The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 852: Queen Regent 23

Cheerchen took the mission to Riga, and Robert Douglas informed the queen of the decision of everyone to support Christina as the Queen of Sweden and gave a letter of allegiance.

For this unexpected joy that fell from the sky, Christina certainly had no reason to refuse. She accepted the letter of allegiance and announced that she would not blame the nobles and officers who had been allegiance to Karl X.

Whether it is a mercenary who has been working for Christina or a member of the mission, everyone is happy at this time.

When the meeting was over, Christina left General Robert Douglas alone.

"Your Majesty." Robert Douglas saluted Christina.

Christina motioned to Robert Douglas not to be polite. Then, she showed an expression that hesitated to talk.

After a while, Christina said: "General, were you there when Karl died?"

Robert Douglas lowered his eyelids, showing a look of sorrow.

Although his true allegiance is to Christina, he has been with Carl X for many years, and Carl X has always treated Robert Douglas with no regard for him.

"When His Majesty Carl X died, I was by his side." Robert Douglas said in a low voice.

"So, how did he spend the last moments of his life?"

Christina eagerly asked about the situation.

Robert Douglas recalled, he said to Christina: "Your Majesty’s health is not good, it is the root cause of the disease that fell in Denmark. When he learned that you had captured Riga, Your Majesty was frightened and vomited several times. Mouthblood. Marshal Brahe Wichensburg begged your Majesty to return to Stockholm to recuperate and let him lead an army to Riga to fight against you, but His Majesty Karl X refused. He insisted on the sickness and insisted on being convicted."

Hearing Robert Douglas talk about Karl X's obsession, Christina's heart was filled with sadness.

"Carl, even if you are dying, you still regard me as the biggest thorn in the eye, the thorn in the flesh, and you want to deal with it quickly?" Christina thought.

Robert Douglas didn't know what Christina was doing. He continued: "On the second day when the army marched along the Daugava River, His Majesty Carl X fainted in his boat. Then it was. With constant high fever, our military doctor showed your majesty the disease, and even he said that he had never seen such a high body temperature. The temperature was almost melting people. The military doctor barely prescribed the medicine, but at this time, your majesty Already the medicine stone is useless. That night I remember that the priest who accompanied the army received the sacrament for his majesty and was ready to listen to his dying confession."

"What did he say?"

"Your Majesty ordered the priest to leave and told him bluntly that he did need to repent, but not to God, but to someone else."

After speaking, Robert Douglas glanced at Christina.

From the general's point of view, the person Carl X said when he died was undoubtedly Christina.

But Christina didn't see the joy or anger on her face. She just said: "Forgive him, God."

"After the army priest retired, Your Majesty called me to his side. Your Majesty, holding the cross with the crucifix in his hand, asked us to swear an oath in an urgent and depressing tone. Don't turn away from his son."

"So, Carl made a will when he was dying to let his son inherit the throne?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Robert Douglas replied clearly.

Then, Robert Douglas showed an awkward look on his face. He seemed to bite the bullet and said the following: "However, we think that it is just the nonsense of His Majesty Karl X while he is still dead. As we all know, his Majesty was already dead at the time, and the prince was only four years old and didn't have any. Ability to rule a country."

When dying, talking nonsense, this is the nobles and officers who surrendered to Christina to find excuses for themselves. Only by thinking this way can their hearts be free from the condemnation brought about by betraying the oath.

Christina didn't listen to what Robert Douglas said. She waved her hand to signal that the general could retreat.

On March 5th, Christina led an army that supported her towards Stockholm.

On the way, the supporters of Queen Hedwig Ilionora repeatedly sent troops to intercept, but all the troops turned back when they saw Christina's banner. Almost all the veterans of Christina's time returned to her.

And the pens in Stockholm are even more capable of seeing the wind and making the rudder:

When Christina set off from Riga and marched into The headline of a Stockholm newspaper was "The Cannibal Woman Departs from Riga"; the fourth day "The Greedy Devil Marches to Reval"; Seven days "The Usurper Enters Narva"; Day 11 "Christina Occupies Vyborg"; Day 14: "The Former Queen Approaches Stockholm"; Day 15 "Your Majesty Will Arrive in Your Loyal Stockholm Today" .

Christina returned to Stockholm on March 20. At this time, she already had a regular army of 20,000 and a volunteer army of 50,000. Queen Hedwig Ilionora tried to take the young Karl XI. Fleeing back to her home country, but just after leaving the palace in Stockholm, they were caught by the "insurgents".

Finally, these "insurgents" did not kill their mother and son, but escorted them to a manor in the country, waiting for the new king Christina to deal with them.

Soon after entering Stockholm, Christina was preparing to take the throne as soon as Wedenberg and others expected, but after she met the Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel who came to swear allegiance to her , Christina suddenly changed her mind. Suddenly, she took Karlsson and Chechen to the country estate where Heidewig Ilionora and Karl XI lived temporarily.

The place where they were imprisoned was an old manor. This manor was originally built for hunting by members of the Vassar family, and there is a large virgin forest nearby. Decades ago, it used to be the king’s favorite place for vacation.

But after the "Nordic Lion" Gustav succeeded to the throne, the monarch who loves war more than hunting has never been here. After that, Christina rarely came, and Karl X had spent his time in the war shortly after he became king, and has no time to take care of other things.

Therefore, it is increasingly depressed here.