The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 528: see through

The messenger and Patriarch Isaac got off first, while the other officers of the mercenary group stayed behind, because Cheerchen had to plan the route of the march.

Chechen first spoke: "Everyone, I know that some of you don't say anything about agreeing to go to rescue Saijietbey, but you don't agree with it in your heart."

With that said, Cheerchen glanced at Pidro.

When Pidro saw his nephew looking at him, he was also real, and said directly: "Originally, Seget and Karachi sent troops without knowing you, but now one is defeated and one is besieged. , They are supposed to take the blame, we are not obliged to wipe their ass. Besides, there are 5,000 of the Rausz Kalmyk people, and they are all cavalry. We have gone with these two thousand soldiers. God’s testimony, I’m not saying If you are frustrated, there is a possibility that there will be no return."

Pidro finished speaking, with his head held up high, with a straightforward look.

Although Viscount Hessen and others did not speak, they agreed with Pedro's statement.

Cheerchen didn't know that Uncle Pietro made sense. But one cannot just look at the present and not the future.

Cheerchen got up from his seat, and walked in front of Yelishei, Fedot, Fatima and others one by one, and then walked back three steps.

"Do you all think so?" Cheerchen asked.

Yelishei was the first one to take a step forward when he heard this.

"No, commander. I fully agree with your move to rescue. Although the besieged is a heretic, it is our friendly army after all. Since the commander, you have agreed to it, the mission that you promised to be a nobleman is not It should be regretted."

Yelisei finished his words, closed his legs "pop", and then retreated into the crowd.

Seeing Yelishei's first speech, Fedot also stood up and explained his thoughts: "Commander, if the besieged members of our mercenary group are members of our mercenary group, we will have to fight for our lives. They rescued them. But these Tatars, they are all self-seeking people, they are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. I don't think we should send troops."

After Fedot had finished speaking, Viscount Hessian hurriedly agreed: "Fedot is reasonable, and I think so too."

Cheerchen nodded.

"Fatima, Ingrid, what do you think?" Cheer Chen asked.

Fatima lowered her head for a while, but she immediately raised her head.

"Chechen, I also don't think you should go to the rescue."

"I have an idea with Fatima."

Fatima seldom called her own name directly in such public places. Cheerchen was taken aback by the shout of "Cheerchen", but he immediately came back to his senses.

"Fatima is persuading me as a wife." Cheer Chen thought to herself.

Thinking of this, Cheerchen smiled and patted Fatima on the shoulder, thanking her for caring about herself.

"Everyone," Cheerchen said loudly, "I thank you for your concern for me and the safety of the mercenary group. Yes, Saijiet and Karachi acted without authorization, even if we don't go to the rescue, no one can accuse us afterwards. What. But have you ever thought about it, if we abandon Sagetebey and return to Azov, what is waiting for us?"

Hearing Cheerchen's question, Pidro and others looked at each other. After a long while, Pidro said something first: "Chechen, are you worried that the Kalmyks will attack Azov?"

"It's possible." Chechen said: "Uncle Pidro, you should know that our march this time was to gather the power of all the Tatar tribes in the Cherkessk-Azov region. Now Karazmir is dead. , If there are any more accidents in Segetbey, then the chiefs of the Crimean Khanate in this area will be wiped out, and those Tatar tribes that have always been big will inevitably take refuge in the Kalmyk side. Although I am Bey of the Khanate, I am a foreigner after all, with a shallow foundation. Once we lose the support of the Tatar tribe, even if the Kalmyks do not attack Azov, we will not be able to stay here anymore. There is no way out except to return to the Crimean Peninsula by boat."

Cheerchen said this long paragraph in one breath, and his mouth became a little dry, so he stopped temporarily. First, let everyone have time to digest and think about their own words, and secondly, they also drink saliva to moisturize their throats.

Sure enough, when Cheerchen put down the water glass, he found that everyone was chewing his own words.

Obviously, no one considers the problem from this.

At this time, Cheer Chen really thanked Sister Christina, it was her words and deeds that allowed him to see the problem from a higher height, and also to see more far-reaching.

Cheorchen clapped his hands to attract the attention of his companions.

"Everyone, think about it. If we lose Cherkessk and Azov, then we are selling to the enemy the backs of the Khanate's army that swept the southern borders of Tsarist Russia. At that time, Muhammad, who is worried about the enemy Gree will definitely end the attack on Tsarist Russia ahead of schedule. Those Tatar nobles who have not reaped satisfactory gains from this year’s steppe nation’s harvest will certainly hate us to their bones. What attitude does Muhammad Gree have toward me, everyone We all know. If we make such a big mistake, I think Muhammad Glyy would be happy to fall into the trap. And even Mahmed Pasha, who is kind to us, will not be able to speak for us at that time. "

Hearing that the withdrawal of troops at this time will lead to such serious consequences in the future, everyone's hearts are shattered.

"Big deal, we will go back to Poland."

At this moment, Ingrid murmured.

Cheerchen glanced at Ingrid.

"Of course we can go back to Poland. But not as heroes, but deserters."

Ingrid lowered her head.

At this time, Cheer Chen also felt that although his words made everyone aware of the serious consequences of retreating, they did not inspire confidence in victory, so he mentioned the advantages of the mercenary group over the Kalmyks.

"Everyone, although the Kalmyks are fierce, but I found that they are very afraid of muskets. They are new to this kind of weapon. The Kalmyks had a chance to catch up with me when they were attacked in the woods, but After I killed the head guy with a musket, more than a dozen of them were afraid of my musket and they were afraid to move forward. We have thousands of muskets and artillery, and our pikemen are equipped with long lances. The nemesis of the cavalry, and we still have a chariot. As long as we meet with the people of Sagetebey, even if there are twice as many people in Kalmykia, what's the fear!"

"That's it!"

Yelishei was rushed by what Chechen said, and he repeatedly agreed.

"Everyone," Cheerchen said loudly, "Let these Kalmyk people from the East taste our greatness!"

After a unified understanding, the officers returned to their posts to pack their luggage, inspect weapons, comfort the soldiers, and prepare to set off. In the original camp, Cheerchen left 120 Hessian mercenaries.

After doing all this, Cheerchen led a total of 1,380 infantry, two hundred Hessian cavalry, three hundred Tatar tribal cavalry, and 10 artillery, and set off for the besieged place of Saijiet. .

Along the way, Chechen deliberately asked Patriarch Isaac and the messenger to accompany him. He still had many questions to consult with them.

"Messenger," Cheerchen shouted.

When the messenger saw Cheerchen calling him, he quickly responded with a smile: "Bey, Khalkha is at your disposal."

"It's nothing, just some questions I want to ask you." Cheechen smiled and said: "The morning time is rushed, and some questions haven't come and ask carefully. You can tell me more carefully about the scene of your Bey and Kalmyk fighting. Bar."

"Yes!" Khalka replied.

Then, the pseudo-messenger of Khalkha fabricated a pseudo-war history of camel cavalry vs. Tatar cavalry. He said: "Although the number of Turhout cavalry is not much larger than ours, they have a secret weapon, that is, camels. What our horses fear most is the smell of camels. When the human camel cavalry charged us, our horses evaded uncontrollably. The tight formation was immediately torn apart, and our lord Bey and Karazimir were also separated. It was the main reason that led to our defeat."

The first time I heard that Cheechen, who was afraid of camels, was a little bit unbelievable for the war horses. He asked Patriarch Isaac: "Before war horses are afraid of camels?"

"Yes, Lord Bey. Our horses are really afraid of the body odor of camels. They get restless when they smell it," Isaac said affirmatively.

Then, Patriarch Isaac suddenly sighed and said: "It turns out that the Kalmyks are using camels. No wonder Sir Jetbey will be defeated. It is not a crime of war, it is not a crime of war!"

In fact, horses are afraid of the body odor of camels. This view is wrong. For horses who have never seen a camel, it is actually normal to be afraid of a camel, a huge animal, and once a horse adapts to the existence of a camel, then the horse will no longer be afraid of the camel.

The tall body shape of camels is their biggest advantage over horses. Before large-scale horse breeding in modern times, in fact, the general shoulder height of horses is mostly between 1.3 meters and 1.4 meters. Camel cavalry can achieve a kind of attack against ordinary cavalry by relying on the height of the camel itself and the special camel saddle. The advantages.

However, although the camel has certain advantages over horses, its disadvantages are also obvious. The influence of camels' habits is also considerable. The running speed of a camel is much lower than that of a horse, and when the camel is running, the body is walking at the same time, so the body will shake from side to side. The combination of the two will not only cause the camel cavalry to have limited impact when charging, and it is difficult for the rider to move on the camel. Perform substantial physical activity while sprinting at full force.

Another disadvantage of camels is that their necks are slender and their muscles are softer than horses. Therefore, when the camel cavalry encounters infantry in close combat, the slower camel is more likely to be killed by the infantry from the front. At the same time, the docile character of camels gives them the reputation of "a ship of the desert", but on the battlefield, it makes it difficult for them to collide and kick the enemy like a horse under the command of the rider.

The reason why Khalkha told Chechen that there were camels in Ayuqi's army was actually uneasy and kind. He is misleading Cheerchen to make Cheerchen mistakenly believe that Kalmyk camels are used to attack.

After hearing the words of Khalkha and Patriarch Isaac, Cheerchen felt a little strange vaguely, but he couldn't tell where this feeling came from.

At this time, Khalkha complimented again: "But Lord Bey, your army is all infantry. The camel cavalry of the Turhhot can not use the means of restraining the cavalry. Maybe after the battle is over, You and your men can also have a delicious meal of camel meat."

After speaking, Khalkha and Patriarch Isaac laughed together.

Khalkha's words instantly opened Chechen's mind like a flash of lightning. He finally figured out where his strange feeling came from.

Khalkha called the Kalmyks Turhutes, and in Azov, everyone from Saijietbeyi to Isaac Patriarch called them Kalmyks.

If the Turhutes are called Kalmyks, then this name will only be used by people who stay with them and are accustomed to the Turhutes. This means that Khalkha is not the messenger of Saijetbey, but the Kalmyks sent to lure themselves into the encirclement. And it is very likely that Segetbey was not surrounded, but just like Karasimirza, the whole army was destroyed.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Cheerchen deliberately slowed down his horse speed. He tried to make his face look the same, so as not to let Khalkha see any, I was urinating urgently, so it is convenient to go. one time. "Cheerchen said.

With that, Cheorchen stopped and jumped off the horse, ran to the side and unbuttoned his pants pretendingly.

When Yelishei, who was in the back team, passed by Cheerchen, Cheerchen yelled at him.

"Yelsey, lend me your water sac."

Yelishei took the water bag and walked to Cheerchen’s side. He just unscrewed the lid, Cheerchen quietly leaned into Yelishey’s ear and said, "I suspect that Khalkha was sent by Kalmyk. ."

This made Yelishei startled, and the water sac in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Cheerchen quickly took Yelishei's hand.

"Don't say anything."

"Head, are you sure?" Yelishei asked urgently.

"Sure. You will come with me later, you quietly knocked that guy out. Understand?"

Yelisei nodded.

Cheerchen lifted his pants. He pretended to catch up with Khalkha and Isaac, talking and laughing with Yelishei.

"It's so comfortable!" Cheerchen pretended to be extremely comfortable afterwards.


Patriarch Isaac was about to have a joke with Cheerchen, but he saw Yelishei who was behind Cheerchen suddenly raised the page hammer, and turned his head towards the unsuspecting Khalkha.

Khalkha, caught off guard, fell to the ground like a torn sack.

"Bey, you, what are you?" Isaac's voice was trembling, and he didn't expect that Cheerchen, who was laughing just now, would suddenly act on Khalkha.

At this time, Yelishei, who jumped off his horse and tried Kharkha's snort, said: "Head, don't worry, he is still alive, I know how important it is."

After listening to Cheer Chen, he said to Isaac: "Patriarch, I suspect this individual is a spy sent by the Kalmyks."