The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 787: Battle of Konotop 18

The singing became louder and louder, even reaching the big camp of the Russian army, reaching the ears of the Cossacks under Ivan Shirko.

These Cossacks who ate worse than the Russian "gray animals", they also sang.

Prince Alexei was drinking with his generals in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, and he also vaguely heard the singing.

"What are they singing?" the prince asked Ivan Hilko.

Ivan Hilko put down his wine glass and listened.

"It's a folk song of the Cossacks," he said.

Then, he translated the main idea of ​​the song.

"They will not become slaves." Vasily Sheremetev said cruelly: "Because I will send them to see God, so that everyone knows that those who dare to resist the rule of the most merciful Tsar can only die. ."

Ivan Shirko glared at Vasily Sheremetev, but there was only so much he could do.

Prince Alexei was noncommittal at first.

Because obviously, at this time, the defenders in Fort Konotop were still in the mood to sing, which is unusual. But soon, the prince ridiculed himself that he was too cautious-there was a sniper he arranged on the front line, and any abnormal behavior of the defenders could not escape their eyes.

Prince Alexei, who was relieved, raised the glass, and said with his usual expression, "Continue drinking."

After speaking, he first drank the wine in the glass.

Prince Alexei was unwilling to cup the bow and snake shadow, and he made his generals nervous and cranky. Last time, the prince punished Vasily lightly and caused random speculation in the army, which made Chechen's reputation even higher.

The banquet continued, and the Russian generals toasted again and again for the health of the Tsar, for the martial arts of the prince, and for various reasons.

The singing in Konotop Fort gradually stopped, because the four hundred warriors were ready to go out of the city-their goal was to destroy the main Russian army in the north where Prince Alexei was and destroy the Russian army tunnels in the south.

Cheerchen personally directed the raid on the north camp, and Cheerchen's task of destroying the tunnels of the Russian army was given to Yelishei, his most trusted person, and a hundred Cossack sailors.

"Yelsey, Prince Alexei will send heavy soldiers to guard the tunnel entrance. This is obvious. But the night is so dark, I attracted the attention of the enemy from the north. Then the enemy will definitely deploy troops to support. At this time You suddenly attacked and blew up the tunnel." Cheerchen arranged this to Yelishei.

Yelishei thought for a moment, he shook his head and shouted: "Team leader, then you should go to the south, I go to the north!"

"No," Cheerchen said, "I have to go to the north, because only if I am there, the soldiers won't feel that this is a night attack with no return. Remember, you can only do it when the enemy's barracks begin to commotion. . And it must be fast and ruthless!"

After that, Cheerchen didn't let Yelishei have the opportunity to persuade himself to change his mind again. He pulled down the helmet of the pointed helmet, and then walked towards the three hundred warriors.

"Follow me, go forward! Go ahead!" Cheerchen ordered.

The gates of Fort Konotop were opened again. After leaving the city, three hundred people moved to the side of the trench like a thin line.

At this time, every Cossack's eyes were shining firm and decisive. Because in front of them is their team leader, behind them is Ukraine, their hometown.

And if you want to save your hometown from Konotop's tragic fate, you must not let the Russians see the coast of the Black Sea and the Dnieper River.

The Russian snipers in the trenches mistakenly thought that the enemy who had left the city this time was still here to clear the trenches. They took a lot of time to prepare bows and shoot arrows to teach these people with no memory a lesson.

But something unexpected happened by the Russian snipers. The enemy army leaving the city this time didn't hide themselves at all, but instead lit a fire.

It was a ring of fire that was set ablaze by the commando.

The soldier with the strongest arm in the assault team hurled these rings of fire violently.

The ring of fire bounced on the ground and rotated into the trenches of the Russian army.

The clothes of Russian snipers in the trenches were set ablaze. Its killing effect is amazing. The fire on the ring of fire lit the clothes of Russian snipers in the trenches, and these unbeatable flames turned the engulfed person into a fireball.

The painful and painful Russian soldiers wailed and jumped out of the trenches and fled in the direction of the camp.

These fire men and the ring of fire continued to roll across the trenches, bringing fear and fire into the camp.

Taking advantage of the situation, the only 80 Zaporozhye cavalry remaining in the Konotop Fort protruded from the city gate. They passed the Cossack sailors led by Chechen and rushed towards the Russian army camp like a sharp knife.

These cavalry were led by Piedro.

This Cheechen's dearest family thinks about it after Cheechen leaves the city, the more it gets wrong-how can he let his nephew go alone? This is a life of nine deaths! So when the fire broke out outside the city, Piedro slapped his thigh, he handed over the command to Viscount Hessian, and he ordered all the cavalry to follow him.

The dark night, the dazzling fire, the gallop of the horses, and the roar of the Cossack commando that followed closely, the mental deterrence and blow to the Russian soldiers who were resting were enormous. Not to mention that in order to create greater chaos, the Cossacks and sailors threw bombs in all directions.

The Russian camp exploded, and the soldiers ran away.

Some sensible and experienced aristocratic officers tried to recruit soldiers to resist unexpected attacks. They shouted their long-standing identities and team names, but they were greeted with crazy faces and a pair of panicking eyes. .

People who have lost their rationality push, crowd, trample, squeeze and trample each other to death.

The horse rider hurriedly drove away, while the ownerless horse ran away blindly. Armor, weapons, and fallen tents were thrown everywhere.

Cheerchen broke into an artillery position accompanied by Piedro. This artillery position is empty at this time. Cheerchen found a few iron rods. He drew the scepter from his waist as a hammer, and then nailed the artillery valve to death.

" look at it."

Just when Cheorchen nailed the last cannon, Piedro pointed to the front and shouted at him.

Chechen took a closer look and saw that Prince Alexei, wearing a silver-scale breastplate, was riding a horse and standing among six pine torches. He shouted: "Don't mess! Don't mess! I'm here. , I am Prince Alexei Trubetskoy! Move closer to me!"

Some people apparently recognized the prince, they heard him, saw him, and then surrounded the prince.

A small fighting group is forming next to the prince.

Chechen knew very well that they were able to achieve such a great result by surprise and the organizational chaos of the Russians. And once the enemy is regrouped, then the three hundred people of oneself will not be enough to fill the teeth of the sixty thousand Russian army.

"Whoever has a gun, give it to me." Cheerchen shouted to the people around him.

Immediately, Pidro picked up a heavy musket that was discarded by the Russians on the ground, and after checking it, handed the musket to Chechen.

Cheerchen bracketed the gun on Uncle Pidro's shoulder. He adjusted his breathing, three o'clock in a line, and then pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit a guard next to Prince Alexei, but the prince who was the target was unharmed.

Prince Alexei didn't care, but this shot frightened the person protecting the prince. They ignored Prince Alexei's strong opposition and knives and whips, surrounded the prince round and round, and then escorted him to escape to the rear.

At this moment, the "light" disappeared. The Russian soldiers were in a mess again. The people running wild even stepped on the bonfire.

When the bonfire went out, there was black rumbling everywhere, and the Russian soldiers were even more frightened. They rushed out from the company camp, like a flood that burst a bank, like a surging river, rushing violently, rushing to other camps around...