The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 872: Spiritual Old School

Fatima did not attend the evening banquet as Cheerchen's unofficial wife. She stayed on the second floor and looked for her missing copy of the Quran everywhere. But when she searched all the places, she couldn't find it, and just when she thought she would never find it back, Xiao Anna and Xiao Bogong trot to their mother with the missing "Quran".

Natalie was naturally very happy when the "Quran" was lost and recovered. She kissed her daughter's cheek and asked her where she found it.

"Under the icon." Little Anna said gruffly.

The icon mentioned by Little Anna refers to the portrait of the Virgin Mary, and that is where Natalie prays daily. Since Fatima is a ***, she instinctively would not touch the statue of a heretic. So although she passed the prayer room several times, she never thought that the Quran would be there.

But Little Anna has no such scruples. Since she is still young, she has no idea about religion. So, while playing hide-and-seek with Little Bogong, Little Anna, who got into the prayer room, found the Koran.

Although Fatima herself is a Christian, she never thought of letting her daughter believe in Christianity as much as herself. Not only because Cheerchen is a Catholic, but also because she knows that in a Catholic country, *** is always discriminated against.

Maybe Poland used to be tolerant, but not anymore.

The most recent example is the Lipka Tatar. The Lipka Tatars live in the Lipka region of the Republic of Poland. A group of Tatars who believe in the religion have lived there. Their ancestors have settled here since the 14th century. In the beginning, the Polish government recognized their military legitimacy and granted Lipka's Tatar chief nobility status, and treated their religious beliefs tolerantly. Therefore, for centuries, the Lipka Tatars have faithfully performed military service to the Republic of Poland. Even during the Cossack riots in 1648, the Lipka Tatars rejected Tatar Khan’s instigation activities. And has been trying his best to help Poland fight foreign invasions. However, after the Polish War ended, the Polish government passed several discriminatory laws against the Lipka Tatars, including the abolition of all the privileges of the Lipka Tatars, restrictions on religious freedom, and prohibiting them from building mosques, etc. Wait.

Discrimination against the Lipka Tatars is only a microcosm of the involution of the Republic of Poland.

The era of the Great Flood ended the era of religious tolerance in Poland, because most of the invaders were non-Catholics, and the majority of Poles were Catholics. Therefore, the Poles blamed the responsibility of the war on the pagans-the Protestant Polish Brotherhood was expelled, and the religious freedom of the Jews was reduced.

It is true that Fatima cannot understand the changes of the times, but she can still feel that religious tolerance is declining from the experience of other communists. She didn't want Anna to be hostile from childhood because of her faith, and she also hoped that she had a brighter future in Poland, so Fatima decided to make her daughter a Catholic.

Even so, Fatima herself insisted on her belief in God, and Cheer Chen never stopped it. Then, there will be only one person who will put the "Quran" under the icon of the Virgin Mary suddenly, and that is Natalie.

Fatima couldn't understand why Natalie did this, so she decided to talk to Natalie. But she did not expect that she happened to meet Cheer Chen and Natalie arguing in the aisle, and she also happened to hear Natalie trying to drive away the mercenary group's companions.

The feelings of Fatima, Yelishei and others are deep. After the disappearance of the Quran, she lost her affection for Natalie, and she was not like Cheerchen who would care about Natalie's emotions. She decided to go to Piedro and Yelishei early in the morning to expose Natalie's evil deeds to the public.

Just do what you say, and early the next morning, Fatima took Anna and Bogon to the manor where they lived, in the name of the two children missing Pidro.

Unfortunately, Yelishei and the others went out hunting with their shotguns. Only Pedro and Aunt Varvara were in the manor.

Pidro sat in the orchard between the manor and the pond in front of him to shade himself from the heat. After three months of rest and reorganization, the biggest change was the deputy commander of the mercenary group. He became fatter and heavier. When he lowered his head, Pidro couldn't even see his toes.

If Pedro was just an ordinary mercenary, he would basically say goodbye to the mercenary world with this figure.

As soon as Little Anna saw Pidro, she rushed over and grabbed Pidro's belt to climb up.

"Tap, tap. My dear, grandpa's pants are about to be taken off by you." Piedro looked at Xiao Anna with loving eyes and hugged her.

"Grandpa, grandpa." Little Anna cried milkily.

"Oh, grandpa misses you too, my baby."

Piedro kissed and kissed Anna, and Bogon jumped into Piedro's arms.

Pidro walked to Fatima holding the two children. He glanced behind Fatima, frowning involuntarily.

"What? Didn't Cheerchen come?" Piedro asked strangely.

"Yes, uncle. Cheerchen didn't come, there is a very important thing for me to come today." Fatima said anxiously and coherently. She seemed to be about to tell Pidro about the conversation overheard yesterday.

Pidro made a "hush" motion at Fatima, and then he hugged Anna in front of him.

"My two darlings, do you want dessert? Aunt Varvara happens to have French cakes."

The two children clapped their hands and shouted "Yes, yes."

After the maid brought Little Anna and Little Bogon to Aunt Varvara, Pidro signaled that Fatima could speak.

As a result, Fatima told Pidro exactly the conversation overheard last night.

Listening to Fatima's words, Pidro frowned. He slowly sat back on the wicker chair and drew a pipe from inside his boots.

There was a burst of mist, and Piedro's face was shrouded in smoke.

After Fatima finished speaking, she looked at Pidro anxiously.

At this time, the smoke gradually dispersed, Pidro lifted his left foot and knocked the cigarette holder on the sole of the shoe.

"Uncle, what should I do?" Fatima asked anxiously.

"Just do it, Fatima." Piedro said, "When Yelishei and the others come back, don't say anything. Only heaven knows this matter, you know me. If Natalie wants it We go back to Vidava and Bratslav, and we will go back."


Seeing Pidro's compromise, Fatima stomped angrily.

Pidro raised his hand to signal Fatima to be quiet. He said: "Fatima, I can somewhat understand why Cheerchen compromised with Natalie, because Natalie is pregnant, and now nothing is as big as this matter."

"But shall we let the people found by Natalie occupy the magpie's nest?"

"Of course not. We just gave in temporarily. It's like a boxer withdrawing his fist. He is not shrinking, but is accumulating strength to launch the most violent counterattack. Don't worry, even Brest, I won't To Natalie's satisfaction, I will inform Ingrid to take away all the annual tributes due this year and take them back to Vidawa. I want to see, without the money, those guys are in Bress What to eat."

As he said, Pidro laughed unkindly.

Hearing Pedro say so, Fatima was not completely relieved. Because if Natalie does this over and over again, she will always have a successful day. After all, only Thousand Days is a thief.

Pidro seemed to see Fatima's concerns. He said slowly: "When Natalie gives birth, I will go to Cheer Chen and say: We have rested for so long, it is time to move our muscles and muscles. Then he asked him to apply to the king to go to Ukraine and go to Lvbao Ma. Marshal Tski beats the Russians. At that time, one is in Ukraine and the other is in Warsaw. My dear nephew and nephew are far away, and Natalie's influence on him will be small."

Fatima finally laughed after listening to Pidro's post move. She praised that **** was old and spicy.

Although Fatima's language is poor, and there are only a few words over and over again, Pedro was happy to hear it. He ordered his servant to bring him some cakes and a pot of honey.

When the creamy, fluffy and delicious cake was added to his throat, Piedro's smile was brilliant again.

For these three months, Natalie was busy trying to influence Cheerchen, and Pedro was not idle.

He was busy studying, looking for answers.

After a person has money and soldiers, what do they need?

Pedro's answer is power.

This power is not the power of Governor Bratzlaff or Lord Vidava. What he wants to obtain is the position of the veteran of the Senate of the Republic of Poland.

After that conversation with Viscount Hessian, Pidro once again felt his lack of understanding of the country. As a result, Pidro spent a lot of money to invite several down-and-out dukes and scholars to be his followers. And their job is to teach themselves the history of the Republic of Poland.

From this point of view, Pedro's political vision is more acute than that of his nephew Tetsuchen. The latter only focuses on being a soldier, while the former has realized that the source of power lies in politics rather than military.

After three months of study, Pidro benefited a lot. He knew that when the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania united as a republic, the two sides decided on an important political theme: "ourstateisarepublicunderthepresidencyoftheKing."

The meaning of this sentence is: "Our country is a republic ruled by those who have the title of king."

It was also at this time that Pidro truly understood why King Jan Kazimierz had so much helplessness, and why he was always hysterical but helpless. Because the monarch of this republic is not the real monarch, but the supreme leader of the country crowned by the monarch. And who is the true leader of this country? There is no one, but a group. A group that accounts for 10%-15% of this country-the nobility.

If the Republic is compared to a company, King Jan Kazimierz is only the manager, and the nobles are the shareholders.

In fact, it is the great nobles who control this country. That is, Potocks, Landskorontskys and Lubaumacki. They have seats in the Senate and can veto any decision of the king. They are like directors in a company.

After confirming the view that the power of parliament is greater than that of the king, Pidro took it for granted that the struggle between the reformists headed by King Jan Kazimierz and the conservatives headed by Lubaumacki is actually two different lines. Fight again.

The former will bring Poland into an authoritarian country like Spain or France, while the latter will maintain the dominance of the nobility in this country.

How would you choose if Pidro? Of course, I chose to support the old school.

This is not a problem for Pidro.

Because Pidro is now a noble first, and then a noble serving the king.

Once the reformists gained power, King Jan Kazimierz gained absolute power. So at the beginning, he might give Chechen and himself a big reward for helping him (this is also doubtful, because Pidro has seen the king’s stinginess countless times), but his noble rights have shrunk, even if In his generation and Chechen’s generation, the Alvar family can retain power, but in the generation of Little Anna and the others, once they offend the monarch because of something, whether they are waiting for forgiveness or punishment from the king depends on the king who was in office at that time. But if the conservative nobles are still in the "golden freedom" of the Republic is maintained, then the Alvar family will be safe in the Republic. Because no one can deprive them of their power.

Not even the king.

Pidro is very selfish in thinking this, but it is not out of human nature.

So in these three months, Pidro has become a true spiritual conservative. And what he assiduously seeks is no longer to get rewards by serving for the king and queen, but to plan how to turn to Lübau Macki and win a seat in the Senate for his family in Poland.

Let Chechen go to Ukraine to play for Lubaumacki is an important step in Pidro's plan. Even without the Koran incident, Pidro would encourage Chechen to go to Ukraine. In Pidro's view, the comrades in the same trench were the most precious before. After Cheerchen and the old school nobles headed by Marshal Lubaumacki have been together for a long time, the blood of the two parties has merged, Cheerchen will have more to the king and his friend Anjay Kmicicz. The feelings of the reformists thus stood on the side of the marshal.

As long as Chechen was on the side of the marshal, Lvbaomackey was almost sure of winning.

When the time comes to discuss merits and rewards, the seat of a senator from the Senate is not yet ready.

With regard to the use of Cheerchen's emotions, Piedro and Natalie thought of together.

The cake entered the throat. Pidro slightly felt that the throat was stuck due to the bite. His face flushed red, and hurriedly picked up a glass of honey and poured it into his mouth. When Fatima saw Pidro's abnormality, she rushed over and rubbed Pidro's back vigorously.

With the help of Mead and Fatima, Pidro finally eased his breath.

He smiled and said to Fatima, who looked at him worriedly, "Don't worry, Fatima. Everything will be fine. We will all be fine."