The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 83: Stranger 1

   Now that Cheorchen and Pidro have decided to go to Werner to join the army, the whereabouts of Fedot and Fatima become a problem. Especially Fedot, he is a Tsarist Russian after all. Whether they want to go to Werner with Chechen, they have to make their own decisions.

   When the caravan had a short break in the middle, Pidro put the question on the table. As he expected, Fedot was indeed struggling extremely internally.

  Although he is now a fugitive, Tsarist Russia is his mother after all, and who would not hesitate to shoot at his mother's other sons? But Fedot had nowhere to go. He stayed in this land occupied by Tsarist Russia. Even if he was careful, he still could not guarantee that he would not be discovered by General Yakov's lackeys. It was a capital crime to kill the general's adjutant, and Yakov, who felt his dignity was insulted, would never let Fedot die so happy.

   Seeing Fedot did not speak for a while, Piedro did not force him to make a decision immediately.

   "Miss Fatima, how about you?" Piedro threw the same question to Fatima.

   Fatima's injured right hand has been fixed by the wicker branches, her left hand and **** clamped the tip of the short knife, and kept throwing it on and then catching it.

"I don't care. And according to the contract, I should kill Yakov for you before completing the task. Of course I will go wherever you go during this period. And I feel very good with Cheer Chen. But I I declare in advance that if that Raoshi Yanush or his subordinates insulted my faith, I would not give you face."

   Fatima compares it with a short knife on her neck.

  Although the words were not sound, Fatima made it clear that he was willing to join Cheerchen and Pidro.

   "Great, Sister Fatima." Cheer Chen said happily. He rushed to give Fatima a big hug, and Fatima hurriedly put away her short knife in fright. If this one was not careful, he really wiped his neck.

   "I'm sorry, both of you. I am grateful for your revenge, but I can't shoot my countrymen. Unlike that **** Gregory, they didn't hurt me."

   At this time, Fydot also made a decision. Although not so much like Pidro, it is reasonable.

   "Where are you going? Fedot." Piedro asked, picking up the bonfire with the branch in his hand.

   "I am going to Astrakhan, where my wife is. I haven't seen her in four years." Fedot said.

"I don't know how far Astrakhan is, but how do you go without money? And there must be a card on the way. Maybe you were arrested by General Yakov before leaving Smolensk Province. Woke up."

   Fedot was silent, which he did not expect just now.

   "Uncle Fedot, why don't you come with us." Cheechchen said.

   "Cheerchen, I just said, I won't be able to..." Fedot thought that Cheerchen hadn't heard what he said just now, so he planned to repeat it again.

   Ke Tetsuchen waved his hand.

   "Uncle Fedot, I know what you mean, you don't want to shoot at your compatriots. I mean my uncle and I hired you as our **** and escorted us to Werner."

   "But aren't you mercenaries yourself?"

   "You see that we only have three people now, and the old one, the small and the injured, the road is not safe. I don't think you can rest assured to let us go on the road alone." Chechen said slyly.

   Fedot looked at the old one (Pidro), the small one (Chechen), and the injured injury (Fatima). He was really worried that this combination would go on the road alone.

"And we pay you forty Taylors a month, you don’t need to fight, just keep my uncle and me safe. After a few years, the wind will pass, and you will take a few hundred Taylors back to that as well. Trahan, no better than you are now going back empty-handed!" Che Chen continued to bewitched.

   The marksmanship that Fedot showed yesterday is really a five-body shooting that Cheerchen admires. He really hopes that Fedot will stay and teach himself a few skills.

   "Well then, I will go to Werner with you."

   Cheerchen's remarks finally touched Fedot, and he also decided to go to Werner with Cheerchen and others.

   Seeing that you don't have to let Fedot and Fatima go, Cheerchen smiled even more.

   And the happier one is Pedro. Not only is the addition of Fedot and Fatima added two good helpers for himself, but also because of Cheerchen's more sleek style of doing things.

  Three more days later, in Loknia, Chechen and others broke up with Everrich. Everich and their caravan had to return to Riga via Pskov; while Chechen and others had to go to Werner, the nearest route was to take another route via Polotsk.

   At the time of parting, Pidro paid money to buy the Turkish musket that Fedot had rented from Everich as Fedot’s weapon, and bought a wagon made of wicker branches.

   After parting with Everich and his caravan, Cheerchen and others continued on the road.

  On the way, they repaired all night in a monastery near the forest. The priest there listened to Cheerchen and Pidro's confession and treated them.

   The next morning, the four set off again. After leaving the forest, they turned to the west. At the junction of the rivers, they continued on the road along the river. This road also has to pass through a virgin forest and swamp. At sunset, the roar of long-horned bison and bison can be heard in the primeval forest, and at night, the wolf’s eyes can be seen gleaming behind the dense hazelnut trees.

   The greatest danger that threatens pedestrians on this road is the refugees who fled into the forest because of the war. Some of them have become bandits and robbers in order to survive. Their eyes are shining green like hungry wolves in the dark and silent forest, always ready to attack the lone travelers.

   On the first day they were walking alone, Tetsuchen and the others encountered three or four groups of such robbers, or it would be more appropriate to call them refugees. These scrawny guys held sharp sticks or scythes in their hands, and slowly followed them more than ten meters away from the four people. Chechen knew very well that if it weren't for the musket in Fedot's hand, these people would have rushed forward.

   Fortunately, in the end they were still awed by the power of the musket, stopped tracking and waited for the next batch of weaker prey.

  Out of the forest, the road suddenly opened up. This section of the road is far away from the bandits to ambush the forest, and it is relatively safer.

   They just walked forward quietly.

   This kind of itinerary is undoubtedly tedious, because there is no pedestrian on the way. During the whole morning, Cheechen lay on a wicker carriage with a straw in his mouth, looking at the sky idly, while Fatima and Fydot were also drowsy.

   About a day away from Polotsk, they finally heard the snorting and hoofs of horses behind.

   The sound of horseshoes was anxious at the beginning, as if they were about to approach Tetsuchen and his party. But suddenly he slowed down, holding the tail of the carriage like that, at a distance of seven or eighty meters from Chechen and the others.

   "Uncle Fedot, do you think they are tracking us?" Cheerchen was not sure about this situation, so he asked Fedot.

   Fedot holds the gun in one hand, and puts a canopy between his brows in the other. His eyesight was very good, and after watching for a while, he said to Cheerchen: "There are only two of them, so they shouldn't be robbers in their clothes. It looks like a broken soldier."

  Pidro turned his head when Fedot said this. He looked around and replied like an experienced traveler:

   "The surrounding area is not covered, the robbers just want to lie in ambush and there is no place. And the robbers generally don't block the way during the day."

   "Uncle, let's stop and wait for them to see what they want to do?" Cheechchen said.

   After all, even if these two people are not malicious, it doesn't feel good to be followed.

   So Pidro stopped the carriage. They quietly hid their weapons in a concealed and easy-to-take out place, and then stood in the way, facing the horses that came, waiting there.

   Seeing the carriage stopped, the two knights seemed to hesitate and stopped on the road. After a while, one of the knights fought forward. He walked very slowly, as if he was also full of guard against Cheerchen.

   "Praise God."

   "Always praise."

   "Hello, fellow travelers." The knight said again.

   At this time, Cheer Chen took a close look at the person in front of him.

   The knight is not tall, with a moustache, and his face is as tough as a sculpture carved from granite. His body is full of smoke and dust. His horse was injured in many places, but the wounds were scabs. Obviously, this little knight had experienced a battle not long ago, but he was fortunate not to suffer any damage.

   "I also greet you for a safe journey," Tetsuchen replied.

   For the purpose of cultivating Cheorchen to stand alone, after breaking up with the caravan, Pidro consciously pushed Cheorchen to the front desk. As the leader of this small team that cannot be smaller.

   "This is a soldier!" Cheerchen thought to himself as he looked at the little knight.

   But then, the little knight said nothing. Cheerchen found that the little knight wanted to say something several times, but he stopped talking.

   Seeing that this is the case, Tetsuchen said again: "Did we block the way between you and your friends? If so, we can give way and let you go first."

   The road is very wide, even if there are two carriages side by side, there is no problem, not to mention that the other side is riding a horse. Cheerchen said this, but it was just trying to get rid of it, forcing the little knight to say what he wanted to say.

   This trick of Tetsuchen really worked. The little knight saw that Cheorchen was about to make way for himself, and hurriedly said, "No, no. You didn't stand in the way. In fact, my friend suffered a serious injury. He was bumped right away for a long time, and now the wound broke again. I hope you can let him lie on the carriage and take us all the way."

   "Of course, I will not lose your money." The little knight added.

   "How did your companion get hurt? I think you are like a soldier, are you from the Polish army?" Cheerchen asked.

   From Everich, he vaguely learned that after the battle of Smolensk, another Russian army was fighting with the Polish army.

   Regarding this question, the little knight did not speak.

   After listening to the little knight's request, Cheorchen was very willing to help these two people. Although they met together, the little knight didn't look like a bad guy, and it wasn't Chechen's character that he couldn't save him.

   It's just the identity of these two soldiers and the covert rhetoric that made Cheor Chen hesitate. He couldn't help thinking.

   Seeing Tetsuchen's silence, the little knight was a little anxious. He took off a gold ring from his left hand and handed it to Cheerchen.

"My companion was really hurt very badly. Because you are all chivalrous people, I made this request. You should take this ring first, and when you arrive in Polotsk, there will be more gold for you. you."

   Hearing the word gold, Pidro's ears straightened. He hurriedly jumped out of the car, took the ring from the little knight, and weighed it in his hand.

   "We were all chivalrous people at the time. Do you really still have a lot of gold?" Piedro asked hurriedly.

It’s no wonder that he is so greedy for money. It’s really that he spent too much money from assassinating Gregory to of the savings of the two nephews and uncles were spent on hiring Fatima and bribing the city gates. Guards and purchases of carriages and other items are on.

   "Uncle!" Cheerchen snatched the gold ring in Pidro's hand and handed it back to the little knight.

   "We are not the ones who have forgotten the benefits. You should put this ring away, and we will help. Go and move your friend to the car, and we will go on the road together." Chechen said.

   The little knight showed a grateful expression. He thanked Cheerchen again and again, then beat his horse back and went back to pick up his companion.

   "That's a master with a sword."

   Waiting for the little knight to go far, Fatima sitting in the car said to everyone.

   When the little knight talked to Cheorchen, Fatima had been watching him. Different from what Cheerchen saw, Fatima saw something that only a talent like herself who has been practicing martial arts since childhood can see.

"His finger bones are very wide, and the tiger's mouth is full of calluses. This is the mark left by often using the sword. And when he first approached us, he kept his hips akimbo on the horse. If we do anything unfavorable With his actions, he can draw his sword and fight back as quickly as possible."

  Fatima analyzed it with a professional eye.

   "Then who is better than Fatima?" Cheerchen asked.

   "It can't be compared, it can't be compared." Fatima shook her head. She herself had practiced assassination and sneak attacks since she was a child, and this little knight obviously took the path of fighting in an upright battlefield. The two are bright and dark, and each is good at winning. I can only say.

   Tetsuchen wanted to ask again, but at this time, the little knight had returned with his companion's horse.

   It was then that Cheechen discovered that the wounded man was indeed seriously injured.