The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 810: Snowstorm

   Baron Karl Gustave Wrangel left Hosson and pursued in the direction where Princess Louise Henriette was fleeing.

At this time, there are five people in front of him. They are Pidro, Father Spasocukotsky, Ingrid and Princess Louise Henriette, and Prince Frederick. There are only two by the Baron. The Swedish heavy armored pistol cavalry, the baron is out of disadvantage in number. But Baron Carl Gustav Wrangel is not afraid at all. This is because the princess and the prince are too important to his king and close friends. Even if there is only the baron, he will pursue it without hesitation. ; On the other hand, the Swedish **** under his command must be on his way, and he has already sent a signal to Devenskberg. As long as he can stop these people in front of him for a while, the large forces will come, and the advantage will be Will come back to myself this time.

   Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel thought so, so he desperately used the golden spurs on his riding boots to stimulate the horse's belly, urging his mount to chase after him desperately.

   The iron rider faced the wind, and the baron felt like he was about to fly. The figures of the four who fled in front were getting closer and closer in the eyes of the baron, as if they were within reach.

   Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the distant woods. The baron's mount fell to the ground like an electric bite.

   Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel also fell off his horse. He tumbled on the ground several times and fractured his left arm.

   But it is a blessing in misfortune that the Baron did not break his neck.

   The two Swedish heavy-armored pistols hurriedly stopped their horses. They held high-quality pistols to guard the baron's side, and the horses kept sniffing their noses.

   Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel got up from the ground with difficulty. He glanced at the fallen mount, and saw a blood hole on the brow of the horse, and blood mixed with brain plasma was continuously flowing out of the hole.

Baron    looked at the grove where the gunfire came.

   Four people and four riders slowly emerged from the grove, headed by a young man wearing a clown mask.

   When the four of them walked twenty steps away from the Baron, the young man with the clown mask threw several brown leather belts in his hands to the ground.

   "It's that circus!"

  The Baron looked at the four with hatred. Seeing the clown mask, he had recognized that these four were the circus that had come to the town to perform before.

   Looking at the belts on the ground again, the baron knew that the Swedish guards under his command might have been solved by these.

   Obviously, the conspiracy began more than a week ago, and the plan was not leaking, even the interception of its reinforcements was considered. .

   At this time, Princess Louise Henriette and the others also stopped their horses in front and turned their heads.

   "Who are you?" The baron asked Cheerchen who was wearing a mask sharply.

   Baron wants to know whose hands he is defeated,

   Tetsuchen approached, he drew out the pistol that was stuck in his waist, and then sternly said: "Since you asked so sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully."

   Then, Oksana said: "In order to prevent this world from being destroyed."

   The black line on Yelishei's face, he said word by word: "In order to protect the peace of the world."

   Xie Miao smiled and said, "Implement love and true justice."

   Cheerchen said again: "I am Alvar Cheerchen."

   As soon as Tetsuchen's voice fell, Oksana said quickly: "I am Oksana, a beautiful gypsy girl."

   Oksana said so quickly because she was worried that those guys wouldn't notice herself as soon as Cheerchen reported her name-she thought about these lines for several days, just to show the limelight today.

   But Oksana is destined to be disappointed. When Chechen reported his name, Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel stared at him.

   "Are you Alvar Chechen?"

"Yes," Cheerchen immediately owed his body, "I am Cheerchen. Your Excellency, we are on the order of King Jan Kazimierz to rescue Princess Louise Henriette and Frederick who were kidnapped by you. Prince Lie. I have saved you now. If your Lord Baron cherishes the lives of his men, please go back quickly."

   Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel was chewing Chechen's words, but a heavy armored pistol cavalry beside him had secretly pointed his pistol against the horse's neck and aimed Chechen.

   But all of his actions fell into Fedot's eyes. I saw Fedot quickly put the Turkish musket in his hand against his shoulder, and didn't see how he aimed it. The hand was a shot.

   The bullet accurately hit the pistol of the heavily armored pistol cavalry, and broke the man's hand while shooting the pistol.

   This amazing spear skill shocked Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel. He finally knew who shot his speeding mount in the woods.

  At this time, the baron was desperate to take back the princess and prince.

  Although the Baron knew in his heart that it was impossible to recapture the princess and prince, he still refused to retreat. Because the baron has no retreat—the prisoner who lost Karl X to him is still second. If Princess Louise Henriette announces her kidnapping, then she can only commit suicide and apologize in order to protect the king's reputation.

   At this moment, Princess Louise Henriette took a step forward.

"Your Excellency," said the princess, "Thank you for your warm hospitality in Devensberg. My son and I have had a great time. When I return to Königsberg, I will convey your greetings to William. ."

   Hearing what Princess Louise Henriette said, and looking at the people around him holding guns at him, Baron Karl Gustave Wrangel finally sighed.

  He said, "Your Royal Highness, have a safe journey."

   After finishing speaking, the baron mounted a heavy-armored pistol cavalry's horse, and the three men returned on two horses.

   "Is this going away?" Oksana said in disbelief.

   She thought that this Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel would fight with her to the end regardless of the disparity in strength between us and the enemy.

"Fool," Oksana's husband Yelishei patted Oksana on the back of the head affectionately, "A person who knows the times is a brilliant man. Moreover, the princess has already stated that she will not announce to the outside world that she has been kidnapped. This preserves the reputation of Karl X and the Kingdom of Sweden. It is the best for Baron Karl Gustav Wrangell to get such a result."

   This is, Tetsuchen clapped his hands.

"Everyone, although the Baron has retired when he knows it is difficult, we still have to hurry up, because we are still in the Swedes. The Baron is likely to change his mind and pursue us again after receiving reinforcements. So we cannot relax nor careless. Knowing that we are completely safe only when we reach Werner."

   So the group of people continued on their way. They traveled day and night, but stopped for a while when the horses needed a little rest due to the long journey. Along the way, Chechen also managed to get a wicker carriage for Princess Louise Henriette and Prince Frederick to ride.

   For several days, their actions were so swift that they were about to reach the Daugava River in just over two days. Fedot rode ahead on horseback. He looked around cautiously, followed by Yelishei and Oksana walking side by side, while Xie Miao took care of several packhorses.

   Cheechen and Fatima walked around the carriage, protecting the safety of the princess and prince.

  Because of being out of danger Princess Louise Henriette kept asking questions, because she was imprisoned in Devenskburg, these days she knew nothing about what happened in the world.

   Of course, Cheerchen actually knows only limited information-what he knows best is what happened in Ukraine. So helpless, he could only tell stories about Ukraine and Konotop to Princess Louise Henriette. Regarding the elector’s reaction to the robbery of his wife and daughter and the attitude of King Jan Kazimierz, Cheechen gave a general and broad explanation in terms of severity.

   "God of mercy!" Princess Louise Henriette said, and at the same time raised her beautiful, pale face to the clouded sky, "I knew that my husband would not abandon me."

   Then, Princess Louise Henriette said to Chechen: "Earl, although you came to rescue me by the order of King Jan Kazimierz, don't doubt that my husband will also pay you back!"

   Tetsuchen was waiting to thank Princess Louise Henriette, and Fedot came to him with a gloomy face.

   "Head, we are in trouble." Fedot said.

   "What happened? Was there a chaser in front of him?" Cheerchen asked anxiously.

   Fedot shook his head: "It's more terrible than this, captain. Look at the sky."

   Tetsuchen raised his head, and saw the sky covered with dark clouds, no different from what Princess Louise Henriette saw just now.

   "A blizzard is coming." Fedot said with a trembling voice.

   Tetsuchen was shocked and his mind was blank for a moment.