The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 815: inaccurate words

Because of Boguslav's provocation, Princess Louise Henriette looked at Chechen in a strange look. And Cheechen may be due to excessive fatigue, he did not notice the change in Princess Louise Henriette's expression.

Although Princess Louise Henriette was bewitched by Boguslav, she was not so easily deceived after all. Cheerchen is her savior, and the princess will still be suspicious of the prince's accusation against him.

So in the following day, Princess Louise Henriette did not untie the ropes that bound Prince Boguslav, but went on the road with Cheor Chen in silence. Although Boguslav was extremely anxious, he did not show it on his face. Because he believes that as long as Werner has not yet arrived, as long as there are only three of them on the way, then he must still have a chance.

In order to get to the Daugava River's ferry and return to the territory of the Republic as soon as possible, Cheerchen and his entourage accelerated their progress. In the snow-covered pine forest, they galloped non-stop, fast, as if the pine trees around them were retreating in a hurry.

The small hotels on the roadside, the huts of the forest rangers, and the tar workshops all flashed past, and occasionally, one or several large cars heading towards Devinsk could be encountered.

Whenever he encounters a pedestrian, Chechen gets closer to Boguslav. His iron hand firmly grasped one of his arms, and the sharp dagger pointed at Boguslav's armpit, braving the cold light.

Fortunately, those passers-by only occasionally glance at the three of them, and have no interest in where they came from or where they are going.

Halfway, Boguslav’s golden wig was blown off by the wind, and the wind blew away his thick brown hair.

"For the sake of God, rest your feet. I can't take it anymore." Boguslav shouted hoarsely.

Chechen glanced at Boguslav contemptuously.

"Don't play any tricks for me, Your Royal Highness. I know very well that your body is not so weak. In France, you have cut and wounded the famous swordsman de Freymore in the French knighthood, and put von Grotte The baron begged you for mercy; and in the Republic, you used a spear more than once to compete with the she-bear guarding the cub."

Chechen used these examples to refute Boguslav and also told Princess Louise Henriette that it is impossible for a fighter like Boguslav to be exhausted by riding such a horse for a while.

"Yes, I admit that those are my achievements. But what you don't know is that I have just recovered from malaria and my body is still very weak. Now I am no different from an ordinary person."

After speaking, Boguslav looked pitifully at Louise Henriette.

The princess felt compassion. He said to Cheerchen: "Count, let's find a place to rest. Even if the people are not tired, the horses are tired."

The fact is indeed the case. They have been running and galloping, and the horses are so tired that they foam at their mouths and fall with the wind like snow flakes.

Cheerchen sighed. When they saw a hut at the corner of a road, Cheerchen looked at the sky and said, "Then let's rest here."

This house is a small tavern that has been abandoned recently. The owner of the tavern may have a better business, or he may have been conscripted for military service, so he abandoned it.

There is a small open area between the house and the road, without a fence, growing sparse grass that has been trampled by horses and horses. Crock pots and worn-out tables and chairs were randomly discarded here and there on the open ground. Cheerchen jumped off his horse and tied three horses to a pole, then he and Princess Louise Henriette escorted Boguslav into the house.

Although the inside of the house is full of dust, the main structure is solid and can fully shelter from wind and rain. What's more fortunate is that Cheer Chen also found the dry wood left by his predecessors in a corner of the house-this was just right for him to make a fire.

The bonfire was ignited, Cheechen got a pottery bowl filled with snow water and melted it by the bonfire, then put it in the rusks, boiled it softly, and handed it to Princess Louise Henriette.

Princess Louise Henriette took a small bite. She raised her head and asked Chechen: "Count, although I am a bit rude to ask you this, you and Boguslav seem to have a great contradiction. It has happened between you. whats the matter?"

In the end, Princess Louise Henriette did not hold back her curiosity and asked this question.

Boguslav, who was lying in a corner, was overjoyed when he heard the words. He pricked his ears and listened to how Chechen would answer.

Because this will affect your own destiny.

Cheerchen didn't expect Princess Louise Henriette to ask her this question. He was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head to remain silent.

He recalled the time when he first met Christina.

Princess Louise Henriette saw Cheorchen not speaking She looked at Cheorchen's face nervously. And Boguslav also turned around and looked at Cheerchen on the opposite side.

After a long while, Cheerchen picked up a firewood and threw it into the bonfire.

The bonfire is burning more vigorously.

"It's for a kind and kind sister." Cheerchen looked at the bonfire and said, "I forged a grudge against Boguslav for her."

Boguslav smiled with a successful conspiracy. He knew that Cheerchen's unclear remarks could not relieve the doubt he had planted in Princess Louise Henriette's heart, but instead encouraged his growth.

Sure enough, Princess Louise Henriette heard that her face became as white as paper.

With preconceived ideas, Princess Louise Henriette naturally added Chechen's words into the story that Boguslav told herself.

At this time, Cheerchen's words deepened Princess Louise Henriette's misunderstanding of him.

"But I don't regret it. It is precisely because I saved that sister that I will have today."

Chechen’s feelings were originally sent from a series of things that happened after he left Janusz Laziviu, including getting to know Natalie and going to Crimea, but this was mistaken by Princess Louise Henriette. I thought Cheorchen became an earl because he betrayed Christina.

Boguslav's stomach was about to hurt as he was smiling at the side—this Cheechen must have taken the wrong medicine today, because every word of him made Louise Henriette misunderstand him more deeply and benefited herself even more.

Princess Louise Henriette put the one-bite bowl of bread on the ground.

"I'm full," she said.

At this time, Princess Louise Henriette only felt that it was disgusting to eat the food Cheechen gave.

And the look she looked at Chechen was exactly what Boguslav expected.