The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 846: Queen Regent 17

Because the water was too cold, the governor of Riga, Magnus de la Gardia, became a prisoner.

At dawn the next day, the city of Riga had completely fallen into Christina's hands.

Among the defenders of the city of Riga, most of the soldiers put down their weapons and joined the Queen’s camp like Hans Follett, a few were taken prisoners after the fierce battle, and some were together with the commander of the city of Riga, Calvin. Died in street fighting.

The citizens of Riga spent a terrible night amidst the sound of gunfire. When some bold citizens opened the door the next day, they realized that it was not a mercenary riot last night, but that their former queen Christina "recovered" Riga and wanted to claim the throne from the current King Karl X.

Knowing who the current ruler is, the citizens of Riga are relieved a little bit-at least Queen Christina, as a Swede, will never let mercenaries rob and slaughter in her city-everyone comforts themselves so much. .

It is only natural that the citizens were so worried at the beginning. After all, in the Thirty Years' War that lasted less than ten years, the looting and massacre of the city by mercenaries after the city was broken was the norm. Among them, Magdeburg is particularly **** and cruel. After the Habsburg Count Tilly took the city on May 9, 1631, the Count, who had fought with Protestants in the Netherlands and other places, let all his mercenaries plunder for three days.

More than 30,000 Magdeburg citizens were killed in three days, and the earl said to the doubters casually: This is what the soldiers deserve for risking their lives!

Christina and Alvid Wedenberg did use harsh military laws to stop mercenaries from destroying and plundering Riga. For them, the city of Riga was the first city won during the restoration process, and their attitude towards the citizens in the city will directly affect the hearts and minds of other cities.

Of course, Christina must have said something about the mercenaries who risked their lives to win Riga for themselves. One-third of Cheerchen's wealth on the transport ship was turned into a reward for the mercenaries, which not only satisfied the appetite of the mercenaries, but also made them more loyal to the queen's cause.

At twelve noon, Christina in a uniform, accompanied by Marshal Arvid Wiedenberg, rode into the gates of Riga.

At the city gate, the captured Bishop of Riga and the Speaker stood on the side of the city gate. They paid tribute to Queen Christina on behalf of all the citizens of Riga. After this, the archbishop respectfully handed the key of the city gate representing Riga's ownership to Christina's hand.

Christina took the key, and she once again stated that, as the queen of all Swedes, she will spread mercy in Riga, and will not commit any crimes in autumn.

The bishop and speaker who became prisoners thanked the queen for her generosity and expressed their loyalty.

As a result, Christina and Arvid Widenberg rode forward towards the Doge’s Palace.

"Magnus de la Gardia has been taken into custody. Hans Follett is guarding him and waiting for your disposal." Alvid Widenberg said to the queen immediately.

Christina nodded.

The identity of Magnus is too important to him now. He is not only the governor of Riga, but also Carl's brother-in-law. If he is allowed to surrender himself, the morale of those who follow Carl will fall.

"Marshal, where are Cheerchen and Karlsson now?"

Christina didn't see Cheerchen and Karlsson all the way, so she asked Wiedenberg.

"Chechen took a team of mercenaries to patrol the streets of Riga, while Karlsson went to guard the treasury."

There was a warm current in Christina's heart when she heard that Cheerchen had actually acted as a policeman.

Although he made repeated orders, it is difficult to guarantee that the mercenaries are mixed, and some people still have evil intentions. Moreover, those rascals and ruffians in the city will definitely take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

These people would ruin their reputation while robbing property. Cheerchen was able to take precautions early, which showed that he considered himself far-reaching.

When they came to the door of the Doge’s Palace, Christina and Alvid Wedenberg had not yet entered, and they heard arguing from inside.

"Judas! The ungrateful!"

Someone yelled like that.

That should be the voice of Magnus de la Gardia.

Another voice responded: "Honorable Governor! I am not an ungrateful person. When I become a governor one day, as long as you promise me that you will be faithful to your duties, I will reward you as a defensive officer."

After speaking, the owner of this voice smiled arrogantly.

Christina frowned dissatisfied.

"This is Hans Follett, the biggest hero yesterday." Alvid Wedenberg explained hurriedly.

Christina stretched her brows. She stepped in.

Inside, Magnus de la Gardia was locked in an iron cage. His gorgeous coat had long been stripped away, leaving only a white shirt and a pair of bloomers. He was barefoot, and his shoes were also snatched because of the golden spurs on his boots.

When Hans Follett saw the queen and the marshal coming in, he hurriedly stood up straight and made a military salute.

Although disgusted by Hans Follett's humiliation of a nobleman, Christina praised his abandonment and great achievements last night, and promised again that he would be rewarded generously.

Hans Follett was overjoyed when he heard this.

While the two were talking, Magnus kept looking at Christina's profile. He seemed to want to see his destiny from the queen's face.

When Christina and Hans Flatt finished speaking and turned to Magnus, Magnus hurriedly withdrew his gaze.

"Magnus." Christina called.

Magnus did not speak.

"You are Carl's brother-in-law, and we are considered relatives."

Hearing this sentence, Magnus's heart became excited-the queen admitted that she and she were relatives, does that mean that the queen is going to let her go?

Although Magnus thought so in his heart, the reservedness of the noble made him bury his joy in his heart. But what appeared on his face was indifferent and calm.

"Your Majesty, although we are relatives, my allegiance is to the great King Karl X."

Although Magnus's words were tough, he believed that Christina could hear her own overtones-she had called her the queen, and this was quietly begging her for mercy.

Christina nodded, of course she could hear it.

The queen was about to speak when Hans Follett suddenly knocked on the iron fence of the cage with the wooden stick in his hand.

"What pretend to be! If you are so stiff, would you be afraid of the water?!" Hans Follett said mercilessly.

Hans Flatt's actions were so sudden and unexpected that not only Christina and Alvid Wedenberg didn't expect it, but Magnus shrank instinctively because of fright.

This caused the appearance of the loyal martyr he had worked hard to shape just now to collapse.

Seeing how funny Magnus was, Christina wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, so she could only hold her back. And Alvid Wedenberg gave Hans Flatter a fierce look.

The truth was revealed, Magnus felt that he had been greatly insulted, and his blush was like a cooked crab.

"You kill me, you can kill but not insult!" he shouted with courage.

When Christina saw this, she knew that Magnus was angry at this time, so she had to comfort her: "Magnus, stay calm and restless. Hans Follett is a vulgar person. I apologize to you on his behalf. ."

Magnus snorted, UU read, but after all, Po Xia donkey accepted Christina's apology.

Then, Christina ordered Magnus to be released from the cage and brought him a set of clean clothes.

While Magnus was getting dressed, Alvid Widenberg whispered a few words in Christina's ear.

Then he brought a few people—they were Magnus's wife and children.

Magnus's wife, Carl's sister, rushed to her feet and grabbed the queen's skirt as soon as she saw Christina.

"Chrissy, forgive us!" she begged for mercy.

Christina helped him up, again gently and relieved.

On the side, Alvid Wedenberg also interjected: "Madam, the fate of you, your child, and the governor is actually in your own hands."

Magnus' wife said softly, she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"I understand, I understand both."

After speaking, she took the child's hand and walked into the dressing room.

Time passed by every minute and every second. I don't know what the two said in it, and what kind of struggle they have gone through. In short, when the Magnus family came out, Magnus knelt down in front of Christina and loyal to her.

Christina frowned. She was about to help Magnus, but Magnus was firmly tied to the ground with his knees.

"Your Majesty, I have a request." He said.

"You just say it."

"My wife and children, I hope you can send them out of Riga." Magnus said.

Christina immediately agreed.

All she needs is the facade of Magnus. As for his wife and children, letting them go will not cause any loss to her, and she can also win a reputation for her kindness.