The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 598: The Return of Heroes 19

On the avenue of Vidawa, the horses were desperate, and then the sound of weapons and leather boots stomping on the ground could be heard.

The person standing in the front shouted: "They are back, they are back."

People were looking forward to it. The people behind kept squeezing to the front, and the people in front were not letting go, guarding their position firmly, and refused to take a step back.

Walking in the forefront are the two deputy commanders of the mercenary regiment-Piedro and Bachter. The crowd consciously gave way around them, and they walked through the "Human Corridor" towards the center of Vidawa Town.

Followed by soldiers from two Polish squadrons. Originally, in order to show his military might, Pidro arranged twenty Hessian cavalry to take the lead. But the Polish soldiers strongly demanded that this honor be given to them. Because in Vidawa, everyone who greets them is their own relatives and friends. They can't wait, and hope to be the first to accept the envy of the victor.

For their request, Pidro could of course only be kind.

The villagers around looked at the soldiers who had returned from their expedition to Crimea.

What a sight is that! Those majestic faces, those dark faces that were blown by the sea breeze of the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov, the ones that were chopped with the sabers of the Tatars, Kalmyks, and Nogai were full of scars and stunned. The appearance of the heroes wounded by the muskets of the River Cossack and the Crimean garrison is all on the faces of each of them-although the Polish soldiers of the two squadrons are not as good as the Hessian mercenaries on the battlefield, but at this time, Their appearance is definitely better than that of a neat uniform and awe-inspiring Hessian mercenary.

From time to time, someone in the crowd wiped tears. They are proud of having such a good son, brother, and husband. Others are looking for their relatives on their toes: they may be a certain father, a certain mother, a certain wife, or a certain lover. When they found the person they were looking for, the lucky ones let out a cry of surprise, and then they couldn't help but rushed up and kissed their relatives.

Of course, not everyone can be lucky. Although the Polish squadron of the mercenary regiment landed in Azov and took part in the war in the second stage of the war, their casualties were equally huge, and nearly one-third of them were permanently buried in a foreign country.

"Old mother, your son is a hero. He died fighting for the honor of the Lord."

The survivors so comforted the mother of the deceased.

But how can this erase the pain left in the hearts of their loved ones by the deceased? For a while, crying sounded throughout the town.

Natalie's hand firmly grasped the horse's rein. The cry of the loss of a loved one reached her ears, causing her heartache for a while.

"Your deaths are all worthy. It is because of your sacrifice that the Republic received reinforcements from the Khan, so that we can march into Prussia and plow the court to sweep the cave." Natalie silently thanked these things in her heart. National donors.

"Huh? It's strange, why hasn't Head Chechen come yet?"

On the side, Oshka put a awning on her eyebrows with her hands. He tried his best to stare, but he didn't see Chechen's figure.

Hearing Oshka's words, Natalie was surprised to see Yelisei and Father Spasokukotsky appearing behind the two squadrons.

"Could it be that he didn't want to see me, he knew I was coming, so he hid?" Natalie thought wildly.

"Perhaps it was Captain Chechen who was in the final battle. I heard that he also brought back many Russians who were rescued in Crimea this time. Praise God, although I admire Captain Chechen's chivalry very much, but I I have to say that he used the wrong place-Tsarist Russia is the enemy of the Republic."

At this time, a voice rang behind Oshka and Natalie.

"Your Excellency Chamberlain."

Natalie and Oshkazy saluted.

The visitor was Ugowski, the court attendant of King Jan Kazimierz. He was also the special envoy of the king and queen to welcome Chechen and read the edict.

"Two, I'm going up now to welcome the returning heroes. Are you going forward with me?" Inner Attorney Ugowski asked. After finishing speaking, he did not wait for Natalie and Oshka to answer, so he slapped forward.

Ugowski also had a small abacus in his heart when he did this. He saw the soldiers of the Republic of Poland walking in the forefront, so he deliberately proclaimed the king's prestige to them.

Ugowski dismounted in front of Bacht and Pidro. He hugged the two deputy commanders one by one, and then said to everyone in the most enthusiastic tone: "Everyone, soldiers of the mercenary group. , Children and soldiers of the Republic of Poland, on behalf of King Jan Kazimierz, the most merciful king, I congratulate you on your return. You galloped the battlefield, killed the enemy bravely, and contributed to the Republic in a foreign land. May God bless you! Amen! "

"Amen!" everyone also replied together.

Ugowski went on to say: "Everyone, for your merits, His Majesty the King has specially approved four thousand talers as a reward for you. Your Majesty hopes that you will continue to work hard and not forget your original intentions, because the war is far from over, the Swedes The Tsarist Russians and the Cossack bandits have not yet been truly wiped out. Everyone! Please remember that no matter what difficulties and obstacles you encounter in the future, you will never be discouraged or desperate, because God and the loving protector of the country, Guarding us forever, guarding the generations of children and grandchildren of the Republic. As long as you firmly believe in God's help, there will be no unsolvable dilemma."

Bashit and others were full of enthusiasm, and they shouted "Long live the king!"

Although Pidro shouted more vigorously than anyone else, he really disapproved of him: Four thousand average there are only two talers per person, and His Majesty the King is really generous.

After the three shouts of long live, everyone stopped cheering. At this time, Yelishei and others also walked to Ugowski's front, but Chechen still did not appear.

"Where is Captain Chechen?" Ugowski asked suspiciously.

"Where is Chechen? Where is he? Where is Fatima? Why didn't she come back together?" Natalie also walked up to Ugowski. Seeing that Cheerchen was not in the crowd, she asked anxiously.

But unlike Ugowski, Natalie also noticed that Fatima was not in the crowd.

When Ugowski asked Chechen, Pidro was already ready to answer, but Natalie's appearance made him embarrassed, and Bacht cast his eyes to the side.

After a while, under the gaze of Natalie and Ugowski repeatedly searching, Piedro said: "Chechen, he stayed in Silesia."

"God, what happened? Is Captain Chechen sick?" Ugowski exclaimed.

Pidro was even more embarrassed.

"It's not that Cheechen is sick, he is fine." Piedro stammered.

At this moment, Yelishei came forward.

"Deputy commander, let me speak." Yelishei said.

With that, Yelisei said to Natalie and Ugowski: "The head of the team stayed in Silesia to take care of Fatima, because Fatima gave birth."

Natalie shook her body a few times, but she was dizzy and biting.

"Fatima gave birth? Whose child is it!" Oshka screamed out of place.

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

At this moment, Natalie smiled reluctantly. She said to Piedro and Bachter: "Two, and you come back."