The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 548: captive

After receiving a heavy blow to the head, Isilan Glyy's eyes went dark first, and then he felt dizzy and spinning. His hand loosened unconsciously, and the Damascus scimitar fell on the green grass. Immediately, he also saddled and fell off his horse, and fell to the ground with his back facing the sky and the earth.

Cheerchen hit his horse and came to Isilan Glyy who was lying on the ground. In the previous blow, Cheerchen didn't use the blade, but the back of the blade, and because of this, Isilan Glyy was left with a life.

Cheerjin looked at Isilan Glyy's face. This was the first time he faced his "enemy" squarely.

Isilan Glyy's face is not ferocious, on the contrary, he looks more kind than his brother, Muhammad Glyy. As mentioned earlier, Yislan Glyy has a baby face, which makes him look younger than his actual age. It was such a person who set off a **** storm on the Crimea Peninsula and usurped his brother's sweat.

At this moment, Yishiran Glyy had woke up leisurely. He saw Cheerchen looking at him intently, and stared at Cheerchen with wide horrified eyes. He watched every move of the victor. When Cheerchen raised the hand holding the saber, Isilan Glyy mistakenly thought Cheerchen was going to kill himself. He cried out: "Don't kill me, you I can promise you whatever you want."

Cheerchen inserted the saber back into the scabbard, and he stepped one foot on Isilan Gree's chest.

Although his chest was aching from being stepped on by Cheerchen, Yishiran Gree sighed with relief when he saw Cheerchen put away the knife.

"I have money, I have a lot of money, I have a bag of gold, I hide under a tree hole in a forest, as long as you let me go, I will give it to you." Isilan Gree begged for mercy. He seems to have forgotten that Cheerchen, as Bey of the Khanate, how could he be short of money?

"Isilan Glyy, do you think I am short of money?" Cheerchen asked with a breath. Although he won the battle just now, he also consumed a lot of energy. But it's worth more than anything to catch Isilan Glyy alive.

"I can give you the official position and the title of nobility. I can make you a pasha, and even if you want to call sweat, I can promise you." Isilan Gree continued trying to buy Chechen.

Cheerchen took off the belt on his waist and tied the hands of Isilan Glyy without saying a word, and then let go of the feet that had stepped on Ishran Glyy's chest.

"I don't want anything. I will take you back and give you to Muhammad Glyy." Cheerchen lifted Isilan Glyy from the ground and said to him.

"No!" Isilan Gree wailed heartbreakingly.

But Cheerchen wouldn't care about Isilan Glyi's thoughts. He took another leather cord from the horse and put it around Isilan Gree's neck, then mounted the horse, caught up with Isilan Gree's mount, and headed in the direction of the mercenary group.

At this time, on that battlefield, although the gunpowder had not yet cleared, the battle had already ended. Whether it was Ayuqi’s Kalmyk or Kemal Sultan; whether it was a mercenary group soldier or Isaac’s tribal cavalry, they all laughed on the battlefield where the corpses were buried. Some of them shuttled through the corpses. As long as they saw the angry, they stabbed them. They snatched the armors and weapons that were valuable, even the shoes that the deceased called on. ; Some people even stand on the corpse as if standing in a vegetable market, discussing the value of the spoils they have seized.

At this time, language and ethnicity are not obstacles, even with sign language, they can complete a transaction.

Cheerchen pulled the leather rope and urged Isilan Glyy behind him to go faster.

Isilan Glyy was downcast, as if all his energy had been taken away, like a walking corpse.

Seeing that the leader came back, Pidro and others hurriedly greeted him.

Cheerchen jumped off the horse, and he thanked him first in front of Kemal.

Kemal hurriedly waved his hand. He said that all this was an order from Mahmed Pasha, and everything should be thankful to Master Pasha.

"Chechen, this guy is Isilan Glyy?"

At this time, Pidro pointed at the captive behind Cheor Chen and asked.

Although Pidro had never seen Isilan Gree, it is possible that Cheerchen would return such a prosperous prisoner, except for Isilan Gree.

Before Cheerchen could speak, Kemal shouted, "Yes, yes. He is Isilan Glyy. I have seen him in Bergzisalay."

After that, Kemal turned his head to face Cheerchen. He said to Cheerchen in an admonishing tone: "Chechenbey, you shouldn’t treat Isilan Glyy so rudely. After all, he is Muhammad. The younger brother of Grey Khan. And nobles are nobles. Even if they become captives, they should enjoy the rights they deserve. And if they are seen by other Tatar nobles, they will not have a bad reputation for you."

Although in Europe, according to customary laws and Christian canons, Christians cannot treat another captured Christian as a slave and should treat the nobles preferentially, but Chechen did not expect to be a slave. The Crimean Khanate, which started trading, also popularized this set. This sounds really unspeakable weird.

Cheerchen hadn't reacted yet, but his uncle Pidro had already removed the shackles on Isilan Gree's hands and neck first. Pedro looked at Isilan Glyy as if looking at a golden mountain.

"Hi, Kemal. If Khan wants this guy, even if he is a Khan, then he can get money, right." Pedro asked Kemal.

Isilan Glyy's body trembled.

Regarding Pedro’s question, Kemal said this: "Of course, even the Khan has no right to take a prisoner from a nobleman for no reason. And I think Muhammad Glyy Khan I will definitely trade a big price for Isilan Glyy."

Pidro nodded contentedly. He took off his cloak and put it on Isilan Glyy, and then called Aunt Varvara to take Ishran Glyy down and take care of it.

Obviously, in Pidro's eyes, Isilan Glyy is the most valuable trophy, and he needs to be taken care of and taken care of.

After Yishilan Glyy was taken down, Cheerchen thanked Yelishei and others one by one, especially the Viscount Hessian.

Viscount Hessian's moustache turned up when he was particularly praised by the group leader in public. He was about to say a few humble words, when Fedot, who was facing the Kuban River, suddenly cut his mouth and said to Cheerchen: "Head, look at the other side."

Turning his head thoroughly, he saw Ayuqi and Galdan Celing looking at his side on the top of the mountain on the other side.

"Everyone, let's go and celebrate the victory with our allies," Cheer Chen said.