The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 352: Chengjun 1

On the second day Victor arrived, Cheerchen went to the leader of Sapega. Due to the conflict between Prince Mihavu and Cheerchen, Cheerchen was worried at the beginning whether Sapega would show her face because of this, but he did not expect that the leader of Sapega would not have such a small belly, but gave him two things. The organization of thousands of people allowed it to reorganize the mercenary group. This really makes Cheor Chen feel that he is saving the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart.

Similarly, this order made Pidro ecstatic. Whenever he meets a person, whether he knows him or not, Pidro will praise him for the generosity of Saperga. And he said categorically: It is not without reason that Saperga can defeat Prince Yanush, because he is twice as generous as the Prince (Chechen is just a mercenary of a thousand people under Yanush's command). Head of the regiment).

But after a few days, Cheerchen and Pidro were unhappy. Because Sapega commanded Cheerchen, they sent a total of only 1,000 recruits, and they were all old and weak. Their average age is over thirty, and some have never touched a gun before they even came. According to Pidro, even those who used to be under Bashit are better than them, at least they have seen blood. The weapons that came with them were also the worst—there were no long spears, only short spears; the muskets were matchlock muskets. As for the armor, there is no armor at all, only military uniforms.

Cheerchen also went to the quartermaster responsible for this matter. According to Victor's "rules", Cheerchen gave the quartermaster a purse containing two hundred Taylors as soon as he met.

But the quartermaster, who was as thin as a monkey, looked around quickly, and then put the money bag into his arms in a thunderous manner. Although rich and easy to do things, when the quartermaster heard that Cheerchen was here to ask for someone, he reluctantly spread his hand and said: Now all the generals and colonels are asking for someone from him, and they can give to the mercenary group. Supplementing these thousand people is already because of the special care of the leader of Sapega. Moreover, the quartermaster also told Cheerchen that Werner was only responsible for providing the salary of one thousand of the two thousand people, and Cheerchen had to figure out the other methods by himself.

Cheerchen had never encountered this kind of thing before under Prince Yanush's command. And Cheerchen was even more shocked that playing for the Republic of Poland even had to pay for it himself.

Seeing Cheerchen such a layman, looking at Qian’s face, the quartermaster explained to Cheerchen that the army of the Republic is mainly composed of:

1. Regular Army: Soldiers and officers who make a living from the army derived from taxes.

2. Semi-regular army: A semi-regular army recruited in wartime. Of course, in 1652, in order to cope with increasingly frequent wars, the semi-regular army united with the regular army to form a new permanent army.

3. Aristocratic Army: The army recruited by the aristocracy.

4. Irregular army: the army that recruits peasants to serve.

V. Cossacks: An army composed of Cossacks, mainly infantry, is not often recruited as cavalry.

6. The Forbidden Army: Mainly refers to the army that defends the king and his family.

7. Foreign mercenaries: As a supplement to the regular army, Germans, Scots, Wallachians, Serbs, Hungarians, Bohemians, Moravians and Spaniards are mainly hired. .

8. Private army: A small army that is paid by nobles or a certain city for military expenses and equipment. During the war, the Republic will allow them to expand their military strength, and the country will pay for their military expenses and equipment, but only the expanded part.

And like Chechen’s mercenary group, the leader of Sapega defined it as a private army rather than a mercenary. Because of this, the quartermaster allocated a thousand people to him, because Chechen's mercenary group originally had a number of one thousand people, and the total number was just two thousand.

Although Cheer Chen didn't understand why the leader of Sapega divided his mercenary regiment into private troops, the impact on him was extremely bad because he had to recruit soldiers on his own.

Toru asked if Anjay or Mihav had encountered a problem like himself, and how they solved it.

The quartermaster then said: "Anjay Kmicicz is the lord of Polotsk. Of course he has the power to recruit local nobles and peasants into an army, and their family also has a lot of land in the local area, enough to cope with part of it. The cost of the soldiers is gone; and the rank of Colonel of the Mihau Knight is the establishment of the regular army of the Republic, and his soldiers are all fed by the imperial food, and the state will supplement it."

Having said this, the quartermaster patted Cheerchen on the shoulder with relief and told Cheerchen the good news: An officer of a private army like Cheorchen who took the initiative to serve for the Republic, although the Republic would not pay him full salary. , But his mercenary group was able to exclusively enjoy all the spoils and the ransom of the captives.

Cheerchen could only respond with a wry smile for this "good news". I can't even make up the number of mercenary groups now.

Since there were not enough people, Cheerchen had to ask for more weapons and equipment.

In response to this request, the quartermaster was very refreshed. He granted Cheorchen two hundred lances and one hundred revolver in one go.

This surprised Cheerchen. He didn't expect that only two hundred Taylors had played such a big role.

In the end, it was the quartermaster himself who explained the purpose of being so enthusiastic.

"Don't you know? After the spread between you and Prince Mihavu in Werner, the handicap has been opened for the one of you who married Miss Natalie from Kishka's house first." The quartermaster said.

"Oh? Will you bet on me to win?" Cheerchen asked.

"Of course, otherwise I will grant you so many weapons. You never think that you can buy me two hundred Thais, I'm a nobleman!"

"It seems that everyone is quite optimistic about me." Cheer Chen said to himself.

This was heard by the quartermaster. The quartermaster sneered.

"Don't be passionate, there are only a few people who are optimistic about you! Everyone is optimistic about Prince Mihavu. Having said that, I don't like you too much, Prince Jarimay is a hero I admire." The quartermaster said with emotion. .

"Then why are you betting me to win?"

"Of course, who has a grudge against money! And wealth and wealth are in danger. In case your dark horse bursts out of popularity, my one thousand Taylors will become ten thousand in an instant." The quartermaster said with a slanted eye.

Cheerchen left the quartermaster's office and returned to the station of the mercenary group outside the city. As soon as Cheerchen walked into the camp gate, he saw Victor training the thousand people in walking and platooning. The one-thousand-man team was divided into seven teams, and everyone held a short spear in his hand.

"The heels are in a line, and then as close as possible... the knees are straight; the hips are perpendicular to the ground; the arms are naturally drooping, the elbows are close to the body, the palms are slightly turned outwards, the small points are back, close to the trousers, and the head is straight. The chin is close to the neck, and his eyes are fixed on the ground fifteen steps ago."

Victor issued orders to the thousand people one by one. But each action seems simple, but it is still too difficult for beginners to make a thousand people uniform. After a while, the team had become crooked and distorted.

Cheerchen understood that Victor was training these people in accordance with the Spanish army's code of conduct. According to the requirements of the code, the basic step of each soldier is 72 steps per minute, each step is 64 centimeters. One more step will not work, and one less step will not work.

"Victor, are these people still useful?" Cheerchen asked Victor.

Hearing the shout of the captain, Victor turned and turned his head.

"Commander, I have never seen such a bad soldier." Victor said bluntly.

Cheerchen was about to say a few words of encouragement, when Pedro came out to meet Cheerchen and spoke:

"Don't complain, Victor. The Poles and Lithuanians are not meant to be infantry. This is what God meant, but they can't be blamed. God gave them the best cavalry, so he took away the talent of the infantry. To the Germans."

After speaking, Pidro asked Cheerchen again: "My dear nephew, do you want to meet someone when you come back from the quartermaster?"

" Let's go back to the camp and talk about it." Cheerchen didn't want to talk about this issue in the public. He wasn't afraid that Victor would hear it, but he was worried about the soldiers who had just joined.

After instructing Victor to continue training, Cheerchen and Pidro returned to the camp.

General Cheor Chen told Pidro what the quartermaster had said.

After listening to his nephew, Pedro's jaw almost fell off. He quickly calculated the expenses of one thousand people. Even if one Taylor was calculated for one person a week, he would get four thousand Taylors every month. He and Chechen’s little money might not be able to hold on for even a year.

Although the mercenary group can monopolize the spoils and the ransom of the captives, it is like the moon in the water, temporarily visible and intangible.

"It's going to go bankrupt, it's going to go bankrupt." Piedro muttered.

Seeing his uncle worried about money, Cheer Chen felt that he really didn't know the priorities. What should worry most now is the question of where to recruit the remaining 1,000 soldiers.

On this issue, Pidro was not as worried as Cheerchen. When he was a mercenary in Germany, he knew some German "friends" who made a living by "recruiting" soldiers for the mercenary groups of various countries. These "friends" can be a way to recruit soldiers. A noblewoman named Countess Otto who was very impressed by Pidro once invited many beggars to eat and drink on the grounds of charity, and then deceived them into the cellar. The countess suddenly took the cellar into the cellar. The door was closed and they starved inside until they agreed to join the army before letting them out and handing them over to the mercenary group where Pidro was at the time. The mercenary group only paid 18 Taylor's salary per person a year and a one-time agency fee of 20 Taylors.

"Nephew, how about I also gamble with the funds of the regiment?" Pidro suddenly had this idea.