The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 615: Syndicate 4

Stanislaw Potocki introduced the three and their basic situation. King Jan Kazimierz said: "Then, letting Ivan Wigowski succeed is the best for the Republic. chosen."

Stanislaw Potocki nodded and agreed: "It's true. Wigowski is the best candidate for us, followed by Bao Hong, but it definitely cannot be Shirko."

It must not be the Shirko who is pro-Tsarist Russia. Because the Republic can fight for Ukraine with Cossacks for another ten or twenty years, but it absolutely cannot tolerate Ukraine falling into the hands of Tsarist Russia.

"You are right, have our people contacted Vigowski?" King Jan Kazimierz asked.

"No." Stanislaw Potocki confessed: "Your Majesty, if you agree, I would like to go to Kiev in person to visit Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Ivan Vigov in the name of his illness. Sky makes contact."

King Jan Kazimierz was really taken aback when he heard Stanislaw Potocki was going to Kiev. The attitude of the Cossacks towards the nobility is well known to the world. They don't care about chivalry—if there are knights in the mud legs. Almost all the Polish aristocrats who fell into the hands of the Cossacks were heart-digged by them and suffered torture to death, and those aristocratic girls became their playthings and suffered from bullying and adultery.

Moreover, even with the identity of a peace talker, it is not absolutely safe in Ukraine. Adam Kichel is a living example. This blood family from Ukraine, who had successfully intervened in the Cossack uprising in 1637, and later recruited 4000 registered Cossacks from the non-registered Cossacks, which can be described as the benefactor of the Cossacks. However, during negotiations with Khmelnitsky in 1649, the old man was still threatened by mobs and lower-level Cossacks, and some even grabbed his beard jokingly. Adam Kichel, who was deeply humiliated, died on May 3, 1653 because of the failure of the peace talks.

And Stanislaw Potocki came from the Potocki family, which was one of the several noble families in Poland that the Cossacks hated. King Jan Kazimierz could not imagine, Stanislaw Potock What kind of treatment will Tsky get when he goes to Ukraine.

I have lost a Yanush Kishka, and can no longer lose Stanislaw Potocki.

King Jan Kazimierz’s concern, Stanisław Potocki, was all in his eyes, but ******, ******, the old man had already realized this kind of consciousness. Moreover, he did not think that Bogdan Khmelnitsky would be against him.

In order to dispel King Kazimierz’s concerns, Stanislaw Potocki said: "Your Majesty, Bogdan Khmelnitsky is arrogant, but he is not a fool. In fact, He Melnitsky knows how to score in a sense. Although he and other members of the mission have been threatened and insulted by mobs and subordinate Cossacks, their lives have always been preserved. And I heard that Khmelnitsky’s private contact with the King of Sweden was known to the Tsarist Russia. The Tsar of Moscow sent an envoy to ask him about his crimes. He is now offending the Tsar, Russia, and the Crimean Khan. The threat of the country, and Karl X was unable to give him substantial support. At this time, I represent your Majesty on your mission to Kiev. He will never dare to touch me."

"That's what I said, but just in case..." Although King Jan Kazimierz knew that Stanislaw was right, he was still worried about accidents. After all, Stanislaw was his own minister and important There is no substitute for sex.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that the king was still hesitant, Stanislaw Potocky exclaimed: "Ukraine is the Achilles heel of the Republic, and the Cossacks are a double-edged sword in the hands of the king. Sword. In the time of the first king Stefan Bartóré, our relationship with the Cossacks was benign. But with your father Sigismund III Vassar’s Polish royal power declined further, especially lost Control over the great Ukrainian aristocracy. Ukraine has almost become a small kingdom for some Polish giants and aristocrats. They recklessly continued to oppress the Orthodox peasants and Cossacks at the bottom, causing the bottom class to become increasingly dissatisfied. Of course, there are also members of my family here. After the death of Teman Pedro, the situation gradually lost control. The five small-scale riots are the performance of the Cossack group’s patience reaching a critical point, but we are too proud, proud of our force, and the nobles are intoxicated by military victories and suppression. In the success of the riots, the fatal hidden danger behind this incident was not detected and the political roots behind the riots were not eliminated. Especially after the suppression of the uprising, the number of registered Cossacks was reduced, which further intensified The two sides contradicted. By the time Khmelnitsky was forced to rebel, the situation in Ukraine was so bad that it could not be worse. Your brother Władysław IV was aware of this, and he himself sympathized with the Cossacks and regarded them as A powerful alliance to realize the dream of strengthening the kingship. The war that broke out between the Ottoman Empire and Venice in 1645 was an opportunity. If the war is won, it will strengthen his monarchy's political status and his son's succession to the throne. However, the Parliament heard the news in advance, Disbanded the army and forced him to make a promise. Later, your brother made a private deal with the Cossacks: As long as the Cossacks help to provoke the conflict with the Crimean Tatars, your brother will count their number on the register. Increased to 12,000, and granted the Cossacks nearly autonomy. But this plan of the best of both worlds ended up dying, and we also lost the last chance for a peaceful settlement. Over the years, we have been fighting with the Cossacks. Actually Shanghai is already playing a zero-sum game. It drained the blood of the Republic and Ukraine, but benefited Sweden and Tsarist Russia. I believe those upper-class Cossacks can see this. I am the most affected. Your trusted minister, Vygowski knows, and other gentle Cossacks know it, and only if I go to Ukraine on your behalf can I express the Republic’s greatest goodwill to them. And now Bogdan Khmelnitsky is seriously ill. Of course, those in power in Tsarist Russia, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the Crimean Khanate will not remain indifferent. They must have sent their most powerful ministers to do what we want to do. And I am responsible for the diplomacy of these three countries. All of the ministers are familiar, and only I can unite them and defeat them individually."