk, who had betrayed himself, was something Oleg would never do.

   "I only need your help to divert the guards of the artillery positions. Blair and I will do the bombing." Bao Hong said.

   "You two?" Oleg exclaimed. Although Oleg was called "Little Bao Hong", he felt that he was crazy when he saw it today. He was not as good as the real Bao Hong when he saw it. He actually wanted to rely on two people to hold the entire artillery position.

   "Two people are enough." Bao Hong said confidently.