The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 410: Bayezid Khan 2

The fuse of the power struggle between Mohamed Gley and Isilan Gley was caused by the different policies towards the Republic of Poland. Muhammad Glyy advocated an alliance with King Kazimierz and grabbed wealth from the war with the Cossacks; while Isilan Glyy held the opposite view. He believed that the Republic of Poland had no hope of victory and the Khanate should cooperate with him. The Cossacks of Zaporozhye formed an alliance to plunder wealth and population from the hinterland of the Republic.

Chechen tentatively pointed out that the Cossacks suffered heavy losses in the Baal Fortress, and he wanted to check whether they might stand against Muhammad Gley from the attitude of everyone, especially Bayezid Khan.

However, Bayezid Khan did not seem to be mad on his face, he cut off the topic categorically by ending the dinner.

Bayezid Khan’s wife and mother, as well as Khan’s senior officials, stood up and left, while the lower-level officials grabbed their positions like hungry tigers and began to gorge themselves.

"Khan, then my nephew and I will say goodbye to you." Sar wanted to say goodbye to Bayezid Khan.

"I will send you off." Bayezid Khan said.

Sarben and Chechen repeatedly said that they didn't dare, but Bayezid Khan insisted on giving it away.

Therefore, the three had to follow Bayezid Khan towards the gate of the palace.

"Oh, yes. Mr. Sarben. Where are you and your nephew going next?" Bayezid Khan asked casually.

"Khan, the abundance of Ackerman's products is beyond our expectations. My nephew wants to use the materials and money acquired in Ackerman to buy slaves in Kafa. We heard that the slaves there are unimaginably cheap. "Salben said humbly.

Bayezid Khan laughed loudly.

"I'm afraid it's not so good now. Seven or eight years ago, a bowstring could be exchanged for a slave. But now the price is still fair. Your nephew is very good at doing business." Bayezid Khan praised. .

Cheer Chen repeatedly expressed his thanks to Khan for his praise. Then Cheerchen made a request to use the ship at Ackerman's dock to load supplies and personnel from the sea to Kafa.

"What? Do you have a lot of people and supplies?" Bayezid Khan asked.

Cheerchen bowed.

"Wise Khan, you know that there are wars everywhere now. My companion and I hired a mercenary group as a escort. However, it is still too dangerous for hundreds of people to travel by land. There are still high tolls in Rikop Isthmus, so..." Cheorchen tried his best to speak as ostentatiously as possible.

Bayezid Khan seemed bewildered. He laughed and said, "Of course, of course. No problem. You can use my dock as much as possible."

Cheerchen thank you very much for your kindness. As he approached the gate, Bayezid Khan suddenly ordered his butler to bring an extremely handsome horse.

"This horse is my thanks to Mr. Salben for curing my mother." Bayezid Khan said.

The horse is the most precious animal of the nomads. If a nomad shares his horse with you, he will treat you as his own. The horse that Bayezid Khan gave to Sarben was even more extraordinary.

This horse is about twelve palms high, has a well-proportioned body and a gleaming color, as if oiled, and the hair on the neck hangs down in an orderly manner.

Cheerchen grabbed the rein, and the horse raised all four hooves to kick Chechen. Fortunately, Chechen was no longer Wu Xia Amon. He hugged the horse's neck and stroked the horse's face and eyes with his left hand. After a while, the horse was docile.

After subduing the horse, Chechen thanked Bayezid Khan, and then ordered Fatima to lead the horse.

Originally in the dark, Bayezid Khan did not notice Fatima who was following Chelchen. At this time, he looked clearly under the torch in front of the gate, and saw Fatima armed with bravery and brave appearance. Ji De Khan glanced more for unknown reasons.

"This is my guard, Fatima." Cheer Chen explained quickly.

"Your guard is really good." Bayezid Khan exclaimed.

"Next time we wait for a sweat, our uncle and nephew will come to visit you again." Chechen said.

"There will be a chance." Bayezid Khan made a positive response.

The day after the banquet, the butler of Bayezid Khan came to the tavern to look for Chechen. This time, he brought Bayezid Khan to Chechen and allowed Chechen and his caravan to use Akman’s Khan also generously lent one of his two-masted ships to Chechen.

Karlsson escorted Christina and the infantry of five hundred Hessian mercenaries to the dock. In order to conceal their eyes and ears, they each wore colorful and different clothes, and their armor was hidden in the cargo box on the carriage.

When passing through Ackerman's city gate, although the mercenaries were unimpeded, Christina always felt that the guard's eyes were full of vigilance.

Christina and Cheerjin met.

"Although Bayezid was very sensitive about the two Glyy and didn't want to talk more, he lent us the dock and the boat. Generally things are going well."

As soon as they met, Cheer Chen told Christina about the situation.

But Christina was not as relaxed as Cheechen, and the guards' eyes made her feel uncomfortable. Christina insisted on Cheerchen to tell herself exactly what happened during the conversation with Bayezid Khan.

Cheerchen spoke word by word without letting go of any details, while Christina listened carefully. The more I listened, the more worried the queen's face became.

"Bayezid may have begun to doubt you." Christina said.

Cheerchen was surprised at this, because he consciously disguised himself well.

Christina said: "That horse is Bayezid's temptation to you. You tame him in a short while, which shows that you have a good command of horses. Such a person is obviously not a pure businessman. of."

Although Cheerchen thinks Christina's statement is reasonable, he still thinks that he can justify it based on this point. After all, it is not unreasonable that some of the merchants are well-versed in riding skills.

But Christina is not so optimistic.

"The village of Bujak is not far away from Akerman. Muhammad Glyy also said that Bayezid Khan knew that he was hiding there. He just let it go. But letting it go does not mean not being vigilant. After all, Bayezid De Khan will also worry about whether Muhammad Gley will seize his Ackerman as a base for the restoration of the country. If he doubts you and sees you as a soldier, a wise ruler must doubt whether you are with Muhammad Gley. Ley has a connection. And this is easy to detect. You entered the city with such a large team, what do you think he would think?" Christina said.

Cheerchen laughed bitterly. As long as Bayezid Khan’s head is not broken, he will doubt whether he wants to take Ackerman for Muhammad Glyy.

And even if I told him that I just wanted to go to Kaffa from Ackerman, Bayezid Khan would never believe it.

"Then if Bayezid knew that I had met Muhammad Gley, then he would definitely come to me."

"This is inevitable." Christina said.