The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 49: The Battle of Smolensk (11)

   This strange scene scared Pizko could not help but stepped back three steps, leaning against the table next to him.

   "Don't be nervous, this is a dead person." The man behind said. At this time, he had already opened the cloak and lifted off the cap of the cloak. It was an old face. The old man's figure was very tall, and his whole body exuded the temperament that only people on the battlefield have. His helix was missing half of it, and it was obviously knocked out by a bullet.

   Pizko straightened up tremblingly. He tentatively squatted down and probed the nose of the man lying on the ground. There was indeed no snort, and he was dead.

   "You, what are you doing to get the dead man in!?" Pizko was a little scared. The Tatar woman has repeatedly promised that the rescue operation will not endanger Pizko, otherwise Pizko can refuse, which makes Pizko promise to help the prisoner escape. But now these two men actually made a dead man come in, which completely exceeded Pizko's imagination.

   "You don't have to worry about it, we will take care of the matter anyway." The old man said in a commanding tone, as if he was the master here.

   "I refuse, I want to quit." The more Pizko thought about it, the more frightened he began to retreat.

   The old man was unmoved, but looked at Pizko with a sneer. The Tatar woman saw Pizko's attitude change. She was afraid that Pizko would really regret it. She looked at the old man worriedly, then stepped forward and said to Pizko, "Come and see. This dead man is our plan." , We will ensure that it is foolproof."

   After speaking, she turned over the body of the dead man on the ground.

   The man originally fell face down on the ground, but now he was turned over, and the face that was pale because of the loss of blood was suddenly exposed in front of Pizko.

   It was a face very similar to Catherine. The same face shape, the same blond hair, and even the nose and mouth are somewhat similar.

   "Do you want to use this corpse to remove the bag?"

   Pizko is not a stupid person, he quickly understood the plan of these people. Li Daitao Zheng, this kind of plot that only appeared in dramas and the playing and singing of blind old artists, now actually appeared in front of him. Pizko was a little magical thinking about it.

   "You're not stupid." Seeing Pizko understand so quickly, the old man said something like a compliment or a mockery.

   "But why don't you find a living person to come in?"

   Pizko didn't realize how stupid he was asking one. In this deceitful world, even if it is a loved one, how many people are willing to exchange their lives for others?

   The old man is no longer ready to answer Pizko's question. He pointed to the corpse on the ground and ordered: "You, carry him in."

   After speaking, the old man strode into the dungeon.

   Pizko didn't dare to disobey the old man's orders. Fortunately, he often saw dead people in the dungeon, so after carrying the corpse on his back, apart from feeling a little nauseous at first, he soon adapted to it later.

   So the old man walked in the forefront, Pizko walked in the middle with the corpse on his back, and the Tatar woman walked in the end. After a while, the three of them stood in front of the cell where Catherine was.

   "Open the door."

   Pizko put down the corpse, took the key from his pocket and opened the door.

   "Mr. Catherine." The Tatar woman walked in first.

   "Nahan, where is your lady?" Catherine called out the name of the Tatar woman, and then asked Miss Helena. These days, this woman named Nahan pretended to be a relative of a prisoner who came in to deliver news.

   "Miss Helena is still locked up by the master, and he is about to be sent to the monastery. The lady hopes that you will go back to England after you escape, and forget her and don't come back again." Nahan said sadly.

   "No, I want to go with her. She can't go to the monastery, even if it is God's will. She will go back to England with me, and go back together."

   When Helena was about to be sent to be a nun by her father, Catherine immediately turned pale, and he yelled gaffefully.

   "Boy, if you want everyone in the prison to notice you, you can shout." At this time, the old man also walked in.

   "Who are you?" Catherine asked.

   "This is..." Nahan tried to reveal the identity of the old man, but was stopped by the old man.

   "My host is Miss Helena and your friends. You only need to know this." The old man said.

   "I won't go. Unless Helena is with me."

"Then you stay. But I want to tell you. If you give up this opportunity, we will not take care of this in the future. I want to tell you that even if you are rotten in the dungeon, Miss Helena will still go monastery."

   Catherine was silent.

   Seeing that Catherine stopped talking, the old man knew that he had acquiesced to this fact. So the old man turned around and dragged in the corpse outside the door.

   "Who is this?" Catherine asked.

   "This is you." The old man turned over the corpse's face.

   Catherine looked at the face of the corpse carefully, and even he had to admit that he was indeed like him.

   "How is it?" the old man asked.

   "You can still tell if you look closely."

   "Then give him another facelift."

   After finishing speaking, the old man grabbed the face of the corpse and slammed it against the wall of the dungeon. In a few moments, the corpse's face became bloody.

   Now, no one can tell the person's appearance.

   "Tomorrow, when your head asks, you will say that Catherine madly hit the wall and committed suicide." The old man said to Pizko.

   "Okay, okay." After seeing the old man's method, Pizko didn't even have the last bit of He quickly agreed.

   Now, Nahan took off the corpse's clothes and put on Catherine, and then put Catherine's jail clothes on the corpse. When everything was in order, the three of them went out of the cell, and Pizko hurriedly locked the cell door.

   Just like that, when I came, there were three living people and one dead, but when I left, there were four living people.

   The four returned to the guard room, and the old man said to Catherine: "You stand on the back of my instep and tie the rope around my waist."

   At this time, Pizko discovered that the shoes on the old man’s feet had been modified, and there was something like a pedal on it. Obviously, that's how the body was brought in.

   Catherine Yiyan stood up and fastened her belt. The old man put on a cloak, the size of the cloak seemed to be for the giant, and the two of them were as if they were a giant inside.

   "Mr. Catherine, you are my nephew now. We are here to visit Tada. You have been suffering from giantism since childhood." Nahan introduced this fabricated identity to Catherine.

   Catherine remembered one by one in her heart.

  Nahan turned to Pizko again, and she took out a small leather bag and threw it to him.

   "Pizko, we are very grateful for your contribution to the rescue of Mr. Catherine. This is an extra reward for you. We hope you keep a secret. This is good for us and for you."

   Pizko lost the leather bag in his hand, estimated how many Taylors there were in it, and then nodded in satisfaction. Of course he knows what "all good" means.

   After the three of them did a final check to make sure that they were safe, Pizko opened the inner door.

"God bless."

   Watching Nahan and the old man walk outside, Pizko said silently. He is in them and prays for peace for himself.

   Fortunately, the guard at the outer gate did not embarrass the two of them. They simply talked a few words and were released.