The Last Gentleman

Chapter 258: different epilepsy shells

  Chapter 258 Different epileptic shells

  In Yi Chen's biological cognition before his death, the structure of a virus is relatively simple, and it usually needs to be inside a living cell to display life activities.

  Now as a virus, he has a sound consciousness, and he can even perform 'creeping in the air', microscopically manipulate the body of this virus, and even use the relevant abilities of being a human.

   spend hours adapting from human to virus,

   After some inspection, Yi Chen has completed a complete inspection of his own structure, and he lamented that the structure of this virus body is exquisite, even better than the human body.

   is mainly composed of two parts:

  Characteristic Capsid in the shape of a hundred octahedron

  Absorb-Brain wrapped in

  The characteristic capsid mainly includes the following three important parts:

  1. "Spike": It is in the form of tentacles, distributed at the connection points between each surface.

  These tentacles are rooted in the capsid and are directly connected to the internal brain nerves, which can be directly controlled by Yi Chen.

  Floating tentacles can be used to swim in the air and quickly parasitize different types of patients. For example, patients with rock formations can control the hardening of the tentacles to make them drill-shaped.

  2. "Shell": A total of 108 hexahedrons, each side can effectively capture and inward light, to achieve a wide-spectrum panoramic imaging, so that Yichen can have a panoramic view of all the surrounding images.

  3. "Inner shell": the strongest inner structure, which acts as a buffer and protects the brain

  【Na Brain】wrapped inside the characteristic capsid can be regarded as the preexistence of 【Epileptic Brain】.

  A nascent brain structure that is still in the stage of knowledge acceptance, which is equivalent to integrating all the organs of a normal life body with the brain,

   It can not only perform various vital functions, but also accept external information and perceive it efficiently.

  Different from other epilepsy viruses,

  The virus transformed by Yi Chen still carries his human characteristics, and a kind of barbed iron chain is wrapped around the whole Nainao, and can even control these iron chains to grow out of the body along the spike structure.

   Moreover, the breath of death is still being squeezed deep in the brain, making the virus black instead of the usual flesh-colored epileptic shell. This kind of appearance looks strange and frightening.

"It seems that you want me to experience the whole process of the formation of a madman, return to the old world before being blocked in the form of a virus, and experience the detailed process of infecting living bodies, absorbing knowledge, and evolving the mad brain, so as to deepen the relationship with the source of the disease in the old world." connection to understand the nature of infection.

  When my special epileptic shell virus is promoted to an insane person, it may be the time when the outside body breaks through the limit, which is interesting. 』

  Yi Chen was not in a hurry to invade the virus, but observed the current environment,

  As he subjectively wriggles the tentacles on the surface of the shell, he swims in the air in a cute form.

   Gradually descend the height you are in,

  The closer it is to the ground, the more bacteria there are in the air. It is dominated by bacteria, and some bacteria are even hundreds or thousands of times the size of Yi Chen.

  These bacteria also have self-awareness. When they found Yichen, a shell-shaped virus like a mayfly, they were obviously much smaller than them, but they squeezed the air stored in the body as if seeing the **** of death, and fled quickly.

  『It seems that Epilepsy Shell is still very famous in the old world, so it can save a lot of trouble. 』

  Yi Chen locked his eyes on the ‘crowd’ coming and going below,

  The difference between different individuals is huge, not only the difference in skin color, but also the structural difference brought about by different diseases.

  Although most of them are humanoid, some have extra arms, tails, wings, and even some unimaginable sarcoids, sieve holes, ducts, and other disease-like tissues, and some even crawl on the ground in a semi-liquid form.

   There are also many fully parasitic individuals, such as a "shell man" that Yi Chen saw.

  The human body responsible for crawling has lost its autonomous consciousness. The giant snail shell on its back is stuffed with parasitic life. Hundreds of soft thorns are inserted into the human body's back and back of the brain, controlling its daily activities such as moving and eating.

   As a newcomer, Yi Chen didn't have to choose special patients.

  Looking at a young man who looks the most like a human being, with almost no extra growth tissue, and only some herpes at the corner of his mouth, he is invading and infected.

  Hoo~ With a normal breath of the young man.

  Yi Chen followed the inhalation process, trying to reach the opponent's brain from the nasal cavity,

  Unexpectedly, when he floated into the oversized and hairy cave in the nasal cavity, a pair of giant red eyes with pus opened instantly, staring at Yi Chen, the lonely intruder.

  The herpes viruses that live in the nasal cavity immediately attack the invaders,

   Just as they gathered together, Yi Chen, an independent virus, disappeared under their noses.

  Due to the lack of targets, the defense mechanism is slowly lifted.

  What they don't know is that at the moment they gathered just now,

  Yichen puts all the tentacles into the brain, performs optical refraction through the characteristic shell of 108 sides, and mimics the current nasal cavity environment by the structure of the brain, and finally achieves perfect invisibility.

  Continue to follow the inhalation process of the host, and easily pass through the nasal cavity to the brain area by means of the nano-scale miniature volume.

  The cranial area is also covered with dense herpes,

  The transparent thick water flowing out from the herpes even soaked the brain, making the whole brain yellow, swollen and deformed, and the outer brain layer was also covered with scary red dots.

  But their inspection mechanism still failed to find Yichen, the special epileptic virus.

   Floating into the brain,

   Enter the brain field that Yi Chen is most familiar with and best at, and soon break into the depths!


  A large number of tentacles grow from the shell, and at the same time, there are also extendable spiked iron chains,





  Like a general who entered the enemy camp alone, he killed half of the herpes virus in the core area of ​​the brain in a short time.

  When the remaining virus wanted to fight against the encirclement and suppression, a black death energy was released from Yi Chen's body, and the infected herpes virus instantly disintegrated and died completely.

   Before the herpes outside the brain came,

  Yi Chen has already taken root in the core area of ​​the brain, injecting his own genetic material into it, quickly completing the neural connection, and broadcasting notifications throughout the host's body through neural current sensing.

   As soon as any herpes virus dares to get close to the brain area,

  Yichen will carry out [targeted strengthening] on the host's immune system, and authorize the host to use the herpes virus sample just killed, and the herpes will be cleared from the whole body within a few minutes.

   "So... let's get along well! I won't stay in the host body forever, and I will leave when I gain enough knowledge. As long as you are obedient enough, I will keep the host's life."

   Epilepsy virus is very special, it does not proliferate, it is always one.

   Yi Chen, who has seized the control of the center, finally started the most important link - "knowledge acquisition".

   While ingesting the host's memory, it also gave the host a strong 'knowledge thirst', allowing him to quickly go to the nearest city for knowledge learning.

  However, Yi Chen is different from other epileptic shells,

  He will not ignore the host's physical body. Although it will reduce sleep time, he still has to eat, so that the host can always maintain a good mental state.

   Continues until the host cannot find the source of knowledge, or the speed of ingestion drops.

in addition,

  During the process of parasitism, Yichen will also "educate" the host and other pathogens in the host.

  Even if Yi Chen leaves the host, they will study tirelessly. In the future, when they meet Yi Chen or the hosts parasitized by Yi Chen, they will address them as 'teachers' and obey them completely.

  Yi Chen can also quickly take the knowledge they have learned alone as their own, maximizing the value.

   This method is completely superior to conventional epileptic shells.

  Education is what Yi Chen learned from the orphanage.

  From this moment, Yi Chen's initial occupation as a "student" began to change, and the related living characters were slowly being rewritten.

   This barely looks like soft sci-fi... (shh)



  (end of this chapter)