The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 521: Entrusted with important tasks

As the inheritor of the Mongol Empire, the cavalry tactics of the Kalmyk Khanate are classic Mongolian. There are two main methods of tactics, one is the tactics of heavy cavalry and light cavalry demonstrated by the Thousands of People just now, and the other is the classic "mangu gang" tactics.

The first tactic, Cheer Chen just said, his Kalmyk cavalry charge "not as neat as them."

As Taiji of the nomadic khanate, Ayuqi certainly understood the importance of formation. The denser the formation of a charge cavalry, the more they have an advantage over loose cavalry and infantry. In the battle, those knights who fight alone will have to face three or four weapons at the same time. Death by assault is very difficult even to cause casualties of wall-style assault cavalry.

As for the Mangudai tactics, Ayuqi knew better that the essence of the Mangudai tactics passed down from generation to generation of the Khanate lies in the superb riding skills of the cavalry and the ability to escape with one blow. In the face of the cavalry who charged uniformly, the cavalry of the Khanate couldn't escape at all-the enemy was too dense to escape unless they flee.

Moreover, if the Kalmyk cavalry used the traditional Mangut tactics to deal with the oncoming wall cavalry from the beginning, because turning around on the horse to shoot arrows requires very sophisticated riding skills and even lower horse speed. Therefore, in the duel, it is impossible for their Kalmyk cavalry to face the enemy at the beginning. They need to turn their horses to keep the distance between the enemy cavalry and the enemy cavalry after the enemy charges. , Because of the limited range of riding a bow, the effective range is only about 20 meters.

But this distance is not easy to master when facing high-speed cavalry. Because the base speed of the opponent's horse must be slightly higher than that of your horse. And once the distance is not well grasped, it is the fate of selling the back to the enemy.

Thinking left and right, A Yuqi found that his cavalry had no advantage. When I thought that the cavalry of the Khanate would face such an enemy in the future, Ayuqi shuddered.

When Naum Vasilyev boasted to Ayuqi how great and powerful the artillery of Tsarist Russia was, Ayuqi could still use "Germany but not in danger" and "weapons are people" to comfort him. Own, but when he is not as good as others, Ayuqi can no longer give him a reason to comfort him.

Suddenly, Ayuqi held Chechen's hand. This sudden move shocked Chechen.

"Your Excellency Alvar, you have seen the kind of cavalry that can charge in order, so you must know how they are trained?"

"Uh, Taiji. I'm just a businessman. Although I have seen it, I really don't know how they were trained." Cheer Chen replied cautiously.

Ayuqi heard Chechen say this, but didn't let go. He continued excitedly: "Then what about their officers? What kind of wing cavalry officers and Swedish cavalry officers must know how to train. Go and hire some for me. It doesn't matter how much you spend."

Chechen didn't expect Ayuqi to have such thoughts. But he thought that even if Ayuqi let his Kalmyk cavalry learn to use the wing cavalry's wall charge, he couldn't change anything. Because wall cavalry vs. wall cavalry, the battle will only be a war of attrition, until one party can't bear the loss and collapses. As for any nomads, because the population is not as good as the settled country, it would be idiotic to want to defeat the settled country in a war of attrition. But Chechen didn't dare to tell Ayuqi, because this was related to the strategic level, not to mention what a businessman could say.

Seeing Chechen didn't speak, Ayuqi mistakenly thought that Chechen was unwilling. He turned to persuasively said: "Alvar, if you do this for me, I will not treat you badly. I am now canonizing you as the centurion of the Khanate. You go to your homeland and hire the best for me. The cavalry officer is here. You can just pick it up as much as you want."

Of course Cheerchen couldn't recruit any cavalry officers for Ayuqi. But what Ayuqi said just gave him a chance to get out. Cheerchen said to Ayuqi with gratitude, "Thank you Taiji."

Seeing Cheerchen's acceptance, Ayuqi also seemed very happy. He patted Chechen on the shoulder and encouraged: "Alvar, serve me well. You will know how generous I am."

Chechen was regarded as the most distinguished guest by Ayuqi. He and Cheerchen walked down the high platform side by side. When he talked to Cheerchen, the smile on Ayuqi's face was so warm as a spring breeze.

Seeing Ayuqi's behavior, Ingrid and Fatima, who were waiting for Cheerchen under the high platform, were amazed. They didn't know what fascinating soup Cheerchen gave to this audience.

"I didn't give him any ecstasy soup, but promised to hire cavalry officers and buy guns for him."

As he arranged his belongings and was about to leave Ayuqi's camp, Cheerchen said this to Ingrid and Fatima, and told the two women about the cavalry conversation between him and Ayuqi on the high platform.

"Then, commander. Do you really want to go to mercenary officers and buy guns for Ayuqi?" Ingrid asked uncertainly.

"How is it possible!" Cheerchen said with a smile: "I and this Kalmyk Taiji are enemies. When I return to Azov, it is estimated that we will go to war with him soon."

As soon as Cheerchen's voice fell, a soldier of the mercenary regiment came over.

He said to Chechen: "Head of the regiment, there is a lama named Gelug who wants to see you."

Cheerchen and the second daughter looked back. I saw Lama Gelug standing not far behind them. Glu carried a leather bag in his hand, and two women followed him.

From Prijit, Cheerchen already knows the important position of Gelu, a religious figure, in Kalmykia and around See Gelu come to find himself, Cheerchen knows, he is sure It was sent by Ayuqi.

Cheerchen hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Ge Lu, I don't know what you are doing?" Cheer Chen learned how Prigitt taught him to put his hands together, and then the teacher called Ge Lu Dao.

Lama Gelu folded his hands in a salute. He smiled and handed the leather bag to Chechen and said, "Alvar Baihu, this is the gold that Taiji asked me to give you. He hopes that you will hire you for the Khanate. Only a learned officer and buy the best musket."

A bag of gold!

Cheerchen took the leather bag. The leather bag was very heavy, and Cheechen roughly estimated it to be at least 5 kilograms. Entrusting such a large sum of money to someone who had only seen it for a few days, Cheer Chen once again sighed secretly at Ayuqi's generosity and trust in himself.

"If he and I are not enemies but friends, this would be someone worthy of a close friendship." Cheer Chen thought so.

But immediately, Cheer Chen's impression of A Yuqi returned to its previous level. Because after giving the gold to himself, Lama Gelug pushed out the two women behind him.

Lama Gelug said with a smile: "Alvar Baihu, these two women are Madam Taiji's maids. Taiji is afraid that you will be lonely along the way, so she specially asked them to come to accompany you from where she was."

Obviously, these two maids are not only as simple as "accompanying" themselves, but also have the purpose of monitoring themselves.

Cheerchen happily accepted these two spies. After all, Cheer Chen had planned long ago, and when he reached a safe place, he would return the two women and the bag of gold back.

"Then, I wish all the Alwal families a smooth journey."

Seeing Cheerchen gladly accepted, Lama Gelug put his hands together again and said with a smile.