The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 733: New warchief

Following Baohong's dramatic voluntary withdrawal, Wigowski received the support of most of the Cossack team leaders. And Ivan Shirko knew that his loneliness was completely hopeless. He hid his minions and turned to support Vygowski to become the chief of the Cossack emirate.

Although thirty-six team leaders and company commander representatives have reached an agreement on who is the new chief chief, the traditional procedures of the Zaporozhye Cossacks still have to go.

That is the Lada Conference of the whole army. The whole army of Cossacks, Radha, is like the modern Ukrainian Parliament, full of chaos and violence. And its voting method depends entirely on roaring. It is precisely because of this that Bogdan Khmelnitsky modified the election method before his death, and the team leaders first discussed it in a small range.

Wigowski was discussing with some people, and then invited them to a banquet, so a few drunk Cossacks went straight to the square of Xieqi in the early morning of the third day after the incident.

On the pillars of the square, there are several jaigu drums, which are usually struck when major events occur and meetings are called.

The Cossacks who could not find the drumsticks kept in the hands of the drummer picked up some firewood and knocked them indiscriminately.

The drums caught everyone's attention. The first one was the drummer who kept the drumsticks, a tall man with muscular knots but only one eye. At this time, even his eye was sleepy.

"Who is playing the drum?" he shouted.

"Shut up! Take out your drumsticks and ask you to beat you. Otherwise, we will twist your head off and beat the drums." The drunk leader threatened.

The drummer knew very well that the drunk Cossack did what he said. He took out the drumsticks he had kept, and then banged them vigorously.

Jiegu was banged. A black cossack flooded into the square from all directions.

From the window, Chechen and Stanislaw Potocki also saw this scene. Regarding this situation, the eldest man has already taken offense. Over the past sixty years, the old man has seen countless such performances. At this time, the emotional old man took a sip of wine, and then said to Cheer Chen and Henrik Potocki, who was standing behind him, "The good show is about to start."

After the three-way drum rang, the square has been surrounded by three inner and outer floors. At this time, the clerk Wigowski appeared. Behind him is Pavlo Gomon, holding the sacred warchief, followed by the judge holding the French seal, the adjutant with the ink bottle, and the archbishop of Kiev holding the cross.

Wigowski bowed in three directions in the square.

Some people calmed down, some took off their hats, and some cursed.

"What does this meeting mean? Do we have a new warchief?" someone said.

"Go down, go down! We don't want you."

Amidst the noise, Vygowski stood with a smile on his face. When some people were tired and their voices became quieter, Pavlo Gomen took the lead and said: "Dear brothers, we are going to elect a new warchief this time, but I voluntarily withdraw and recommend our clerk Vigo Fowski will become the next great chief of our Cossack emirate. Of course, if you have any good candidates, you can also put forward them. We will compete fairly and elect together."

As soon as Pavlo Gomon withdrew from the election, the Cossacks below were silent. Of course, the Cossacks at the bottom of them didn't know that the Big Three had reached an agreement, and at this time it was just a formality. Some Cossacks nominated their own captain and company commander, and some even called out the names of Ivan Shirko and Baohong.

Candidates who were called out by their names and were interested in running for the election stepped out of the crowd one by one. At this time, you must go fast and not make any noises, so as not to be attacked and you are bribing votes to canvass.

More than a dozen candidates stood in a row. Someone yelled again below: "Where is Yuri Khmelnytsky? Where is Yuri Khmelnytsky?"

A dozen Cossacks volunteered to find this candidate.

At this time, Yuri Khmelnitsky was staying in his room. He put on the red cloak left by his father, and he wore the hat his father used to wear. His beard and hair were also carefully taken care of by the barber, doing exactly the same as Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The son of Bogdan knew that he was hopeless in his election and was using this method to satisfy himself as a "Great Chief."

The dozen or so Cossacks who had come to invite him broke into the house. They were shocked when they saw Yuri Khmelnytsky, and regarded him as a smaller Bogdan Khmelnytsky.

"We're here to invite you to participate in the election." A Cossack said respectfully.

"I'm not going. Brothers, uncles, and fellow villagers." Yuri Khmelnitsky refused.

The Cossack repeated another side.

"Ah!" Yuri Khmelnitsky wailed humiliatingly: "I am not subject to this humiliation. All right, brothers, uncles, and fellow villagers. Why should I go to foil? Borg Dan Khmelnitsky’s son will never suffer this humiliation."

But those Cossacks have ignored them. The two of them grabbed Yuri Khmelnytsky's hand, they took Yuri Khmelnytsky's foot, and lifted him into the square on all sides.

All the candidates are here.

"Who chooses to be the warchief now?" Pavlo Gomon asked.

A new round of curses began in the square.

"Cucusco." someone shouted.

"Fuck you Cucusco," someone in the crowd cursed, "Where does he look like a warchief. It's not bad for this **** to **** a goat."

"Ivan Hilko," someone shouted again.

The square was silent. Everyone looked at Ivan Shirko.

"I quit." Ivan Hilko said.

Then, someone called out Bao Hong's name, but like Ivan Hilko, Bao Hong also withdrew from the election according to the script.

Vigowski's voice began to rise. That's when Wigowski's cronies ambush in the crowd in advance began to play a role.

"Just him, just him." Someone started to drive the atmosphere of the audience.

As the voice of Wigowski in the elections became louder and louder, overwhelming the other candidates, Pavlo Gomon picked up the drumstick in a timely manner and slammed it.

"I announce that Ivan Wigowski will become the new Cossack Chief." He shouted.

"This is over?" Cheerchen was a little strange.

"Of course not." Stanislaw Potocki looked out the window: "There is one last step."

Pavlo Gomon raised the token and handed it to Vygowski. According to custom, Wigowski declined. Then Pavlo Gomon handed the token to Vygowski for the second time. This time, Vygowski still refused. It was the third time that he took the token and kissed it with his lips.

The Archbishop of Kiev stepped forward and placed the cross in front of Vygowski. Vigowski kissed the cross three times.

Cheers rang from the crowd, and the entire fortress was shaking. The lingering reverberation spread straight into the distance.

"It is done," Stanislaw Potocki said.

After this, four old Cossacks with white beards and white hair stepped forward. Vigowski knelt on the ground, each old Cossack holding a handful of dirt that had become muddy due to the recent rain, and they put the dirt on Vigowski's head in turn. The wet soil dripped from Wigowski's head, through his nose and cheeks, and dripped on the ground, smearing his entire face.

But Vigowski had no complaints. He remained motionless, thanking the Cossacks for the honor bestowed on him.

Here, the Cossack-style election is finally over. Everyone present began to disperse, and the carnival began. They knocked on the doors of all the hotels and pubs, honey, wine, beer, gin... all the alcohol was moved out without money, and then opened.

The Cossacks were conquered by drunkenness and exhaustion. Slowly, they fell to the ground, one Cossack hugged the other Cossack, relatively embarrassed, and even both of them began to cry.

A large group of people lie together, you don't even have a place to get your feet, one of them wants to turn over and sleep more comfortably, but he is pressed on the other's head, and the bones of the pillow hurt.

The whole Xie Qi fell asleep in this atmosphere.

Old Master Stanislaw Potocki has been watching the bonfire on the square go out in front of the window.

Chechen is no longer there. Although Vigowski was able to ascend the throne, Cheerchen's contribution was very important, and he should also be happy, but Cheerchen's heart was always thinking of the cramped Duke Konitzki.

Perhaps even the Duke did not expect that the most pitiful person turned out to be Chechen, who he hadn't dealt with.

Watching the last bonfire go out, Stanislaw Potocki turned around.

Henrik Potocki is still standing behind his uncle.

"How much money do we bring?" Stanislaw Potocki asked.

Henrik Potocki replied: "3761 talers left."

Stanislaw Potocki nodded. In the end, the king and his favorite Wigowski were in charge, and the 40,000-plus Tale spent the money at all.

"Next, just wait for Vigowski to fulfill the agreement after returning to Kiev." The old man thought.

Stanislaw Potocki walked towards the back room, he was about to go back and take a good night's sleep. At this moment, the old man found that Chechen's bed was empty.

"Where is Chechen?" Stanislaw Potocki asked suspiciously.

"It seems to be by the river," Henrik Potocki said.

Stanislaw Potocki said nothing but nodded.

Stanisław Potocki looked out the window one last time, and suddenly he saw Potemkin and Ivan Shirko, the attendant of the Russian ambassador Buturlin, walking together.

Stanislaw Potocki is confident that he can't be mistaken. Because the man who walked with Ivan Shirko had a blindfold on his face, this was definitely Potemkin, an attendant of Tsarist Russian ambassador Buturlin.

Stanislaw Potocki was surprised at first. Soon, the old man pressed his heart down again. Vigowski is already the Great Chief of the Cossack Emirate, and Ivan Hilko voluntarily gave up the campaign. Now if he wants to go wrong, he will be the enemy of all the Cossacks. Then there will be no need for the Republic to do anything, Bao Honghe Vigowski will take care of Shirko.

"Nothing to fuss about. It's just the two losers crying together." Stanislaw Potocki thought optimistically.

But will it really be like this?

In Tubrlin, after a few glasses of wine, the Russian ambassador deliberately mentioned the "Preyaslav Treaty" of that year.

And Ivan Shirko couldn’t help but recalled the scene when Bogdan Khmelnitsky signed the "Preyaslav Treaty" with the man in front of him: after lunch, in a harmonious atmosphere, Khmelny Nitsky, the generals of the Cossacks, and Boutubulin went to the cathedral to hold an oath. According to Polish practice, Khmelnitsky believed that both parties must swear oaths. He proposed that Tubrlin first swear on behalf of the Tsar to protect Ukraine from Polish bullying and not harm the freedom of Ukrainian nobles, Cossacks, urban residents and other Ukrainians. And rights. However, Tubullin unceremoniously rejected him. He claimed that this was contrary to the tradition of Tsarist Russia. Only the lowly subjects swear oaths to the noble tsar ~ How can the tsar swear oaths to the subjects? These words directly touched Khmelnitsky, and he walked away on the spot. Later, many team leaders, including himself, took turns to persuade Tubullin, but the latter remained unmoved. In the end, Khmelnitsky had no choice but to give in. After Bogdan Khmelnitsky took the oath, Tublin awarded the flag, scepter and crown of the Tsar's royal gift to the former.

Tubrin's mention of the "Preyaslav Treaty" certainly had its purpose. He saw that Ivan Shirko's memories were almost complete, and Tubrin said: "Team leader Tsarist Russia and the Cossack emirates are not alliances, but the relationship between the suzerain and the tribe, so..."

Speaking of this, Tublin deliberately sold it again.

"Ambassador Tubrin, what do you mean?" Ivan Hilko asked.

In fact, he already understood what Tublin meant.

In Tsarist Russia, it is impossible to write martial arts.

"Since the Cossack emirate swears allegiance to His Majesty the Almighty Tsar, then His Majesty has the right and obligation to protect the people of Ukraine. As you and I know, the election of Vygowski is a farce, and it is to the Tsar. Betrayal. We, Tsarist Russia, must correct this error in a reasonable manner."

Speaking of this, Tublin approached Ivan Hilko.

"The 60,000 Russian troops have been assembled under the command of Prince Alexei Trubtskoy. They will go to Ukraine to "suppress the rebellion." And you, Your Excellency Ivan Shilk, the most loyal friend of Tsarist Russia . I believe you will not disappoint us then."

This statement fits Ivan Shirko's wishes.

He laughed "Jie Jie": "Of course, of course. I will also bring a good friend to Tsarist Russia..."