The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 841: Queen Regent 12

Two days later, the fleet docked at the pier in Riga.

Governor Magnus de la Gardia welcomed the thousands of mercenaries who arrived at the dock-he had apparently received the order of King Carl X, knowing that these people would become His Majesty’s in the near future. Subordinate.

Victor had a cordial conversation with Magnus at the dock. His current status is the commander of this mercenary force temporarily appointed by Ostrow, and he has command over all mercenaries within a month.

Through the window in the cabin, Cheerchen watched Victor and Magnus de la Gardia's every move.

The two talked very happily, and Chechen also noticed that Magnus de la Gardia did not look in his direction at a glance. Obviously Victor was loyal to his duties. He would not tell the Swedes about Christina's ship before Warsaw's order came.

"Earl Chechen."

While Tetsuchen was watching carefully, Karlsson's voice came from behind him.

Cheerchen turned his head and asked Karlsson if Sister Christina wanted to see him.

Karlsson shook his head. He said that he had something to say to Cheer Chen.

"Earl Chechen," Karlsson said, "You and I know that the fate of Her Majesty the Queen will be known in these two days. Now that the ship is docked in Riga, I wonder if we should ask Widenberg in secret. The marshal will come and inform the marshal of the current situation. Marshal Widenberg is very resourceful, and he may have a better way than we have thought of."

Karlsson didn't know that Wydenberg was the first person Cheerchen went to, but Alvid Wedenberg said, "Let God's will."

Cheerchen was about to tell Karlsson that he had gone to Wedenberg and he had nothing to do, Christina also appeared behind Karlsson.

She heard the conversation between the two of them just now.

"Carlsson," Christina encouraged her subordinates: "Don't be discouraged, don't be disappointed. You have to believe that God will bless us."

But neither Cheechen nor Christina nor Karlsson expected that the order from Warsaw would come so quickly.

At night, the wharf was brightly lit-Victor, on behalf of all the mercenaries, asked Magnus de la Gardia for the right to temporarily station troops within the wharf. His reason is very good: he is worried that the influx of lawless mercenaries into Riga will cause unnecessary riots.

This is what Magnus de la Gardia is most worried about.

As the governor of Riga, he has the obligation and responsibility to protect the safety of the nobles and citizens in the city. So the Governor of Riga readily agreed after Victor made this request.

Under the bright moonlight, a pointed boat crossed a white waterline like a swift and approached Victor's boat.

The people on the boat climbed onto the boat after taking the rope dropped from the boat. With his bare feet, he went straight into Victor's captain's room.

This scene happened to be seen by Cheer Chen who had been paying attention. Due to Cheerchen's special status, the mercenaries under Victor, who was on the deck at night, did not stop Cheerchen, but let him approach the captain's room.

Then, Cheor Chen heard the following conversation:

"Have you been sent by His Majesty the King?"

"The Parliament and His Majesty sent me."

"What's the order?"

"The agreement has been reached, and you are ordered to act according to your plan."

Hearing this, Cheorchen pushed the door open.

The two in the captain's room did not expect anyone to break in, and when the door was pushed open, they both showed a guarded look.

Victor saw that it was Cheor Chen, and took the lead to let go of his vigilance and showed a happy expression.

"It's Chechen," Victor introduced to the other person: "Duke Ovshane, this is Count Alvar Chechen."

The man known as the Duke of Ovshane also released his hand on the dagger around his waist.

"It turns out to be the earl. It's really disrespectful."

Cheerchen nodded to the Duke of Ovshane. Then, he glanced at the ashes left by a small pile of paper burning on the table next to Victor.

He asked Victor if the Republic had negotiated with the Kingdom of Sweden.

"Yes," Victor said. "The agreement has been reached, and the four-year war is finally over. The Duke of Ovsiana of the Senate is here to convey this order."

"Then what about us now? What arrangements does His Majesty the King have for us?"

Victor seemed to hesitate, but he immediately told Cheerchen the king's order brought by the Duke of Ovshane.

"His Majesty ordered to return home as soon as the courier of Karl X arrived in Riga.

"What about Queen Christina and Alvid Wedenberg?"

Victor seemed to hesitate again.

"Your Majesty wants us to hand over the Queen to Magnus de la Gardia. According to the agreement, the Queen will spend the rest of her life in the monastery in Linköping; as for Marshal Arvid Wiedenberg, he will return Zamohic’s prison is as if he never came out."

After that, Victor thought Cheerchen was going to get angry, because Victor knew more or less about the relationship between Cheerchen and Christina. But Cheerchen was indifferent, and nodded instead: "It's okay, it's the best ending for anyone."

Victor was a little unbelievable.

"Don't look at me like that, Uncle Victor." Cheerchen saw Victor's face in disbelief, and he explained casually: "I am now the earl of the Republic. Of course, everything must be based on the interests of the Republic~www Besides, in order to complete the business that His Majesty the King asked me to help Sister Christina, I almost have to press on all my assets. Now the mission is cancelled and my property is also kept."

Cheerchen saw Victor de Labuscado with a happy and sad expression.

Before Cheerchen could understand the meaning of Victor's expression, seeing Cheerchen and Victor agree, the Duke of Ovshane said excitedly: "Great, then we will act now. Lead someone to take Christina down."

"Wait!" Cheerchen reached out his hand to stop.

The Duke of Ovshane showed a puzzled look.

Cheerchen said to the Duke of Ovshane, "I understand the character of Queen Christina. If we take a lot of people down, the Queen will definitely resist. Although there is only one Karlsson by her side, just in case she is fighting. The one in us hurts the queen, it’s not beautiful."

After listening to Chechen's words, Duke of Ovshane fell silent at the same time.

This is indeed the case. Christina is also the queen of Sweden, the heir of the noble Vassar family, and the same line as King Jan Kazimierz. Such an identity, even if it suffers a little injury, it is not something that these people can bear to spread it out.

"In my opinion," Cheerchen said, "It's better to let the three of us go down, and then lied that His Majesty the King has sent an order to act tonight. Christina trusts me, she will not doubt me, when I come by unexpectedly Control her behind her, and you will subdue Karlsson."

Duke Ovshane thought for a while, and Cheerchen's method was indeed the best.

This is, Victor exclaimed: "Yes, this is the safest way."

Seeing that Victor also meant the same, the Duke agreed to Cheerchen's method and decided to act accordingly.