The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 848: Queen Regent 19

Seeing Cheerchen coming, Christina smiled joyfully. She asked why Cheerchen came so late.

Chechen told the queen that he released Victor and Duke of Ovshane.

After finishing speaking, Cheor Chen was a little nervous. Although he knew that Christina would never feel grudges against him because of such trivial matters, after all, he had cut it first and played it later.

In this regard, Christina didn't care at all. She said that since the city of Riga has been seized and the mercenary control is in her own hands, Victor and the Duke of Ovshane are of no importance. After they were released, someone happened to return to Warsaw to report to Jan Kazimierz.

"Chechen, you don't need to worry about anything." Widenberg comforted Chechen at this time: "The purpose of Jan Kazimierz is only to end the war with Sweden. Make peace with Her Majesty and Tong Karl, right For Poland, there is no difference. As long as we win and abide by the agreement reached with the Poles in the future, then Jan Kazimierz will never blame you, even if you are a hero of the Republic of Poland. But according to me Look, if King Jan Kazimierz really abandons you for a while, it might be a good thing that you stay in the Kingdom of Sweden and serve the queen. Because the queen will never treat you badly."

Wittenberg also knew how much risk Cheerchen had taken last night, so he wanted to give Cheerchen a booster and a reassurance.

Cheerchen certainly understands Wittenberg's intentions, and he calmly stated that he is not worried about it.

When the matter was over, the three of them said a few more gossips, and Cheerchen and Wittenberg said goodbye to Christina.

After a thrilling battle last night, all three of them were extremely exhausted. Especially Cheer Chen, he didn't close his eyes for almost a day and night. At this time, the overall situation was decided, and he should take a break.

Chechen and Wedenberg walked out of the Governor's Palace in Riga, which has now become the Queen's temporary residence.

Wittenberg pulled Chechen aside after the door closed behind him.

"Chechen, I have something to tell you." Wedenberg said solemnly.

Cheerchen was taken aback. Because if it was something important, why did Wiedenberg not speak in the city lord's mansion just now, but he only said it to him when Christina was away.

However, despite some doubts, Cheerchen said politely, "Marshal, please."

Then, Wedenberg told Cheerchen the conversation he had just with Christina.

Finally, Wittenberg said: "Your Majesty is kind, but war is not a treat, not a house, war has its own set of rules, that is, strength, firepower and mobility. Although we have a strong combat force Mercenaries, but compared with Carl's veterans of the Hundred Wars, did not have much advantage, and their numbers were still superior. Therefore, recruiting a sufficient number of militias and letting them be cannon fodder in the front is the only viable way to win. "

Chechen admits that Wittenberg's statement makes sense.

The queen's biggest advantage over Karl X was that her proposal of a truce catered to popular opinion. But now, Carl X has negotiated with Poland, which means that Carl X has done what the queen wants to do. It is hard to estimate how much the military and the people's minds are towards the former queen. Although Cheerchen also knew that Karl X's army also had queens like Robert Douglas who were concerned about the old master, but when it comes to the final battle, how much effect they can play or whether they will play a role is still unknown.

Cheerchen thought so. He raised his head and said firmly to Wedenberg: "Marshal, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing Cheerchen on his side, Wedenberg happily stroked the goatee who stroked his chin.

"I want you to be a villain. Of course, it's not you, but I'm with you. We gathered Magnus, Follett, and the Bishop of Riga, the Speaker of the Speaker, and called them in the name of the two of us. Militia. To the Queen, we say that these people are volunteers who volunteer to fight for the Queen’s cause."

"Okay, just do it." Cheerchen punched his palm.

So Chechen and Wiedenberg gathered everyone to the Riga Cathedral overnight. After a cordial and pragmatic discussion, everyone left the cathedral guarded by heavy soldiers.

On the second day, parliament representatives and priests began to issue orders to recruit militias in their jurisdictions and dioceses.

The war machine in Riga began to spin.

Every week that followed, every time a militia arrived, Wiedenberg designated an experienced mercenary officer to take them. Among them, Macron is in charge of a noble team composed of millers and municipal officials: the militia from Sirgudah is led by Feodor; the militia from Salis is led by Stankini and Sovohu Cloth is responsible for training there are only three thousand people assembled, Chechen has to admit that the quality of these Swedish militias is not a little bit higher than that of Polish militias in Poland. From the uniform long guns and muskets they carry, they are better than when they are in war, riding or riding in a car, they also bring servants, entourage, utensils, and various daily necessities; Poland uses a wide variety of weapons. The militia group looks more combative.

A month later, the dispatched scouts brought back news that the Royal Swedish brigade was coming towards Riga along the Daugava River.

Cheerchen, Wiedenberg and Christina began to discuss how to meet the enemy.

Cheer Chen proposed his own plan. He advocated the establishment of three large camps: one on the outskirts of Riga, one on the fortress of Dinaburg, and one on the bank of the Daugava River. The three are close to each other, and it is easy to form a horn for the enemy to attack. In addition, cannons were loaded on troop carriers and merchant ships docked in Riga to control the Daugava River and prevent the enemy from directly attacking Riga down the river.

"As long as the enemy attacks one place," Cheechen said, "At that time, our three large battalions can quickly concentrate their forces and give the enemy the blows they deserve. I ask Her Majesty the Queen for permission and let me lead a small group of troops to go out and investigate personally. If I find the enemy’s large forces, I will withdraw from there in time, but there I will first learn about the enemy’s situation so that I can report to the queen and the marshal."

Widenberg obviously agreed with Chechen's views and arrangements. After listening, he nodded repeatedly. But Christina was noncommittal. She looked at the map carefully without saying a word.

Christina finally spoke when Cheerchen began to suspect that there was any omission in his arrangement.

She didn't veto Cheerchen's suggestion, but she said that she must take a long-term view.