The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 778: Battle of Konotop 9

Vasily Sheremetev was awakened in his sleep by the adjutant on duty.

His adjutant came to report that a Cossack had escaped from Fort Konotop, had come to surrender to the general and brought important information.

Was awakened in a deep sleep, especially in the first half of the night, after a long battle, Vasily Sheremetev's heart was upset. He thought to himself that if the Cossack who had escaped from Fort Konotop just said trivial things, he would definitely get him cramped.

The naked Vasily Sheremetev got up from the camp bed. Without pity, he slapped the two Ukrainian girls who were sleeping on the bed with tears of humiliation and pain.

The two Ukrainian girls were both collected by Russian soldiers from a nearby village for Vasily Sheremetev. Vasily Sheremedev took a light look at the looting of Ukrainians by his subordinates. Although Ivan Shirko offered him to be gentle with the Cossacks and Ukraine, Vasily Sheremetev felt that soldiers needed to rob to celebrate their victory, and to reinvigorate their morale after defeat, they needed to rob. In short, the army and robbery were The inseparable Konotop is a small place,

These two girls are both peasant girls, of course they cannot be beautiful women. If it were in Moscow, Vasily Sheremetev like this would never be touched. But in the marching battle, he can only fight.

Fortunately, the two Ukrainian girls are very young, and they are healthy and full of vitality because of their long years of work. But Vasily Sheremetev, who has tasted enough of the white body of aristocratic girls and young women, has an unusual Experience.

Vasily Sheremetev's strength was so strong that she patted the girl's skin crimson in just one shot.

Although the two girls had abnormal pain in their lower body, they did not dare to show dissatisfaction and resistance. They didn't care about wearing clothes, so they dressed Vasily Sheremetev neatly naked.

The dressed Vasily Sheremetev left a sentence: "Go take a shower, and then come back and wait for me", and then strode out.

In the large tent of the Chinese Army, Vasily Sheremedev's adjutant was talking to a young man with a damaged lyre on his back.

Seeing that the general took him, the adjutant stood up straight, and then shouted: "General Vasily Sheremetev is here!"

Then, Vasily Sheremetev went to the main seat and sat down under the watch of the adjutant.

"General, his name is Mosi Silo, a Cossack deserter. He escaped from Fort Konotop and said that he has important information to tell you personally." The adjutant reported in a low voice.

Only then did Vasily Sheremetev take a closer look at the young Cossack.

I saw that Mossi Siro had red lips and white teeth and a delicate face. Vasily Sheremetev liked him a little bit. He decided that even if the information that this Cossack guy would tell him was not so important, he would not cramp it anymore, but spoil him well.

"You want to see me?" Vasily Sheremetev asked.


"What information did you bring? Come on, I'm Vasily Sheremetev. The highest commander here."

Mosi Silo glanced at the adjutant on the side, and then at Vasily Sheremetev.

"Don't worry, my adjutant is a famous clan from Moscow. He is not a mud-legged mouth. He will not reveal a word about you and me." Vasily Sheremedev understood. The meaning of Mossi Siro's eyes was to make his adjutant avoid him, but he felt that it was not necessary at all.

"Then I'll say it." Mossi Silo said.

When he spoke, he was calm and composed, as if he was not facing a high-ranking general, but just facing an ordinary person.

This attitude also surprised Vasily Sheremetev and his adjutant secretly.

When Vasily Sheremetev heard the information brought by Mosi Siro, he almost jumped up with joy.

"I was sent by Company Commander Hvadki to contact you. Our Konotop Cossacks are no longer willing to play for Vigowski. For the faith of Orthodox Church, we decided to revolt and dedicate Konotop to You, the great and invincible General Vasily Sheremetev."

Although Vasily Sheremetev is the vanguard of the army and holds ten thousand people, twice as much as the defenders of Konotop. But before the departure, Prince Alexei had a strict order that before he and the main force arrived, Konotop could only be surrounded and investigated, but could not be attacked.

The reason that made Prince Alexei so careful was that Konotop's commander was Alvar Chechen.

Although Chechen became famous in recent years, and personally killed Yakov in Pskov, Vasily Sheremetev didn’t think he had much skill—a young child who was still a sucker. The swordsmanship is strong, but it does not mean that his ability to command troops is the same as his swordsmanship. Besides, he is trapped in a lonely city, can he make any big waves?

However, because of the strict military laws of Prince Alexei, although Vasily Sheremedev disapproved in his heart, he still had to obey orders.

Therefore, Vasily Sheremetev has never acted rashly-even if he has long been itchy to the war.

But at this moment, the Cossacks in Konotop came to contact him for an This time I really wanted to sleep and someone gave him a pillow.

Vasily Sheremetev felt that if he let this great opportunity to seize the city slip through his hands, then Prince Alexei would know about it, and I’m afraid he would not praise his fate. I blamed myself for lack of heart and unconsciousness.

And he will become a joke among other generals and nobles.

"When are you going to open the city gate?" Vasily Sheremetev asked.

His face flushed, and he looked so impatient.

Mosi Silo shook his head and said: "The gates of Konotop Fort are guarded by Alvar Chechen's most trusted mercenaries. Our company commander has no way to open it."

Before Mossi Silo's words could be heard, Vasily Sheremetev hit the table with a punch.

"Then how do you dedicate the castle to me!"

He felt he was being fooled.

Facing the angry Vasily Sheremetev, Mosi Silo still had a calm face. He said: "Although Alvar Chechen's people control the gates, he doesn't know that there is a dense road in the residential area of ​​Konotop that leads directly into the Konotop Fort. This tunnel It was dug by the company commander in order to be able to retreat quickly in the event of a surprise attack. No one knows except for the company commander Hwadki. You can sneak into Fort Konotup through this tunnel."

Vasily Sheremetev turned his anger into joy.

"Very good." Vasily Sheremetev said: "Then you know the location of this tunnel."

"Of course I know. The company commander told me before he came."

"Well, you will lead the way tomorrow night, and we will enter Konotup Castle without knowing it, and give Alvar Chechen an unexpected surprise."