The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 404: Meet Khan

"Our Khan is the descendant of Batu, the eldest grandson of Genghis Khan, and the descendant of the Golden Family, so when you see Khan himself, you must show the most respectful attitude."

On the way to Bujak Village, which belongs to the territory of the Crimean Khanate, Alan solemnly instructed Cheerchen.

At this time, the most bumpy one in the team was Alan. Because for Alan, Chechen, the Polish king's helper sent by the Polish king to help the Khan restore the country, made him suspicious, and the reasons were nothing more than being too young, not famous, and few in number.

Alan believed that Muhammad Glyy Khan would not be satisfied, and would be furious. He only wished his humility would calm Khan's anger a little.

After hearing Alan's words, Yelishei, who was riding with Fatima on horseback, said to Fatima: "I didn't expect that ***Glyy Khan has no sweat, and the spectrum is still so big. "

Fatima squinted at Yelishei, then turned her head back. Although she didn't look at Yelishei, her lips moved: "That khan has always been like this. He compares himself to the sun in the sky. But I didn't expect that the sun would set one day."

Yelishei heard that Fatima's words were full of sarcasm, and he asked strangely: "What? Did you have a feast with the khan before the leader?"

Fatima shook her head. But a gloomy smile appeared in her mind. The soaring fire, the smile of the yin bird, the blood all over the floor and the tattoo of Pisces...

It was already in mid-July. After accepting the task of helping ***Gley to restore the country, Cheerchen played a "good show" with King Kazimierz in the Kazimierz Palace in Warsaw. "——He first questioned King Kazimierz himself in the battle of Warsaw for such a great contribution in the Battle of Warsaw, but he didn’t get any rewards; then, Cheorchen shouted out the injustice of the Republic to him. He also threatened that if he could not be given reasonable compensation, he would take his mercenary group to seek refuge with the Swedes.

These words "naturally" caused Kazimierz's displeasure. Despite the plea of ​​Mihav and others, King Kazimierz still deprived the title of Chechen nobleman and expelled him from Warsaw.

So Cheerchen became a free mercenary again. And that piece of fief in Vidava, Kazimierz was passed on to Pedro, who spoke righteously in the Kazimierz Palace and exterminated his relatives.

In this way, after a double reed, Cheerchen took Yelishei, Fatima, Fedot, and Sarben on the journey to Crimea with Alan. The reason for choosing these four people to go together, Cheer Chen was also well thought out. Yelisei and Fydot are both Russians, which helps to separate the relations with the Republic of Poland, while Fatima is a Crimean and understands the customs of Crimea. And the three of them all supported their trip to Crimea. As for Sarben, Cheerchen was already carrying few people this time. Having a doctor with superb medical skills can significantly reduce the casualties of the troops.

As for Uncle Pidro and the others, Chechen didn't take them because they didn't agree to go to Crimea, but thought that they would better stay in the Republic of Poland. First, the status of priests such as Father Spasokukotsky is too conspicuous in the Crimean Khanate, which is not conducive to the completion of the task; second, the battle between Karl X and Kazimierz is about to come. Warsaw broke out under the city, most of the mercenary group stayed behind, and they can also contribute to the upcoming war.

Following Chechen and the others, there were the seven hundred Hessian mercenaries. Because their contract was signed with Cheerchen, only Cheerchen was loyal. In addition, Cheerchen also generously paid 50 Taylors to everyone at the time of the opening, which made these mercenaries fighting for money more loyal to work for Cheerchen. Naturally, the money came from the Polish treasury.

Taking advantage of King Kazimier's rare opportunity to beg and give himself, Cheerchen took the opportunity to call for the captured Cossacks such as Blair, and the name was of course the need of the task. Regrettably, when Cheerchen brought Blair and the others from the prison, three Cossacks had already been tortured and died in the prison.

Bao Hong, Christina and others followed the team and left Warsaw smoothly, no one interrogated them. Bao Hong and the others broke up with Chechen in Lviv, while Christina and Karlsson stayed. She disguised herself as Chris and became the deputy commander of the mercenary group now.

Of course, Christina stayed here to help Cheerchen. Cheerchen had no words to express the kindness of sister Christina's danger, and could only remember it silently.


Alan's voice awakened Fatima from the memory. At this time, they had already arrived outside the village of Bujak.

Bujak Village is a typical *** village located on the coast of the Black Sea. The buildings here still follow the habit of building with yellow clay for more than a thousand years. The houses are very low, most of them have only one storey, and only a few buildings are two storeys. Most of the houses are dotted with green, which are grape vines.

There is a dome-like building in the center of the village, which is the mosque in Bujak Village.

"Khan will see you there." Alan pointed to the mosque and said to Chechen.

Alan led Chechen and others through the streets of Bujak Village. When the villagers saw Alan hitting a horse, they all bend their waists deeply. Some of them were still crawling on the ground, their eyes full of awe.

Five people dismounted their horses in front of the mosque.

Standing at the door of the mosque were two Tatar warriors wearing traditional nomadic robes with sabers hanging on their shoulders and shoulders. The legs of the two were very open, which was obviously caused by long-term horse riding.

"Master Alan!" Two Tatar warriors saluted Alan.

Alan arrogantly did not express anything. He looked at the door of the mosque and said to the two warriors: "I have brought guests from Khan."

"Khan is waiting for you inside." A Tatar warrior said and opened the door.

"Please come in."

Alan made a "please" gesture, Cheer Chen, Fatima and others followed him in.

Along the way, because it was the first time to enter the mosque, Cheerchen simply looked around.

At the entrance of the mosque, there is a basin with clear water. There are no statues, portraits or offerings in the mosque, only the surrounding colonnades, and most of the walls in the temple face south, with a recessed niche in the middle of one of the walls. In the niche, there is a high platform with a ladder, with carpets underneath.

"Here! The others were waiting outside, but Khan saw Chechen alone." Alan stopped in front of a room with the door open, and then said without looking back.

Then, the Khan’s messenger took off his and walked in gently.

Cheerchen signaled that Fatima and the others were waiting outside, and he took off his shoes and followed it up.

Although it was daytime, the room was very dim. There was a person sitting deep in the room. Although four or five oil lamps were lit around him, Cheechen still couldn't see the person's appearance.

"Khan, your most loyal servant Alan is back."

Alan prostrated himself on the ground, his buttocks pushed high and seemed to be upwards, as if he could not express his respect so much.

Obviously, this person was the Mohammed Glyy who was usurped by his brother's position of Khan.

Although Alan had given an explanation before, Chechen didn't follow his ridiculous appearance and crawled on the ground, just bowed down and saluted.

In the dimness, Cheechen saw ***Glay Khan move, and then an oval-shaped object rolled in front of Alan.

It was a wild jujube, and it was bitten in half.

But Alan picked it up with cherishment, put it into her mouth and chewed carefully as if she was treating the most precious food in the world.

Cheerchen watched this scene coldly.

After Alan finished eating the jujube and squatted down again, ***Glay Khan asked him: "Did Jan Kazimierz agree to form an alliance?"


"How many reinforcements did he send? Who is leading the soldiers?"

Alan looked back at Tetsuchen anxiously.

"It's me, Alvar Chechen and my seven hundred mercenaries." Chechen replied for Alan.


Muhammad Gley stood up. He ignored an oil lamp by his side and fell to the ground, but stepped forward and gave Alan a vicious kick.

"Useless things." *** Grey scolded angrily.