The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

~: Recover 3

"It's impossible!" Miss Orina Birlevich instinctively wanted to defend Anjay. Then she said:

"Head Chechen, you must be mistaken. Anzu is an upright soldier. He may have shortcomings of one kind or another. He is also more stubborn and unsparing, but he will never be a thief or a robber. It will not instruct your subordinates to rob you of your arms."

When she said these words, Orina's voice was loud and powerful. She really didn't believe that her Anzu would do something to plunder arms.

"Orina, Chief Chechen has evidence." Village Chief Kasian spoke for Chechen.

"What evidence?"

"A warrant. When the robbers took the arms, they showed a document with the family crest of Kmicicz."

"Where's that warrant? Show me."

"Not in our hands, the person in the lead just showed it." Cheer Chen shook his head and said.

"Then, with all due respect, Captain Chechen. If there is no warrant, I would never believe that Anjay would do such a thing based on your side. And the robbers have one or two forgeries in his hands. The warrant is not impossible."

Cheerchen choked for a while.

Obviously, it is very difficult for a girl in love to believe that her lover is a bad person.

"Orina, I am not partial to Captain Chechen. But Anjay Kmicicz in front of you and City Lord Anjay in front of us are not alone. He may be docile in front of you. It’s like a kitten; but in front of us, the lord of the city is simply a devil who eats meat and does not spit out bones. In order to expand his army, he forcibly conquered the cows in the village and injured many young people." Na was so protective of Anjay, and she couldn't help but get angry when she thought of the atrocities of the city lord.

"Father Cassian, of course I know about Anzu’s expropriation of supplies, but he did it to defend our hometown. I don’t want Polotsk to become the second Smolensk. I admit that Anzu’s approach is indeed somewhat Excessive, but Werner has been slow to send military expenses, what can Anzu do. I persuaded him, and Anzu promised me not to forcibly collect supplies. This shows that he can still listen to the persuasion."

"Did he assure you that there will be no more compulsory collection?"


"That liar!" Old Cassian spat on the floor.

"what did you say?"

"I said Andrzej Kmicicz was a liar, and he even lied to you, Miss. This villain and his men did not stop compulsory levying of materials at all, but moved the levy to further villages."

"I do not believe."

"If I lie, then let my soul go to **** after death."

When Orina heard Cassian say this, her heart was greatly shaken. She couldn't believe that the man she loved so much would deceive herself. It was completely unnecessary. Didn't she all indicate that she is willing to take out her wealth to help Anjay meet her urgent needs? But the village chief of Cassian had no reason to deceive himself.

Orina didn't know who she should believe.

"no, I can not."

"If you still don't believe it, just ask your maid at home to see if they have been blackmailed." Village Chief Cassian said.

Orina Birlevich called a distant relative from the maid. The girl’s parents lived in a remote village.

"Rosa, have any soldiers been to your hometown recently? I'm talking about the last few days." Orina asked.

The girl named Rosa looked at Orina, and then at Cassian and Cheerchen. Although there was horror in her eyes, she nodded.

"Did they do anything?" Orina asked softly.

Unexpectedly, Rosa burst into tears when Orina asked this question.

Orina understands everything

She covered her face with her hands, but like that, she looked like a little woman who was hurt to his heart's content.

Elder Cassian and Cheerchen stood a little at a loss. For Cassian, he had no idea that what he said would make Orina so sad, and the instigator was completely self-blaming. After all, Cheer Chen is still a teenager who will be fifteen years old. Although his mind is far more mature than the average person of his age, he still doesn't know anything about men and women, and he doesn't know how to persuade him.

Maybe after a while, maybe after a long time, Orina first recovered from her grief. She turned her head to wipe away the tears, and restored the dignity and composure of the noble lady. Orina first comforted Rosa and told her to return to Le Hall, then Orina turned around and said to Cheerchen: "Head Cheerchen, I want to go to Ruby with you."

"Miss Orina, I just think..." Cheerchen didn't want to hit this kind-hearted lady again. The mercenary group could use other methods to regain the arms from Ruby, not necessarily...

"Head Chechen, Rubić is the property of our Birlevich family. It was given to Your Excellency Anjay by my grandfather's will before his death. Although the manor has been handed over to him, the land deed is still in my possession. In hand, legally speaking, I am still the owner of Rubić Manor. If you do not want to accompany me, then I will go by myself." Miss Orina Birlevich said firmly. Her firm expression of speaking made Cheor Chen understand that she would do what she said.

"I'm going with Miss." Cheerchen said. He really didn't worry that Miss Orina would go to Rubic alone. Although Anjay's subordinates shouldn't do anything to her chief's woman, it is always dangerous for Orina to be alone.

He didn't expect that even if he added himself, there would be no more than two people, which would be extremely dangerous. In the mercenary regiment’s plan, the soldiers of the mercenary regiment pretended to be Miss Orina’s servants. Under the premise of getting Miss Orina’s consent, they followed the young lady to Rubic, and then unexpectedly released Anjie from the manor. Armed under Iraqi men.

Orina called the servant to prepare the carriage. She and Cheerchen got into the carriage and rushed to Ruby at the fastest speed. The Bielovich Manor is not far from Rubich, and the coachman driving the carriage is an old coachman who is very familiar with the road. Soon, the carriage arrived at Rubich.

The night obviously did not occupy Lubici, and the lights in Lubici Manor were brightly lit, like day.

Orina got out of the carriage and heard the shouts from the manor. Through the glass windows of the manor, you can see countless figures moving in the manor.

Orina stopped in front of the manor, unable to move her legs. She was very worried now. She was worried that when she opened the door, as Chechen said, she saw the ammunition affixed with the family crest of the Laziviu family piled up in the hall of the manor.

And Cheerchen, who was standing next to Miss Orina Billevich, also understood the reason for Miss Orina's hesitation. He stood behind the lady and said nothing.

After a while, Tetsuchen saw that Miss straightened his back, and seemed to finally make up his mind.

"Head Cheerchen, let's go." Orina said to Cheerchen.

She walked to the door and pushed it hard. The door was not locked, and with this push, the door was pushed open.

The light inside the house diffused from the door, illuminating a man and a woman in front of the door, but failed to dispel the darkness in front of the door. The last frontier of fire and sword