The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 829: Current situation

After bidding farewell to Catherine, Cheer Chen and the others returned to their home in Warsaw. In the following days, Cheerchen and Piedro began to wait for Jan Kazimierz's reward.

But seven days have passed, fifteen days have passed, and a month has passed, but the paperwork for appointing Cheerchen as the supreme officer of Brest and enjoying the fiefdom has not been handed over to Cheerchen.

At the beginning, Cheerchen also persuaded Uncle Pidro to stay calm and not restless-King Jan Kazimierz has everything to do with every day, and there are hundreds of important things to deal with every day. After all, the canonization of Brest to myself is not a trivial matter such as a treat to dinner. You must give your Majesty some time.

But when there was no news after a month, Cheorchen himself started to get anxious.

Because Oksana asks Cheor Chen three times a day for her husband when she will fulfill her promise.

Cheerchen intends to go to Kazimierz Palace to inquire. But only then did he realize that, apart from the elders of Jan Sobieski and Stanislaw Potocki, he had no one to inquire about. The old man Stanislaw Potocki was in the area of ​​Kamenets at this time-it was reported that the Turkish sultan intends to form an alliance with Sweden to attack Poland, so the old man was sent there to preside over the defense and pay close attention to Denez. The movement on the other side of the Te River.

As for Jan Sobieski, since the dinner that day, Cheerchen always felt that there was a slight gap between the two of them. Cheerchen always felt a little uncomfortable when he asked him to inquire about the news.

Unexpectedly, Cheerchen had to bite the bullet and beg Ugowski, the king's servant. This adult was very refreshed, he promised to listen to His Majesty the King's voice by tapping on Chechen's side.

Ugowski’s reply to Chechen also came quickly—the next day, Ugowski sent someone to tell Chechen that the appointment letter was already in the process.

If Cheerchen is an Oriental, then he will have another understanding and cognition of the meaning of "procedure".

Unfortunately he is not.

After receiving this news, Chechen thanked Ugowski a lot and gave him a pure gold wine glass.

After that, Cheorchen began to wait patiently again. In the Kazimierz Palace, on the desk of King Jan Kazimierz, the appointment letter was actually written long ago, and even a thin layer of dust has fallen on it, but the place where it should be stamped is It is always blank.

There was no problem with the procedure, and Cheerchen had made so much credit that even the most stubborn old guy in the parliament and the Senate could not find any reason for not honoring Cheerchen.

It is King Jan Kazimierz who is really hesitant.

This again starts with a letter from General Stefan Czarnetsky.

General Stefan Czarnetsky was puzzled and puzzled about Natalie's sudden departure from Werner and leaving her husband to serve in her own army. However, Natalie kept silent about the reason, so Master Soldier couldn't ask too much.

Later, the soldier heard Chechen’s famous saying in Werner forgiving Boguslav, and after contacting Natalie in her army, she said nothing to her husband, the wise Stefan Czarne. Tsky guessed the whole thing.

While sighing that Boguslav was about to escape the fate of the hanging, Stefan Czarnetsky also sincerely admired Natalie's patriotism. She can put her patriotism above her children's love, and put the country's interests first in everything, which is something that many men can't do.

As for Chechen, since it was impossible for the General Soldier to know that the main reason he chose to forgive Boguslav was the loan, Stefan Çarnetski did not have the slightest resentment towards him.

Because the general soldier is an old man with rich personal experience and experience. Although the friendship with Cheerchen is very shallow, Stefan Czarnetski knows very well that Cheerchen is a person of love and righteousness. Although he spent most of this sentiment on his relatives and friends, he did not have much affection for the Republic of Poland that gave him the bread, but the soldier knew that this was not Chechen's fault.

Chechen is a Spanish, and his native country is Spain. Even if he married Natalie Kishka as his wife, he became a nobleman with a knighthood in Poland, but compared with Spain’s 14 years of affection, he spent less than four years in Poland. Time is really nothing. Natalie's reproach to Cheerchen's request for completeness and to save others by oneself, in the opinion of the general soldier, is really a bit hasty. At this time, what Natalie should do best is to use her tenderness to influence Cheerchen, so that he loves herself and this motherland at the same time.

Of course, as a soldier and male elder, Stefan Czarnetsky’s thoughts are not convenient to talk to Natalie directly. So the soldier wrote a letter to Queen Ludvika, hoping that the queen could use her influence on Natalie to make Natalie understand these truths.

The letter was sent to Warsaw, and Queen Ludvika received it, and Jan Kazimierz also learned the contents of the letter from his wife.

At this moment, King Jan Kazimierz hesitated again about the reward of Chechen Brest-even if the reward was The king’s reason was simple: cloth Leicester is the center of the Republic, and it is also the base for training and training the king's army that he and the queen prefer. It is unwise and dangerous to give such a place to an "unpatriotic" person.

But "not being patriotic" is not a reason to be on the stage. After all, Jan Kazimierz cannot take the quarrel between the young couple as a sufficient and necessary condition for Cheorchen's "unpatriotic".

So the king had no choice but to use procrastination tactics, and things were so delayed.

During this period, Queen Ludvika complained about her husband's delay in handing over the position of the mayor of Brest to Chechen, but when the words came to her lips, the queen swallowed again. It is the king's power to appoint officials and when to appoint them. As a queen, I have been involved in enough national affairs. Some good deeds and people who fear the world even pretend to be a female king, and Jan Kazimierz is his own queen.

Although Jan Kazimierz respects his opinions as always, and the two are more affectionate, but because of this, he has to be more cautious.

But when she learned that Cheerchen asked Ugowski to ask about the appointment, Queen Ludwig could no longer bear it. She asked her husband straightforwardly when to hand over the appointment paper to Cheerchen.

King Jan Kazimierz faltered and talked about him. He even said that Mikhav Vorodjavsky is more suitable for this position-a look like he wants to go back and forth.

And if it weren't for an urgent document from Werner, Queen Ludvik and King Jan Kazimierz would even have a quarrel.

The official document was sent by Marshal Lubao Macki. The official document wrote: He was defeated by an army led by Karl X, and the situation in Lithuania is now precarious.