The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 346: Stepan Racine

? The night of Kafa city is beautiful. This trade center on the Crimean Peninsula has been called "the city that never sleeps" among foreigners. Cheerchen walked on the broad main road and came to the square area in the center of the city.

There is a huge circular fire platform on the city square. This fire platform will burn with raging flames both day and night, especially in the dark night like a blooming pearl. Unlike the Cossacks and Poles who used tar and candles as lighting materials, the Tatars used a black liquid that was accidentally excavated from the ground during the construction of the city. This liquid not only burned for a long time, but also No need to refine.

Around the fire station, countless vendors are selling a dazzling array of goods in front of their stalls. While these commodities are marked with metal currency prices, they also indicate the price ratios that can be exchanged for several slaves.

Like Ackerman's salt, Kapha's slaves are hard currency.

? The entire city of Kaffa is divided in an orderly manner according to the typical West Asian style. The North District, where Cheechen is about to go, is the largest slave trading market in the entire Kfar City.

In this market, the biggest customers are Arabs, Turks and Persians.

Cheechen saw that all the business was carried out in broad daylight: a young woman was stripped of the remaining clothes by a slave trader in full view, so that two Arab merchants with big beards could check and play. And molested. If they agree with the customers, these poor girls will be washed clean by the **** servants, then put on the veil and sent into the carriage of the Arab merchants. What awaits them will be a dark life, and their children will not be free and will become little slaves and continue to serve their masters.

Cheechen's gorgeous clothes made the slave traders think that he was a wealthy customer. These slave traders leaned forward, selling their slaves.

A slave trader even grabbed Chechen's hand directly and pressed it on the chest of a Russian girl in his hand.

After seeing that Cheorchen was not interested in female slaves, they began to promote male **** workers again.

And female prisoners can only be used by slave owners to vent their **** and do housework. Male captives are obviously more useful and can create wealth. Especially those with special skills. Such as doctors, blacksmiths, carpenters, clerks, weavers, engineers, professional soldiers, mercenaries, etc. The price they will be bidding in the market is also the highest.

Especially mercenaries and professional soldiers. The *** rulers of that era, whether they were from Persia, Egypt or Morocco, had already realized the military changes brought about by the advancement of Western military technology, so the sultans would pay high salaries to Hotan after purchasing them. These soldiers were tempted to form a Western-style army composed of European slaves to fight against European countries and their neighbours. But this does not mean that the situation of these slaves is better. On the contrary, most material rewards are based on conversion, that is, joining the Confucianism.

Although many people pretend to believe in paganism with the idea of ​​being more free and having more chances to escape after their conversion, their skin color and appearance, as well as the state of being under surveillance, still make it difficult for them to escape. Return to hometown.

Although he sympathized with the situation of these slaves, Tetsuchen was not the savior and was unable to rescue them. After inquiring where the slave trader Harmon was, Cheerchen got rid of the entanglement of the slave traders and found the slave trader who held the Oksana family in his hands.

When Cheerchen saw Harmon, this is said to be the oldest slave trader in the city of Kaffa, checking his wholesale slaves from the Tatar Raiders and Crimean nobles in various ways. Harmon pulled the muscles of a sturdy white slave to test his strength. Then, Harmon used a wooden stick to pry open his mouth, looking at his mouth like a horse and a donkey; Harmon even opened the slave's pants and carefully checked the skin under the slave to see if there was any venereal disease or skin. Obvious symptoms such as disease.

"Very good." Harmon praised. This shows that the slave has passed his inspection and can be put on a stall for sale.

Taking advantage of this vacancy, Cheerchen talked to Harmon about the fact that he was going to buy Oksana's clan.

"Oksana introduced it?" Old Harmon looked up and down Chechen. After a while, he gave a knowing smile.

"Children, that gypsy woman tastes good, right?" Harmon asked with a wicked smile.

Obviously, he regarded Cheorchen as a dude who bowed down under the pomegranate skirt of Oksapé.

Chechen didn't reply, he followed Harmon to a wooden cage.

"Five people, a total of 300 Taylors." Harmon said, shaking the key.

Sure enough, the general price is ripped off. When Cheerchen was passing the market just now, the strong man promoted by a slave trader was no more than 45 Taylor.

Chechen did not bargain with Harmon, he directly took out a purse and threw it to Harmon.

"People are yours."

Harmon didn't even count the money inside. Years of experience has made him know the amount of money in the purse after weighing it twice.

Cheechen had passed the five scrawny gypsies. They were strung together with ropes, and inside were old people and children. They looked at Cheer Chen, mistakenly thinking that he was a little slave owner, and everyone trembled.

"Don't be afraid, I'm Oksana's friend." Cheechen said, but these slaves just looked at him blankly.

Then Cheer Chen was ready to take the person away. At this moment, a slave fell on the cage.

"My benefactor, protector, please take me away. I will swear allegiance to you." said the slave.

Chechen took a fixed look, and at the first glance, he was attracted by this person's eyes.

What kind of wild eyes are that! His eyes went straight into the black hole, as if to absorb everything. Chechen had never seen such a look.

Cheerchen looked at the person carefully, only to see that this person was medium to short and average-looking. The slave's face was full of beards, his hair and beard were brown, and the beard on his upper lip covered his lips because he had not been repaired for a long time; the bridge of his nose was as straight as a marble sculpture.

"Damn slave, what's it called!" Harmon struck his hand on the wooden fence with a whip.

The slave withdrew his hand in pain. Harmon was waiting for the second hit, but Cheerchen grabbed Harmon's arm.

"What's your name?" Cheerchen asked.

"Master, my name is Stepan Racine," the slave proclaimed.

Cheerchen hesitated. Although he became interested in Stepan Racine, he had to take risks when he bought him and brought him back. After all, your own ship is the biggest secret.

After hesitating again and again, Cheer Chen still took out a money bag full of 50 Taylors.

"This slave is mine." Cheerchen said to Harmon.

Harmon took the money bag. He wanted to sit down and raise the price, but he hesitated or gave up the idea. UU Reading After all, Harmon also has professional ethics—he has earned enough from Cheor Chen today.

Cheerchen led the six slaves he bought from the slave market. He opened Stepan Racine's handcuffs and said to him, "You are free."

Stepan Racine moved his wrist, but there was not the slightest joy in his expression.

Stepan Racine grabbed Cheerchen's hand and kissed, and begged Cheerchen: "Please don't drive me away, Master. Let me join your team, I will be very useful."

Cheerchen's mind was shocked. Does this person see who he is?

"Do you know who I am?" Cheerchen asked tentatively. His hand has been quietly stretched to the back of the waist, where a page hammer is hidden.

Stepan Racine pointed to the slender sword at Chechen's waist.

"You must be a great mercenary. I have seen many mercenaries who come to Kaffa use this kind of weapon, but none of them have such a heavy murderous aura. Master, my dream since I was a child is to become a soldier on the battlefield. Warrior, I don't want to be a serf all my life, because I don't think I'm any lower than the noble master. I want to change my destiny." Stepan Racine said like a chant.

Cheerchen slowly took out the hand on the lower back.

"I am indeed a mercenary." Cheer Chen said frankly.

Stepan Racine had a look of joy on his face.

"But, I don't need subordinates now. These are 5 Taylors. You take them first. If I need you before you run out of the money, then I will come to you."

Stepan Racine took the money. He kissed Cheerchen's hand again.

"I will wait forever, Master." He said, "There is one more thing, Master, I want to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

"You were deceived."