The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 463: Siege

Yelisei led the Hessian cavalry to retreat successfully. But Nahai and they were not so lucky. Because soon, the guards of the Prince of Crimea and the heavy cavalry led by Uzenbeyi, who were equipped with faster and better mounts, caught up with the cavalry led by Nahai. At medium and long distances, the guards of the Crimean princes kept throwing arrows with their compound bows, and the Tatar raiders who fell behind kept their arrows falling from their horses.

Seeing the heavy-armored cavalry wearing small metal plate chain armor and long metal plate chain armor getting closer and closer to his team, Hasal, who had merged with Nahai, said loudly to Nahai: "Nahai, I'll go Stop them, you run away!"


Na Hai's eyes were wet. He gratefully looked at Hasar, Na Hai never expected that Hasar, who was always confronting him, would actually act in order to protect himself.

Yes, there is death but no life. Most of the cavalry led by Nahai were light cavalry, most of them didn't even have a chain armor, and having a chain armor helmet was already an officer's treatment. Such equipment to challenge those heavy cavalry in front of them is tantamount to entering a tiger's mouth.

Looking at Nahai's wet eyes, instead of being moved, Hasarer scolded, "Why are you crying? Are you still a man! Lao Tzu is not for you, but for the brothers who came out with us."

After cursing, Hasar turned his horse's head, and led a group of cavalry to rush to the heavy armored cavalry led by Uzenbeyi.

Hazard, who was running against the wind, felt her eyes lost by the sand, and tears flowed out. Hazard rubbed his eyes, but his thoughts flew behind him.

Although the fight started from being a gangster, Hasal couldn't deal with Nahai. But Hasar admitted in his heart that Nahai was indeed more suitable to be a leader than himself. Unlike himself, he can only fight and kill, and he can't tell the difference between traps and fat sheep. But the more he knew that he was inferior to that sea, the more Hazard confronted that sea. Because of his pride, he just didn't want to admit that he was inferior to Nahai.

"The sea, may God bless you forever."

Hasar's chapped lips moved. At this time, a Crimean heavy cavalry was close to him.


Hasal exhausted all his strength and shouted. The mace in his hand swung out with full force and hit the heavy armored cavalry's steel shield.

The steel shield of the Crimean heavy cavalry was distorted and flew out from the horse. But not everyone was as successful as Hasar, and the companions who followed Hasar were thrown off the horse by the heavy armored knights. Uzenbey's command only lost a few people.

The two cavalrymen, who were not of the same rank at all, started a melee. Hazard kept tightening the horse's belly and urging the horse forward. His mace moved from side to side, knocking the steel shield of the Crimean heavy cavalry banging, but he could no longer injure an enemy. .

When the heavy armored knights were fighting with Hasar's men and horses, the guards of the Crimean princes scattered on two wings and surrounded Hasar's men and horses in the middle. These archers led bows and shot arrows one after another.

There were fewer and fewer people around Hasar, and even he himself was hit by two arrows. Hazard resisted the pain and broke the arrow shaft and continued to wield the mace, but his hand became sore and weakened.

A Crimean heavy-armored cavalry rushed towards Hasar with a cavalry spear, and the sharp tip of the spear pierced Hasar's mount. Hazard fell to the ground and the heavy horse pressed his foot.

Hazard struggled to pull his foot out of the stirrup, but he moved a few times without success.

The Crimean heavy-armored cavalry who succeeded in the blow came back to his horse, and he was holding the cavalry gun and preparing to nail Hasar to the ground.

The Crimean heavy cavalry walked very slowly, as if a cat was playing with a mouse.

At this time, the battle of great disparity in strength was nearing an end, and Hasar's companions had long been dead and wounded.

"Damn it!" Hasal snorted in his mouth. He exhausted his last strength and threw the scimitar around his waist.

The Crimean heavy cavalry easily picked Hasar's scimitar. At this time, the **** of death was only five meters away from Hasar.

Hazard stared at the enemy that was getting closer and closer to him. He was the kind of person who wouldn't close his eyes even if he died.

Crimean heavy cavalry came in front of Hasar and raised the cavalry gun in his hand high.

"Hasar, here we come!"

With this familiar and disgusting voice of Hasar, a white light hit the Crimean heavy cavalry. The feather arrow pierced the chain neck guard of the Tatar helmet worn on the heavy armored cavalry's head, and came out from the other side of his neck.

Na Hai left and right cut through the barriers of layers of enemy cavalry, and came to Hasar's side. Immediately, the cavalry who followed the sea to rescue surrounded the two in the middle.

Nahai removed the corpse of the war horse that was pressing on Hasar's thigh, and pulled Hasar out.

"Hasar." Nahai shouted while looking at Hasar who stood up.

It was not Hazard's gratitude that greeted the sea, but his heavy punch.

"What do you guys do when you come back? Are not enough people dead today!"

Hazard looked at the sea angrily. He didn't understand how a person who is usually so smart and who can weigh the pros and cons is stupid today.

At this time, Uzenbeyi's men and horses had already woke up from the sea in shock. They quickly sealed the gap and surrounded them with a larger encirclement circle, and the rain-like feathers flew towards them in the sea in the encirclement circle.

"Fool, fool!" Hasal continued to curse.

Listening to Hasar's curse, Nahai showed a smile, and he sang:

How many legends are blown away by the wind from the grassland

Only your story is left

Make wine and mare's milk into a song

Your home on horseback

Spreading your kindness everywhere

Inscribe a deep inscription in the heart of the shepherd

Every baby born

They are all descendants of the gray wolf and white deer, and they are all descendants of Batu Khan

We hunt in the grassland, we fetch water by the river, we share in the tribe

May I give my life for it

The eagle is singing, our warriors

Please listen to this nice song, sing for our hero

Please sing this nice song, sing for our hero

May I give my life to it too

A proud man came with a horse

Who is so proud?

It's your offspring. "

The singing was bleak and Na Hai only sang a few words, and everyone else sang in the dense rain of arrows.

Hearing this song sung in the Tatar era, Uzenbeyi's heart rippled. But soon, he suppressed the emotions that shouldn't have appeared.

"A group of lowly breeds, the noble blood is different from the lowly blood." Uzenbeyi said to the group of "trapped beasts" in his heart.

Uzenbey raised his left hand, and the regrouped Crimean heavy cavalry was about to deliver a fatal blow.

Suddenly, a series of gunfire sounded. It turned out that Yelishei, who had broken out of the siege, saw that Nahai and the others hadn't met with them, and guessed that they must be in trouble, so they came back to rescue.

Nearly two hundred Hessian cavalry lined up in three rows and approached the outermost encircling circle composed of Zasak cavalry and Crimean cavalry with classic semi-circular tactics. They charged in a column. After reaching a certain distance in the first row, the riders turned their horses slightly, took out the right pistol and fired, and then turned the horse and took out the left pistol to shoot. Then he withdrew to the rear of his cavalry array and reloaded with bullets. At this time, the second row fired, and then the third row fired in turn.

Faced with this tactic, the Crimean nomadic cavalry who love to ride and shoot also took out bows and arrows to shoot against the Hessian cavalry. But after shooting two muskets, the Hessian cavalry had no plans to continue shooting against the Crimean nomadic cavalry. They drew broadswords sharply and launched a wall charge.

The Tatar cavalry who did not expect the opponent to come to this hand were dumbfounded for a while. By the time they were ready to change into scimitars and cavalry guns again, the Hessian cavalry had already stormed into their formation, rushing through a gap in the encircling circle.

"The sea, go!" Yelishei shouted as he moved forward.