The Last Gentleman

Chapter 186: dancing class

Chapter 186 Dance Lesson

Yichen didn’t have any special hatred for ‘Teacher Fang’ in his heart, it was more of a psychological shadow.

 Ever since Director Cao's intervention separated the two, they had not seen each other until Yi Chen successfully escaped.

When he saw the Plus version of Teacher Fang who appeared at 11 o'clock on the dice, the psychological discomfort from the past reappeared and slowly amplified, but was quickly suppressed by Yi Chen.

“If the chef here is still impressed by me, this teacher Fang may also think I look familiar... This difficult art class may be more troublesome. 』

 After Teacher Fang stared at Yi Chen for about ten seconds, his vision slowly turned to other people.

“Today I will teach you [dance]. From now until half an hour before you go to sleep, we will dance here without stopping.

To ensure that your dancing posture is correct and to prevent laziness or inattention, I have prepared a "dance partner" for each of you, who will guide and supervise you at all times. "

 As soon as the words fell,

 Teacher Fang shoots a thin line from the index finger of his right hand, connects it to the model head that provides illumination and miasma to the top, inserts it into the neck of one of the heads, and gently pulls it down.

  Like touching a certain mechanism,

 There was a sloping opening at the top of the ceiling, and a large amount of model materials slipped and rolled out.

Due to the height problem, these materials were thrown into cracks one after another, and even slurry flowed out of them. They were quickly repaired as before under the influence of miasma.

 Different body parts are attracted to each other and assembled into a normal mannequin.

They are the dance partners of the students. Everyone can feel an inexplicable sense of danger from the models, even more dangerous than the larvae in the cafeteria. They can even imagine being eaten by the models during the dance.

Teacher Fang’s voice came:

“In the first stage, there will be models to assist you in dancing, and I will be responsible for playing the music. When everyone slowly adapts to the dance steps and no longer makes mistakes, we will move to the next stage.

 Don't worry, as long as you keep up with the rhythm and don't make too many mistakes, you can survive.

 Alright, come down one by one. "

 Teacher Fang waved his hand gently,

The chains in everyone's hands were all dismantled into miasma, as if everything in the art hall was under her control.

Although the models on the scene are human-shaped, they are so different that I don’t know how to choose for a while.

“Don’t rush to compete for the models, otherwise they will be very unhappy~ Come all over here and touch to determine the most suitable dance partner for you.”

Everyone lined up neatly in front of Teacher Fang, and she would gently touch the orphan's body.


 An iron ring that came from nowhere penetrated directly through the flesh and blood of their shoulders, leaving part of it outside.

The resonance generated by the iron ring will resonate with one of the models and guide them through.

 When it was Yi Chen’s turn, Teacher Fang reached out and touched her.

  唰! An iron ring penetrated directly through the shoulder, but Yi Chen had no expression on his face.

"May I have your name?"

 “Yi Chen.”

Teacher Fang leaned closer and scanned Yi Chen's face with wide eyes, "It's obviously the first time we've met, but it feels very familiar. Even I seem to have heard this name somewhere. Is this really the first time we've met?"


 “I’m very optimistic about you, but don’t get discouraged in the first round of dancing.”


Yichen found the corresponding model, whose height and shape were similar to his own.

 When the individual and the model come into contact, click! The model's fingers actively bent and grabbed Yi Chen, making it difficult to break free.

 In addition, Yuehen, as a companion, is assigned to a longer distance, which means that it is difficult for the two to take care of each other during the dance.

Teacher Fang, who was dragging a long skirt, walked to the corner of the art hall. After touching the mechanism, a piano made of bones and plastic immediately grew inside the wall.

 The song "Swan Lake" was played,

When the keys made of finger bones play the corresponding notes, the sound of the piano seems to turn into thin wires connected to the bodies of each model on the scene, pulling them to start dancing.

 The movements at the beginning are relatively gentle and gentle, and everyone can follow them.

 Halfway through the playing, the tune suddenly changed and the overall rhythm accelerated. At the same time, there were some uncoordinated elements, and the model's dance became uncontrollable.

Including Lorian, some people who had no dance foundation could not adapt and could not keep up with the rhythm for a while.


Their palms were immediately pierced by the spikes growing out of the model's palms and were assimilated. The skin in the palm area was completely plasticized until it reached the wrist.

Lorian stared at the plastic palm, his eyes changed slightly, which he could not reverse with his current methods.

“It is indeed the most difficult talent class, but unfortunately I have never learned dance before, so it’s really hard to sharpen my skills in battle..."

 At this time, a ferocious human face protruded from Lorian’s back.

As the theater owner of his temporary partner came into play, the ability called "Performance" was fully stimulated at this moment, and he directly imitated the model in front of him and danced in sync.

 On the other hand, Yi Chen is completely adaptable to the sudden change of rhythm.

He had received personal instruction from Teacher Fang during his lifetime and had a sufficient foundation in dance. Not to mention that he also learned ballroom dancing in a gentleman's class while living in Zion.

And the orphanage during his lifetime also liked to play with this change of rhythm. If you don't concentrate enough, you won't be able to keep up.

As time goes by, the music played by Teacher Fang becomes more and more weird, and even deviates from the regular movement. Various bizarre notes lead the models to make various abnormal movements.

For example, folding lower waist, bending and turning of hand joints, 720° large loop in the air, etc.

 About 1/2 of the students could not keep up with the pace during this process, and ended up having multiple parts of their bodies, including their heads, penetrated and turned into mannequins.

 They were hit with iron rings by Teacher Fang on their shoulders.

  哐婷啷~An iron chain is lowered from the top, hooking the fully modeled student and taking it high into the sky.

Their heads were cut off and used as lamps, while their bodies were stored in a mannequin warehouse for future classes.

 An hour and a half passed,

 Teacher Fang finally stopped playing and applauded for encouragement.

“Very good, you can already keep up with my melody with the help of a dance partner. Next, you need to perform your own music according to my music and express the emotions in your body through dance.

 You keep each other company, and in ten minutes I will play the first piece of music. "

  Two and two are companions,

Many of the girls naturally noticed Yi Chen, who was not assimilated at all, and took the initiative to find him, hoping to become his dance partner.

Yi Chen refused one by one, squeezed through the girls' bodies and walked towards the other end of the hall, when another person also came towards him.

 The two happened to meet in the middle of the hall, and after saluting each other, they prepared to perform a joint dance.

at the same time,

Yichen used his dancing posture to get close to the silver-haired young man’s ear,

 “Preparing the execution plan…”

Hearing this, Lorian's eyes widened, "Oh? Do you want to execute the plan on such a difficult occasion? I thought I would have to wait until tomorrow."

“There are many types of talent classes, Teacher Fang’s class should only appear if [11 points] is rolled.

I had a certain connection with this teacher during my lifetime. If I didn’t fight for this opportunity, I don’t know when I would have gone there. "

“Okay, the gambling game is yours anyway~ If you want to increase the difficulty, I’ll just play with you.

  Unfortunately, my hands have been assimilated into plastic structures, and my strength may be reduced. "

Yi Chen said with disdain: "If I can limit you to this extent, the Twilight Clinic will not be completely destroyed... Please help me and kill this woman with all your strength."

"my pleasure."

 (End of this chapter)