The Last Gentleman

Chapter 242: flushed eyes

  Chapter 242 Eye Tide

  【Stone Cemetery】

  The form of "Eye Ball Collector Gemhall" transformed by the little grape is wandering back and forth anxiously between the stone houses and stomping.

  The eyeliner released by it, the poor gentleman Marin has been beheaded and killed, but he managed to capture the general situation of the Sunshine Hotel.

  The special grape inlaid in the gentleman's eye socket sent back the panoramic high-definition image in the hall to Xiaoputao.

  Yi Chen was hung from the ceiling by the surgical wire, almost dying, but his opponent turned out to be a dead gentleman who broke through the limits of human beings.

   Regardless of the range, destructive power, and precision reaching a high level, any individual approaching the hotel will be cut by the surgical line, and the effect of death will be added.

   "William, how could he mess with this kind of guy... What's the fun of it! Once killed by the dead, even the soul will be taken away. At that time, only an empty shell will be left, even if it is brought back to the cemetery, it will not help.

   What have I done? Although absorbing the essence of the stone statue cemetery allowed me to barely stabilize the form of "Gemhall the Eyeball Collector", it was not enough to confront that guy head-on.

   If you run directly over, you will most likely be killed in advance.

  Even if I can sneak into the hotel and recover Yi Chen’s body successfully, it will be very difficult to escape from that kind of guy... Unless I can escape back to the stone statue cemetery, it is possible to get rid of him with the help of the complicated route below the cemetery.

   Do you want to do it or not?

  The risk is too great, or I will die because of it. I don't want to become a rotten grape assembled from rotten fish and rotten shrimp!

   But that William guy still has a lot of use value, and his life experience also involves another world, maybe it will allow me to taste completely different delicious grapes!

  Ah~ It's so hard to decide! Otherwise, I ran to the hotel entrance to take a look. Once I judged that William was dead, I would just run away. If there is no need to carry the body, there is no problem in escaping. "

  Little Putao moved to the center of the cemetery and drew the evil magic circle inherited from "Eyeball Collector Gemhar".

  With the activation of the formation,

  All the corpses buried in the stone statue cemetery and not taken away all twitched,

  Eyeballs, fresh or festered, all floated out of the ground, gathered and rolled towards the place where the little grape was, and the little grape itself began to disintegrate.

   robes fall,

  Hundreds of crystal clear grapes fell to the ground one after another, forming an 'eyeball army' with the grapes gathered from the cemetery.

  One of the eyeballs stores the body of Little Putao, and he can also transfer consciousness through "eye contact"... As long as he is not driven out to death, he can escape smoothly.

  The army rolled out of the cemetery and marched neatly between the streets.

  Wherever you go, no matter the corpses scattered on the street or the corpses who committed suicide in the upper room, they will all resonate.

  Grapes quickly squeezed out from between their eye sockets, fell to the ground with a snap, and rolled quickly, joining this special army.

  Since the cemetery is about ten kilometers away from the Sunshine Hotel,

   Along the way, the number of eyeballs is increasing, even far exceeding Little Putao's estimate.

   Along the way, I even encountered some dead and gentlemen who were fighting,

   Both sides were stunned by the terrifying 'eyes' in front of them, and they couldn't even move under the gaze of many eyes, and their minds were stagnant.

  After the army of eyeballs passed by, the dead were swallowed up and turned into a puddle of sewage. The gentleman just lost one eyeball as a 'protection fee'.

  Wait for Little Putao to arrive at the entrance of the hotel, the size of the army was already extremely exaggerated, like a rushing river pouring out from the corner of the street.

  The eyeball at the top of the wave is the body of Little Putao, just like a general ordering the army to charge towards the hotel.

  『I didn’t expect that there are so many corpses in the city that I can use. In this way, the risk can be almost reduced to [zero]. It’s just that it should be easy to get William’s corpse out. I hope it’s not too late. 』

  The confidence-increased Little Putao continued on. When there were only 50 meters left from the hotel gate,


  A thin long silk thread was suddenly thrown out from inside the hotel, cutting the row of eyeballs in front of him in half.

  The sudden attack frightened Little Putao, and quickly transferred her consciousness to the eyeball at the back.

  『There is too much movement, has it been discovered in advance? No, if it is discovered, there should be follow-up attacks coming one after another. It seems that I just unintentionally threw out the thin line of the hotel, could it be that...』

  As Little Putao focused her gaze on the entrance of the hotel, she immediately caught two shaking figures.

"Um? There was a fight in the hotel, and it just happened to me by accident... Has the gentleman's reinforcements arrived? Could it be that the gentleman who can confront that kind of guy is Mr. Hervoye from the Sunshine Hospital?

  Since this is the case, it will be much more convenient. The old man Hervoye is not weak. If Ben Putao can assist him, he may even kill the dead and capture the eyes of the transcendent.

   Just do it! 』

  Little Putao changed the plan again, driving the evil method of the eyeball collector, [gathering] all the eyeballs into hundreds of essence eyeballs to reconstruct the body.

  Continue to go to the hotel in the posture of "Eye Ball Collector Gemhall", preparing to provide effective support to the old Mr. Hervoye and suppress the dead.

   When Little Putao arrived at the entrance of the hotel, the sight in his eyes made him stunned again.

   There is no Hrvoye at all, and there are no reinforcements.

  The place where Yi Chen's body should have been hung on the ceiling was empty, and there were two black figures moving at high speed and constantly colliding in the hall.

  A dead person that Little Putao feared,

  The other is a familiar yet unfamiliar silver-haired young man,

   "Lorian!? Impossible, if it was that guy Moonscar, the dead would have to be suppressed and slaughtered. Who is this guy, and why is he wearing the same hairstyle as William.

  He seems to be stepping on a liquid of the nature of death, so fast! To be able to keep up with the dead beyond the limit.

  What about that thickly dusted face? Why is it somewhat similar to the makeup painted on the corpse... Well, the distribution of facial features seems to be somewhat similar to William's, or even exactly the same.

  Wait, why is the weapon he used also William's equipment? "

  The reason why Little Putao didn't confirm Yi Chen's identity was because of the most fundamental [breath].

  What he smelled from the silver-haired young man was a strange and cold breath of death, completely different from his once warm partner.

   "Why does this guy even have a fighting style similar to William?"

   Just when Little Putao was puzzled, a familiar voice came directly:

   "Little Putao! What are you doing there, why don't you hurry up and help me? I just need to borrow your eyes to catch the opponent's movements."

   "William! How do you..."

   Right at this moment, a surgical thread cut across the little grape.

  The deputy dean also noticed this unusual intruder at the first time, and judged that he and Yi Chen belonged to the same group.

  When the guillotine-like surgery line is coming,

  Little Putao waved her hand,

  A hardened sarcophagus from the stone cemetery suddenly rises, pop! It actually blocked the cutting of the surgical line...Of course, the sarcophagus was almost completely cut open, so it was impossible to block the next cutting.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity,

  The silver-haired youth was already standing behind Little Putao, patting his shoulder lightly.

  There was not much communication between the two, all the eyeballs poured out from the robe and flowed into Yi Chen's body.

   It is amazing that these eyeballs are not harmed when they come into contact with the dead man's makeup and the extremely dangerous black liquid. All the eyeballs quickly sink into the skin and gather in Yichen's brain.

  Unify into eyes


  The field of vision instantly became extremely clear.

   "Finally, I can see this guy's movements and fine line fluctuations..."

  (end of this chapter)