The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 55: Battle of Smolensk (17)

   "We must attack resolutely and fight a big battle in the wild. Only in this way can the rumors be self-defeating."

   At the military meeting, Doronen called out loudly. His mood was so urgent that the table in front of him was pushed forward a few centimeters by his powerful hands.

   can't help but he is not anxious. In the second month of the siege, rumors arose in the city, and this time the rumors were directed at the Wing Cavalry under his command.

   It is impossible to test where the rumor originally came from. But as soon as this rumor spread, the trust between the various units in Smolensk was split.

The rumors said: Since the siege of the city, the wing cavalry company composed of nobles in the city has been unable to avoid the battle. Feodor and those in power put the registered Cossacks, militias and mercenaries on the front line in order to preserve their strength; because they knew, Smolensk cannot be defended under heavy siege. When the snow melts in the spring and the reinforcements have not arrived, Smolensk will fall. When the time comes, the undamaged wing cavalry will **** the nobles and bishops out of the city.

   The scary thing about this rumor is that part of it is indeed true. Among the participants in the military conference, there are indeed runaways, and similar suggestions are not made by no one, but these people only dared to discuss it in private, and they did not want to betray other friendly forces.

   Now, the registered Cossack has signs of instability. They asked Feodor to give the Cossacks more quotas and privileges on the pretext of their hard work in defending the city, or they would refuse to defend Smolensk. In the mercenary regiment, the death of Aragorn was once again brought out. Many people have already indicated to Captain Franco that they will not participate in any battle except for defending the city, even if it is more money.

   And the citizens of the city are also asking: Where is our greatest wing cavalry?

   "Please calm down, Senator Doronin. You know, we only have three hundred cavalry." Speaker Szchenko said. He advocates perseverance. In his opinion, going out of the city is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

"President Szchenko, please don’t forget that we fought the Swedes at the Battle of Kirkholm in 1605. In that battle, more than 10,000 Swedes participated in the battle, but we only had more than 3,000. People. But in the end? We killed more than 6,000 Swedish troops at the cost of only three hundred people." Doronen said impassionedly.

   "That's a Swedish." Speaker Szchenko argued strongly.

"Then please think about the Battle of Hessino. At that time, we only had more than 5,000 winged cavalry, while the Tsarist Russia had more than 30,000. In the end, the attack of our brave winged cavalry defeated the Russians. Left wing, and began to kill. In the end, how much did we lose? More than 400 people, while the Tsarist Russia lost 5,000 people.” Doronin continued to give examples.

   "But what you have to do now is three hundred to ten thousand." Seeing that Speaker Szchenko fell behind, another committee member interrupted.

   "No, there are less than two thousand enemies at the North Gate." Doronen said astonishingly.

   Two thousand! Everyone was shocked by the news of Doronin. Everyone has a question: How did Doronin know that the number of enemies has decreased when the road is covered by snow?

  Doronin wants this kind of effect. His character likes to be unexpected, as he did when dealing with Count Anzumov, and it was the same in this matter.

   In fact, his method is also very simple, which is to arrange for his own people to pretend to be merchants to go to the camp of the Tsarist Russian army to trade, and then obtain information from the drunk quartermasters.

   "Doronin, is your information reliable?" City Lord Feodor asked.

   "My lord, my information is true. More than one person passed the exact same message to me. In Prince Alexei's hands, there are indeed only two thousand people left."

   "Where did the other people go then?" Feodor asked again, he was still a little doubtful.

   Seeing that City Lord Feodor was still so indecisive, Doronen had to continue: "They went to defend Prince Yanush."

   The full name of the Prince Yanush is Yanush Raziviu. He is the most powerful prince in the Republic of Lithuania and an outstanding commander. Back then, the "Cossack Sword" that ravaged western Ukraine was folded in his hands.

   "Is Prince Yanush coming?" More than one person asked in surprise after hearing Prince Yanush's name. Because this news is too important, if the news is true, it will be a boost to the defenders. Even those unruly registered Cossacks who know that the prince is about to come will obediently pick up their tails and behave.

   "Of course, why else would Tsarist Russia divide its forces."

   "Then should we wait for the prince to arrive before..."

   "Absolutely not!" Doronen did not immediately tell the news that Prince Yanush's reinforcements were coming, because he was afraid that someone would have such thoughts. Relying on Prince Yanush’s army to clear the siege, but his own troops did not fight a single battle, how did he win honor and status.

   Feodor hesitated a little, he asked Franco for advice again.

But Franco did not focus on the meeting-the death of Aragorn and the suicide of Catherine (the guards of the prison reported Catherine as a suicide), which made the head of the group a teenager aged suddenly; inside the mercenary group The commotion also made Franco haggard. This kind of lengthy and unresolved meeting is already his few rest time.

   "Captain Franco." Seeing Franco didn't speak, Doronen urged. Doronen hopes that Franco can support his If the mercenaries of the mercenary group with rich combat experience cooperate, the plan of attacking the camp of Alexei will be stable.

   But Franco disappointed him. Although Captain Franco lost his mind at the meeting, after waking up that day, Franco immediately made the most appropriate and safest decision for the mercenary group: stick to the city.

   Feodor nodded in agreement, and Doronen sat down disappointedly. Franco, who was the pillar of the army, did not support his plan, and the clutter of the military conference did not know where it would fall.

   Just as Doronen was about to give up, he received unexpected support.

   "I support Doronin." Count Anzumov said.

   Anzumov and Doronin are rivals. But now the old Count Anzumov actually supported Doronin, and even Bishop Kischel looked at Anzumov with doubts.

   "What idea did this old guy make?"

   For the support of Earl Anzumov, Doronen instinctively doubted any conspiracy. But after thinking about it, he didn't find any doubts.

   "I do this for the Republic." Seeing most people's doubts, Count Anzumov smiled and said with deep meaning: "The great prince (referring to Yanush Laziviu) is too powerful."

   This answer made all the nobles and politicians agree. The Grand Duke has always been dissatisfied with the parliament's transfer of royal power to the current king. He believes that he is more qualified to be the king of the Republic. Most of the nobles in Feodor and Smolensk were parliamentarians and kings. They hoped that the prince would overcome the siege of Smolensk, but they did not want the prince's power to increase as a result.

  The so-called politics is nothing more than this. The military often gives way to politics. Count Anzumov's words made the dispatch of troops the keynote of the meeting.