The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 727: Old school kindness

It is obviously easier to persuade a rich-loving Lesh Gritsenko than to persuade Pavlo Gomon, who is in peace. But since Stanislaw Potocki gave the task to himself, Cheerchen had to bite the bullet.

Fortunately, Cheer Chen did not do much to persuade others in Crimea.

Chechen first went to buy a gift, and then inquired about the residence of Pavlo Gomon, a Cosack of Sheqi, who told him that Chief Pavlo Gomon lived in Hassan in the thirty-six district. · Pasha District.

Chechen walked in the direction the Cossacks had directed, but he did not expect to meet with Tsarist Russian ambassador Tubullin and Potemkin.

Seeing the two of them, Cheerchen was also taken aback. Tubrin and Potemkin walked out of Hassan Pasa district, apparently they had already taken the first step to meet Pavlo Gomon.

Tubullin had some impression of Chechen, he knew Chechen was a member of the Polish mission.

After Potemkin’s ears told Cheerchen’s name, Tubrin cracked his bearded mouth and said to Cheerchen, “Hey! The little guy named Chechen. It’s Stanislaw Potots. Kei sent you here. Go back, you are late. Go back and tell Stanislaw that Pavlo Gomon is already our closest friend to Tsarist Russia."

When he thought of buying Pavlo Gomon for only a thousand rubles, Tubrin was delighted in his heart. Pavlo Gomon, the old Cossack, really hadn't seen anything in the world, so he was bought by himself so easily.

Of course Cheerchen would not go back just because of Tubullin's words. He took a step aside, preparing to bypass Tubullin and Potemkin.

Just when Cheerchen and Potemkin passed by, Cheerchen's face was suddenly hit by something falling from the sky.

It was hard, shining golden light, and it hurt when hitting the face.

Cheerchen picked up the thing that hit him-it turned out to be a golden ruble.

Of course, there was more than one golden ruble that fell from the air, and it was not only Chechen who was hit. Tubrin and Potemkin were also hit by the golden ruble.

The three of them looked in the direction where the golden rubles were coming from, but saw a young man on a two-story stilted building, a young man was taking out a handful of golden rubles from a leather bag and swaying them vigorously.

"This is what Pavlo Gomon bought wine for everyone." The young man shouted.

The people downstairs let out a cheer. They scrambled for the golden rubles all over the floor. Some people ran to the tavern after they were full.

Tubrin's face was pale.

He recognized that the young man throwing gold rubles was the son of Pavlo Gomon. And those golden rubles were just given to his father by himself.

Obviously, Pavlo Gomon set himself up.

"This **** old Cossack!" Tubullin gritted his teeth.

Chechen obviously wouldn't understand the mood of Tubullindi. He clamped the golden ruble with two fingers, and then added fuel to the fire with a smile: "Ambassador Tubullin, thank you for the golden ruble. I will also have a drink later. "

Tublin gave Chechen a ferocious look, and then left without saying a word.

After watching the Russian ambassador and his adjutant leave, Cheerchen walked up to the second floor. He said to the young man who was still throwing gold rubles: "Hello, I want to see Chief Pavlo Gomon. I am ..."

Before Cheerchen's words were finished, the young man said impatiently, "Daddy is inside. Go in by yourself."

Cheerchen walked into the room.

He saw an old, frail, frail old man wearing a red Cossack hat sitting directly opposite the door behind a broken wooden table-this person is Pavlo Gomon-Seqi The highest official. At this time, he was spooning shochu made with wheat from a wooden basin with two ears with a wooden spoon. This wine is turbid and unclear, obviously not crafted. But Pavlo Gomon drank it with relish.

Cheerchen walked to the table and put a box on the table.

"The head of the Polish Mission Guard Alvar Chechen asked to see Colonel Pavlo Gomon." Chechen said.

Pavlo Gomoenghun ignored Cheorchen. He continued to drink from the basin, drank Tim. After he had had enough, he stretched out his wet hand and grabbed the box.

Pavlo Gomon opened the box, which contained rolls of tobacco. He took out a roll and put it under his nose and smelled it, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Little friend, you gave a good gift, more than that given by the Russian bear and my heart." Pavlo Gomon praised.

Seeing that his gift was liked by Pavlo Gomen, Cheerchen also smiled happily.

He bought this gift in a Jewish shop near Xieqi.

It is so strange. While the Cossacks hated the Jews, they were inseparable from them. The Jewish owner of this shop supplies all the supplies needed by the thirty-six "dads" and their children, and understands their preferences. When Cheerchen accidentally revealed that he was buying gifts for Pavlo Gomon, the Jewish shopkeeper took back the wine that had been packed and handed to Cheerchen, and then dug out a box from under the counter. .

"Pavlo Gomon prefers this to drinking," said the Jewish shopkeeper, pointing to the contents of the box.

Then, he handed Cheor Chen a box of tobacco.

Seeing that this shop owner knew a lot of useful information, Cheer Chen gave the Jewish shop owner double the money to buy tobacco and inquired about some news.

After enjoying the tobacco, Pavlo Gomon closed the box. He said to Chechen: "My little friend, let's talk about it, you came to me and did you again? Is it the same as that Vasily Tubullin, who made friends with me?"

Pavlo Gomon bit the "friend" very hard. Obviously he also knew the true purpose of Tubullin and Chechen who came to him.

Seeing Pavlo Gomen like this, Cheerchen didn't make a mistake. He said: "Yes, sir. I came to make friends with you."

Pavlo Gomon stood up. He walked to an oil lamp, then took a cigarette from his belt behind his back and lit it.

"Russian friends are not easy to do, and Polish friends are even harder to do. Kids, do you know Barabas and Tatarchuk?"

Chechen shook his head, he was unfamiliar with these two names.

Pavlo Gomon said: "Balabash and Tatarchuk were also the little bosses of Seči. But once, a Polish colonel came to Seči and sent a letter that only mentioned their names. What? Bogdan Khmelnitsky handed them to the people of Xieqi, and those two guys were slammed by the people of Xieqi."

Chechen is a little confused. Pavlo Gomen is telling himself-he doesn't want to be involved with the Poles, so as not to repeat the same mistakes?

But if Cheerchen retreats only with the hint of Pavlo Gomon, he would not be Cheerchen.

"Sir Pavlo Gomon," Chechen said, following the tone of the old Stanislaw Potocki, "I executed the two pro-Polish Cossacks. Have you had a better life with the other Cossacks? No. On the contrary, the conflict between the Republic and the Cossack emirates has been nearly ten years, and both sides have been exhausted because of the war. The lives of everyone are getting worse and worse, and even precarious. The people hope that Ukraine will be peaceful from now on, because this is the general trend. . And because of this, this time our Polish mission in Xieqi was able to be safe and sound. I believe that as the most respected old man of the Cossacks, you will make the most favorable choice for all the Cossacks and the Ukrainian people."

Pavlo Gomon was stunned by Chechen's great reasoning. After a long while, he smiled and scratched his head.

"I didn't expect your boy to talk like this." Pavlo Gomon said: "But my old man can't be persuaded by you with a single mouth. Well, we won't be ambiguous, your Stanislaw Bo What price is Totsky going to offer me?"

Stanislaw Potocki didn't give Cheerchen any promises when he sent Cheerchen here, just asking him to do things cheaply.

Cheerchen stretched out a hand, and then spread out five fingers.

"Five hundred talers? Or five thousand talers?" Pavlo Gomen laughed again: "The Republic really looks down on me!"

There was obviously irony in these words.

Cheerchen shook his head and expressed his denial.

What he wants to give Pavlo Gomon is not money, but...

"Five hundred copies of the Cossack's quota." Cheerchen said.

Pavlo Gomon was suddenly startled when he heard Chechen's price, and the cigarette stick he had just picked up from his mouth almost dropped to the ground.

Seeing this picture of Pavlo Gomon, Cheerchen knew that his offer had reached Pavlo Gomon's heart.

Chechen now knows that the so-called Cossack is not just a military position, it is also linked to various interests. In short, once you become a registered Cossack, you will get many privileges and benefits, including but not limited to freedom of movement, exemption from taxation and autonomy, military payments (including money, wool, weapons and ammunition, etc.), and imperial fiefs (farming land and Troops station). And one by one Cossacks can receive a salary of 20-50 talers a year.

In other words, if you convert your opening into the front, it is equivalent to giving this old Cossack at least 10,000 talers per year.

Of course, Cheerchen knew that Pavlo Gomon would not take the quota of these five hundred Cossacks as his own.

Because Pavlo Gomon is a poor man, he is not greedy for power, but he also has his own weakness-that is, the "children" who stay in Xieqi.

Since most of the Zaporozhye Cossacks left Seči and fought with Bogdan Khmelnitsky, most of the people who stayed in Seči, except for the team guarding the fortress, were from his homeland. The old man and some Cossacks who returned after being disabled.

The Cossack Emirate does not have any pension and support system for disabled veterans. In addition to the ten rooms and nine empty spaces in Ukraine, and the Cossack’s deprivation of landlords and merchants in the past, it is difficult for even the soldiers of the Cossack Emirate to pay their salaries on time— -For a long period of time, only clothing, food, alcohol and other substitutes could be distributed. Later on, it was not even possible to distribute the goods in kind. The Cossacks, who are capable of fighting and physically sound, are even like this, let alone the disabled veterans who returned to Xieqi.

So these veterans have always been supported by Pavlo Gomen, relying on the taxes collected from the Jews, Wallachians, and Tatars who were doing business in Sheche.

But as a contemporary of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Stanislaw Potocki, Pavlo Gomon is already very old and will go to God at any time. And after his death, these veterans who stayed in Xie Qi will be in a desperate situation again.

This is what Pavlo Gomon is most worried about.

And these five hundred copies of Cossacks are equivalent to solving Pavlo Gomon’s worries. Even if he is dead, with the identity of the cossacks, the old people who stay in Xieqi can have a chance to survive. Rations.

Pavlo Gomon finally laughed.

"Your conditions are indeed very attractive," said Pavlo Gomon. "But how can I believe you? It should be noted that the Poles cheat the Cossacks not once or twice. I still remember when I was very young, Rukai Fowski came to beat us. At that time, we lost to the well-equipped Poles and were forced to retreat westward. As a result, our insurgents carried more than 10,000 family members, so the speed was not fast, and we ended up at When Lubne was encamped, he was surrounded by Zhukiwski. At that time, the Poles suggested that we could be pardoned by surrendering the mastermind of the rebellion. As a result, we arrested Narivako and Shaulah and escorted them to the Poles. In the army. But the perfidious Zukevsky took the opportunity to attack the Cossack camp and ordered everyone to be killed. Narivaiko and Shaula were publicly beheaded in Warsaw. The past is still in sight, and I need your assurance. "

"I pledge my life and reputation." Chechen said firmly: "I am a Polish nobleman and the lord of Vidava. I swear to you now that if the king does not fulfill the terms I promised you, then I will be responsible for all the expenses of the five hundred people till death."

After speaking, Cheerchen asked Pavlo Gomen for paper, pen and ink. After learning that there were no such things, Cheerchen ran downstairs quickly. He entered a Walachian shop, asked for paper and pens for the owner to use, and then wrote down the notes.

When Cheerchen gave Pavlo Gomon the family crest on the written handwriting, the old Cossack finally promised: "Okay, then it's a deal. I support Vigo. Nafsky, the great chieftain of the Cossacks."

Then, an old and a young hand were held together.

After Chechen went back, he told the old master Stanislaw Potocki about the negotiation process with Pavlo Gomon and the conditions he agreed to.

After listening to Chechen's words, Stanislaw Potocki sighed heavily. He promised Cheerchen that if one day, the Republic really violated Cheerchen's promise to Pavlo Gomon, then the Potocki family would be responsible for the support of the five hundred people.