The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 92: Reward and Offense 2

Cheerchen no longer wanted to explain why Uncle Pidro "misunderstood" himself again.

At that time, he demanded revenge for Prince Yanush, purely out of the idea of ​​revenge for the dead companions of the mercenary group.

"Our uncle and nephew finally got lucky. Good nephew, listen to me. After this, our two uncles and nephews have become Prince Yanush’s flesh. Listen to what he said to my uncle and me. The debtor, yes, the debtor. When the prince returns to Werner, we can count on great and great grace. The knight is born and died for the prince. Is it rare for the prince to reward the manor and the land? And he also promised Help us rebuild the mercenary regiment, a mercenary regiment! There must be two to three hundred people."

Pidro has begun to paint a beautiful blueprint.

"Uncle, I just want to avenge Captain Franco and the others." Cheerchen didn't show much interest in the beautiful picture depicted by Pidro. This is because the teenager puts revenge first in his life, and because at the age of fourteen, he has no concept of the blueprint drawn by Pedro and the coming power.

"Of course the hatred is to be reported." Piedro said.

Then, he shouted to everyone in the courtyard: "Come here, I have something to announce."

Fedot heard Pidro's call and stood up from behind the box again. His pipe was still smoking, and it seemed that he would never finish smoking; while Fatima jumped off the roof, she had been sitting on it, condescendingly monitoring the movement outside the manor.

"What's the matter?" Ingrid also put the account book in her armpit and walked over.

Pidro pushed Chechen to the front, and he proudly said:

"My nephew, I just accepted the canonization of Prince Yanush Laziviu. From now on, he is a real knight. And the Prince promised us to rebuild the mercenary group."

"Really? Can I join you?" Ingrid asked happily when he heard the news.

She was a quartermaster in the Kingdom of Sweden, and there were mercenaries in the army of the Kingdom of Sweden. So Ingrid is very aware of the difference between the wild mercenary group and the mercenary group it belongs to. If those wild mercenary groups have no business, they often have a meal without a meal, and even rely on borrowing money from the Jews to make a living. Some have to survive as bounty hunters.

The mercenary group hired by the lord guarantees income from droughts and floods, even if there is no war, there are backings. Let her choose Ingrid, of course, to choose such a mercenary group.

"What did you do before?" Because of the backing, Pidro's vision began to rise.

"I used to work in King Carl's court army..." Ingrid repeated his experience.

"Okay, then you pass."

After listening to Ingrid's resume, Pidro also felt that as a mercenary group, he really needed to do logistics.

"Deputy commander, should we celebrate." Fedote held Pidro to the position of deputy commander in order to drink. However, Pidro deserved the position of deputy commander. Because he is Cheerchen's uncle, no one else has more seniority than him.

But Mihavu's words shattered Fedot's wish to celebrate.

"I'm sorry, everyone. There is no time for you to drink. We will leave after lunch and get to Polotsk before tonight. Shkolov is defeated, and the garrisons everywhere must be panicked. We don't have time. Stayed here."

"Okay, let's set off right away." Cheer Chen nodded. Of course he knows the reason for the urgency of the military situation.

Everyone prepared as quickly as possible. Ingrid commanded the prisoners to load all the things that could be taken away in the carriage, and all the other things that could not be taken were put back in the basement for storage, in case they settled down and came back to fetch them.

After lunch, everyone escorted Prince Yanush’s carriage away from the bandit den and continued to move towards Polotsk.

Fortunately, Cheechen and others encountered a group of dragoons coming out to patrol shortly after returning to the road.

When the dragoons learned that it was Prince Yanush Raziviu in the carriage, they dismounted to pay tribute.

"Where is your city lord Andrzej Kmicicz?" Mikhav Vorodjavsky asked majesticly on the horse.

"Master Anjay also went out on patrol. The news of Shkolov came, and everyone was panicked." The dragoon captain replied in fear. He dared not mention the words "defeated" and "failed".

Mihav ordered the captain to quickly find their city lord, while the others escorted the prince back to Polotsk.

Of course, the Dragoon Captain did not dare to object to such an arrangement. He repeatedly told his subordinates to take good care of the prince and his party, and then Pegasus went to find the city lord.

At this time, the city lord of Polotsk, Andrzej Kmicicz, was visiting with his lover.

Yes, the leader of the Dragoon lied to Mihavu about the whereabouts of Andrzej.

The chief of Polotsk, hugging his beloved at this time, sang a song tenderly:

The girl was staring, leaning against the gate of the manor,

Look at the fertile fields, green and shining!

"Mom! The knights are here, from the pine forest.

Ah, my destiny!

Daughter, don't look at it, use your little white hands,

Cover your eyes.

Otherwise your heart will jump out of your heart,

Run with them to the battlefield.

"Who taught you to sing such a beautiful song?" Miss Orina Birlevich asked tenderly with her long eyelashes flashing.

"It's war, my love. In the barracks, we sang to each other, singing to relieve our sorrows."

"I heard Shkolov, our army was defeated. Will Tsarist Russia bring down Polotsk?" Orina asked worriedly.

The news of the defeat has been spread to everyone in Polotsk. There are also some worse news, such as horrible rumors that Prince Yanush Raziviu has died in battle and all the captains have been captured.

"It's okay, Orina. Although our army was defeated, the army of Tsarist Russia was also hit hard. They would not have the ability to fight Polotsk for a and there is me. Now, if they want to swallow Polotsk, they should prepare a pair of iron and bronze teeth first." Said confidently.

The two young people were struggling with each other for a while.

But they were interrupted by a loud shout from behind their tender words: "Stop, stop. Stop now. There is an emergency military situation."

Anjay was surprised and annoyed. He turned around to see who dared to call him to stop, only to see a man on horseback rushing towards him at full speed dozens of steps away.

Andrzej recognized the person, who was the captain of the dragoon he sent out.

"God, what's the matter?" Anjay asked.

"Your Excellency, the prince, the prince is here." The dragoon captain said breathlessly.

"Which prince?"

"It's His Royal Highness Prince Yanush Raziviu." The last border of fire and sword