The Last Gentleman

Chapter 152: Route selection

Chapter 152 Route Choice

Lame Field, the caretaker of Cold Lake Cemetery.

 When everyone looked at the old man, they instinctively became wary.

Even the little grape inside Yi Chen immediately closed his mouth and hid deep inside.

    It makes people feel uncomfortable when they are buried. Every one of these guys in charge of cemetery management makes people feel uncomfortable. Try not to expose me, I don't want to communicate with this old man...and his grapes are almost spoiled, as if they have been soaked in water for a long time. 』

    Well, just hide. 』

Yi Chen could also feel a damp burial feeling from the old man, as if he would throw his body into the river if he wasn't careful.

There was only one document that the old man threw on the dining table, and the captains of the three teams could only get together to review it together.

 The document is indeed very detailed. After a detailed analysis of the three "rooted pathogens" in the natural gray area, the corresponding definition of difficulty is given, which is briefly summarized as follows:

1. [Black Pussy] ★★★★, a relatively simple root-rooted pathogen. It is a certain distance from the Holy Grail Mountain. There is less route information available. In the future, you need to rely on the team to find the correct route up the mountain and find the location of the [Passage]. .

  2. [Focusing Eye Syndrome] - ★★★★★, the most difficult root-rooted pathogen, occurs in the Holy Grail Mountain. A few infected people who have become deeply sick have found the right path, and may even have insight into the location of the [Passage].

  3.【Sepsis】-★★★★+? , the difficulty is in the middle. Since the investigation team has never gone deep into the baron's mansion, it is impossible to judge the specific difficulty. The baron family who has lived in the mountains for many years is likely to have a lot of information about the Holy Grail Mountain, and there may also be some family treasures left in the mansion.


 At the end of the reading between captains,

A white-haired young man wearing a white robe and coat, whose main attribute is [Intelligence], put his right hand on his chest and introduced himself elegantly:

“Speaking of which, we haven’t officially met each other yet. My name is Iskalion Lotson. I currently work for the Magicians Association. Of course, I am just a newbie who helps out with odd jobs. I am good at ancient magic.

  We are a more traditional combat mage team. Miss Jenny has to be responsible for both treatment and perception, and is not very good at dealing with mental events. "

 Under Bai Mao’s guidance, another captain also began to introduce. She was also the only female captain among the three teams.

He has short dark brown hair, a gentleman's coat designed as a close-fitting combat leather suit, metal arm guards, a sword on his left waist, and a metal shield with an elk pattern on his back.

“Norma Coppett, a preliminary member of the pathogen investigation team. Robert is responsible for our team’s detection and interpretation of the old world’s texts. Neither Larma nor I are good at [sensing].

 It is also not suitable for dealing with mental infection incidents. "

Yi Chen naturally understood what the two captains meant and introduced himself with a smile:

“William Behrens, a student at O’Falostik Academy… Since neither of them is willing to take [Syndrome], it’s up to us~ It just so happens that our team members’ sensitivity is quite high.

 Although I am a relatively low-ranking captain, I am quite proficient in [eyes]. "

When Yi Chen selected the gray zone pathogen he was about to face, the little grapes hidden in his body opened his mouth due to excitement, and it seemed that he could eat countless high-grade grapes right away.

Seeing that Yi Chen took the initiative to do the most difficult task, Captain Bai Mao also curiously asked:

"Oh? Is Mr. William still proficient in eye skills? No wonder in previous games, when you faced off against that special heavy armored knight alone, you could always find the right 'angle' to strike and dodge in a targeted manner."

“My eye skills are not bad, it’s just that my eyes are better.”

"I really envy a genius like you~" Bai Mao smiled and turned his gaze to the other side, "Miss Norma, there are two remaining pathogenic areas, do you have any subjective intentions? Are you leaning towards the village, or even the investigation team? There is no full penetration into the baronial mansion.”

Norma herself is also a preliminary member of the investigation team. She is very clear about some internal rules of investigation. If there is no investigation in an area in a certain time zone, she must be worried and put it last.

“If you don’t mind, leave the village chief’s black pus incident to us.”

White-haired Lotson made an OK gesture, as if this was the result he wanted.

“No problem at all, then our team will be responsible for the mysterious baron hiding in the mansion. I am personally very curious about what kind of shameful things this guy is doing in the mountains, knowing that he will definitely get sick but still staying there.

 In that case, it’s settled! I wish you all good luck climbing the mountain and heading to the old world together. "

Yi Chen could probably tell that the strength of this white-haired gentleman was not simple. In the previous qualification screening, he did not use obvious ancient magic at all, but relied on basic magic to suppress the opponent.

 You can indeed feel an ancient aura different from "Gentleman's Skin" from his body.

 It seems that Yi Chen is secretly observing him,

The white-haired Lotson glanced at Yi Chen with a smiling expression.

"By the way, although Mr. William seems to be a physical gentleman, he is actually more focused on intelligence, right? Should you consider joining the Magician Association after graduation? If I can invite a genius like you, the president will definitely praise me. "

“Haha, besides, I still don’t know how to develop in the future.”

 After a meal,

After receiving the ‘uphill route’ chosen by the three teams, the lame Field still said with a gloomy face:

“At this time tomorrow, the carriage will take you to the corresponding area.

Even if you die in the mountains, don't die too broken. At least let your teammates bring your body out intact and put it in my cemetery so that you can continue to contribute to the organization. "

After saying some unfavorable words of farewell, the old man walked towards the door. Just when he was about to disappear from everyone's sight, he suddenly turned back!

 His white eyes looked at the young man at the dinner table again.

Slowly raised his rotten arm, his curled index finger kept making a bone-crackling sound as it gradually straightened, pointing at the two of them:

 “You, and you...come with me.”

It was Yi Chen and Reagan who were named by Field.

As a senior gentleman and the person in charge of the station on the way, it is naturally difficult for the other party to refuse.

Jin also waved his hand, "You go quickly, maybe you can get some benefits from this old guy. I'll go to the clinic here later and maybe I can find a good [corpse]."

After Yi Chen and Reagan looked at each other, the latter took the last chicken leg on the table and followed the old man.

 There was no words during the whole process,

Arriving all the way to the east exit of the town, smelling the rotten smell that filled the air, Yi Chen and Reagan recalled their past cemetery life at the same time.

It’s just that the rotten smell here also contains dampness.

 Like a captain who has a broken leg and keeps it in a boot among the barrels of dead fish. The smell that comes when someone pries open a wooden barrel after hundreds of days at sea.

Stepping into the cemetery, the lame Field finally spoke.

“You all have the smell of the cemetery, and it’s very strong...Have you ever done such dirty work in other cemeteries before you became gentlemen?”

Yi Chen replied calmly: "Yes, I have spent some time in the Seven Days Cemetery before."

"On the seventh day...that guy Wilbert drove it? What cemetery did you come from?"

When Reagan talked about the cemetery, he recalled some not-so-good memories, but the fat on his face quickly covered them, "Camberlier Cemetery, I worked there for nine years."

“Cemetery, nine years? No wonder I could smell the strong smell as soon as I walked into the hotel. It’s really rare for you to survive.

I came to you because I am short of manpower, and there is a batch of [important cargo] at the bottom of the lake that needs to be transferred before tomorrow. I believe that you two gentlemen who came from the cemetery can easily do the job.

Although I, an old bone, only own this damp cemetery, I will not be stingy enough to let you work in vain.

 As long as you do things well, the "graveyard products" you carry with you can get some benefits from me. "

 (End of this chapter)