The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 290: Victory of the General Soldier

History is such a coincidence.

On the day when the rebels led by Stefan were defeated by the Swedes, another Stefan also started a battle belonging to him in Yaroslaw, not far from Lublin. The two sides of this battle were the Swedish general Simon Grendel and two Swedish squadrons led by him. Twelve people.) and a Polish puppet army of 3,000 people, and the other is 8,000 people under the leadership of Stefan Czarnetski, the Krakow General Soldier of the Republic of Poland.

General Stefan Chanecki announced his betrayal of the agreement reached with the Swedes shortly after the Swedes invaded Czestochowa, on the grounds that the Swedes had violated another agreement first. Due to the achievements of the General Army in the battle to defend Krakow, many rebels and militias came to him. Even Marshal Lubaumacki of Lviv sent him supplies.

After regrouping, Stefan Charnetski began to attack the Swedish army everywhere. Every time he attacked the Swedes' food requisition team, food transport team and garrison team with a small group of elite and fast cavalry.

The Swedish general Simon Grendel was ordered to deal with Stefan Charnetski, but he was led by the nose by Stefan Charnetski.

Yaroslaw was the battlefield chosen by Stefan Czarnetski for Simon Grundel. Prior to this, General Çarnetsky had dangled Simon and his army and circled the area of ​​Yaroslaw in countless circles in a week.

During the day, Polish hussars will emerge from various unexpected places. They attacked the grain transport team and the weak Polish puppet army, and left with one blow without any delay. When General Simon sent the Swedish heavy pistol cavalry to counterattack, the Polish light cavalry would use their speed advantage to quickly disappear into the vast snowy field.

Every night, there will be gunshots in the village where the Swedish army is stationed, and when the Swedes awakened from a dream and rushed to the place where the gunshot, the shooter had already escaped. And when they are ready to continue to rest, the gunshots will rang again. Not a day, they can get a good night's sleep.

More painful than not being able to sleep is the fact that the Swedes have to use melted ice water to cook their meals, which makes many people in the army upset. Because all the wells were destroyed by the Poles. Polish women cut off their long whips, cut them into dregs and threw them into the well. The simple filtering device in the hands of the Swedes cannot filter, and the consequences of drinking this water mixed with hair are fatal.

This method of tactics of the Krakow General Army was dubbed "guerrilla warfare" in the far east.

Although Simon Grendel is also a Swedish veteran, when he realized that his army would be dragged down without the attack of the Poles and chose to retreat, Stefan Charnetsky had already Gathered all the troops he could, ready to encircle him.

When the Swedish army retreated to Yaroslaw, the main force led by Stefan Czarnetsky blocked his way.

By now, even if General Simon Grindel knew that his army was extremely exhausted, he had to take the battle passively.

General Simon Grundel divided the Swedish army into front and back lines. The two squadrons of the Swedish army with the strongest combat effectiveness were on the second line, while the 2,000-strong Polish puppet army dismissed the Spanish phalanx which was still prevailing in Eastern Europe at that time. In this tactical system that has begun to fall behind, several phalanxes of 1000-person long spears with a depth of more than 10 rows are arranged in a staggered manner on the battlefield to cover each other. On both sides of each phalanx, there are four columns of arquebuses, each with 12 arquebuses. These musketeers stepped forward and fired in the battle, and then pushed to the back row to fill up to maintain the continuity of firepower.

Simon Grendel didn't want these Polish Royal Confederates to use more advanced Swedish tactics, but he was afraid that once these Royal Confederate troops formed a smaller squadron to fight, these Royal Confederate troops would be scattered. Because these imperial coopers are used to reporting group combat, the larger the number of them, the more secure they feel, the stronger their combat effectiveness, and vice versa.

General Simon Grundel also deliberately put together the experienced and strongest Swedish pistol cavalry with the less experienced and inferior transport team. He had a hunch that Stefan Çarnetski would send a surprise soldier to attack his weak link.

Cavalry units composed of a small number of Polish puppet troops were deployed on the two wings of the infantry unit. The artillery position consisting of 6 artillery pieces is located at the forefront of the whole army. Fearing that the light cavalry, who had the advantage of the Polish army, would outflank the flanks, the old general also deployed a large number of trucks on both sides of the army to cover the surrounding skirmishers and musketeers against the cavalry.

Stefan Çarnetski’s army led by a two-to-one advantage in number, he chose a stretched formation, deployed the infantry in the center, and deployed cavalry units on the two wings to spread out an extremely wide formation to encircle. The inferior strength of the Swedes. The Polish army has deployed the worst peasant army on the front line. They are all composed of peasants who have put down their hoes; behind them is an army composed of a large number of formally trained militias. The foreign mercenary regiment with the strongest combat effectiveness is deployed in the third line as a general reserve.

At the same time, General Stefan Çarnetski also had more artillery pieces that were of lesser quality than the Swedes for fire support.

The first shot of the battle was fired by the Krakow General Army.

A fifty-man Polish pistol cavalry deployed at the forefront of the battle line. They used their pistols to disrupt the infantry phalanx of the Polish puppet army, trying to lure the opponent to attack first. Unfortunately, the Swedish artillery used shells to disperse the pistol cavalry.

The real battle between the two armies began in the mutual firing of artillery. Although the Swedish artillery has an advantage in quality. But luck did not stand by their side.

In the first round of shelling, Duke Miller, the artillery commander of the Swedish army, was shot in two by a solid shell. His blood stained the ground, and the colorful intestines wriggled like earthworms in the snow. .

The Swedish artillery experienced a brief period of chaos after losing its commander. But they quickly regained their composure, and the lieutenant of Duke Miller assumed the duties.

However, the Polish Imperial Army deployed on the front line was not as calm as the Swedish army. Under the continuous shelling pressure, the panicked Imperial Army of Poland launched the first charge. A large number of infantrymen of the Imperial Confederate Army at the front line fired continuously with artillery and enemy musketeers, and launched a charge. They quickly crossed the line of life and death caused by artillery fire from both sides, and launched a close battle with their compatriots.

Seeing that the infantry was in a melee, the cavalry deployed by Stefan Czarnetsky on the two wings also launched a large-scale outflanking on the two wings. The carbines in their hands kept firing at the flanks of the Polish puppet army and the cavalry units deployed by the Polish puppet army on both wings.

For the transport team that Simon was worried about before the war, a Polish cavalry also launched an attack on them. However, due to the blockade of the car array, they could only shoot from a distance. Because the Swedish pistol cavalry is equipped with high-quality plate armor, they don't have to worry too much about the firing of the musket at a long distance. And because there are strict disciplines, they will never launch a chase rashly.

The Swedish soldiers of a squadron scattered into skirmishers on both sides and fired back with muskets. Their high-quality Mikale muskets successfully repelled the Polish cavalry.

In hand-to-hand combat, the peasant army deployed by Stefan Çarnetski on the central line suffered heavy casualties. Although they were almost the last person in the fight, they still couldn't stop the rain of bullets from the Imperial Army.

The Imperial Army of Poland miraculously defeated the peasant army and occupied the artillery position on the front line, but their strength and physical strength were also greatly consumed. And this is exactly what Stefan Charnetsky aims for.

Seeing that their artillery positions were occupied, the militia forces on the second line immediately launched a counterattack. They held up their long spears and launched a charge in a dense phalanx. The musketeers on both sides of the phalanx also continued to fill and shoot as they advanced, effectively suppressing the Polish puppet army on the opposite side. In front of the spear-lined phalanx of the more morale and stamina militia, the infantry of the Imperial Union of Poland began to collapse.

Stefan Çarnetski took advantage of the momentum to launch a counterattack across the board. The real elite of the general soldiers—the foreign mercenary regiment was thrown into the battlefield. The cavalry deployed on their periphery also spotted the opportunity and launched another flanking attack. In the attack of the two forces, the Polish puppet army finally collapsed.

At this moment, General Simon Grendel had to put his own team on the battlefield.

The Swedish pistol cavalry was sent on the two wings to block the encirclement of the enemy cavalry, while the infantry of the two squadrons supported the front line.

However, due to the counterattack of the Swedish pistol cavalry, their rear was empty. A large number of Polish hussars began to replay their old skills from the flank of the Swedish army behind them. Some cavalry jumped off their horses and removed the obstacles.

Without the support of the Swedish pistol cavalry, the transport team at the end of the battle line was unable to withstand such a high-intensity attack due to lack of training. They retreated towards the front. This in turn caused the infantry and cavalry on the front line to fall into the siege of the Polish army. Stefan Çarnetski’s cavalry can strike from all directions.

But until this time, the Swedish army was still stubbornly resisting. Entrapped by them, the Polish Imperial Army had to temporarily die hard to the end.

Seeing that Simon Grendel is still supporting Stefan Czarnetski threw out his assassin-Polish cavalry.

Because Stefan Çarnetski did not have the wing cavalry known as the strongest assault force in the Republic. In the face of the phalanx of the Swedish Pikemen, it is difficult to win without a strong assault force. So the commander recruited many long spears of the same length as the wing cavalry's ultra-long cavalry for his light cavalry to use, and asked them to train wall assault.

This is the first time that these Polish cavalry have demonstrated the results of their training on the battlefield.

If a wall enters, the blocker is invincible.

"Block! Block!"

Simon Grendel was so heartbroken that he shouted in despair.

If the Swedish pikemen stood in front of the Polish cavalry, relying on their strict training and iron discipline, they might be able to resist it. After all, the daring cavalry did not have the excellent armor of the winged cavalry as protection. Unfortunately, Simon Grindel placed the Royal Polish Army on the periphery as cannon fodder. These people saw the overwhelming cavalry have long weakened their legs. When they saw that their own Musketeers could kill but couldn't stop the daring cavalry's charge, the Imperial Army Pikemen who stood on the front line completely lost their courage. They threw down their spears and began to rout.

The wave of retreat hit the two Swedish squadrons that tried to hold on, and their formation was also broken.

Seeing nothing, General Simon Grendel tried to escape from the encirclement under the protection of several guards.

But in the end, General Simon Grendel, who fled, was thrown off the horse because his horse slid. He was captured by the Poles, and the commander of the Imperial Army of Poland who was with him died here. A large number of Swedish infantry were easily slaughtered by Polish cavalry during the rout. As early as the appearance of the pseudo-wing cavalry, they lost their will to fight and became the Polish pseudo-army, and they surrendered in batches.