The Last Gentleman

Chapter 259: Variety

Chapter 259 Changes

 As the hosts changed one by one, Yi Chen became more and more familiar with invasive infections.

Due to being immersed in the acquisition of knowledge for a long time, he has even thrown away the issue of time and even somewhat forgotten his true human identity.

in addition,

Yi Chen also used the memories of the hosts to have a general understanding of the old world (before it was blocked).

[Original epidemic area] here can be compared to a large country in the human world. Patients who come out of the original epidemic area have a much higher status and even enjoy many privileges.

Most patients born in the old world have basically the same goal. Through their unremitting efforts, they can be certified by a certain epidemic area, accept them as insiders, and obtain the corresponding disease system.

In addition to the source of the epidemic area, there are also a large number of neutral cities and countries in the old world. However, many neutral cities cannot get out once they enter... There is even a "city survival rate" table in private.

After all, the fertility of patients is much stronger than that of humans. You can often see a female squatting there in the wild, and within a month, children will crawl out of the holes one after another.

 In order to stabilize the population, the old world did not have any laws, let alone so-called individual rights.

 Another very important thing that is most different from the human world is that patients make perfect use of world space.

The ground is only the shallowest surface, where the weakest group of patients live, but it is also the place with the widest diversity, the most likely place for the birth of new types of patients, and the place full of infinite possibilities.

 Most of the patients live and move around in underground areas, and the [source epidemic area] is located in deeper and more dangerous areas.

There are special connecting channels between different layers. These channels are often located between some large neutral cities. To pass, you need to pay fees, identity verification and even some special things.

 The reason why everyone is pursuing the depths and the source of the epidemic area is also established in the depths is very simple.

  The Old World, or Focus of Infection, is a unique living world where the earliest and most primitive pathological roots are at the deepest level.

 Hence, the closer you get to the depths, the more you can establish a connection with the source of the disease, and it is easier to gain growth and understanding.

all in all.

 Judging from the memories that Yi Chen has absorbed, this world is quite powerful, so powerful that Yi Chen doesn’t even know how to describe it.

Even if one of the forces comes out, it can easily destroy the existing gentleman organization of mankind. Even if Zion City wants to move in, it can only take root on the surface or the second level at best.

Such a situation also made Yi Chen extremely puzzled as to why the old world, which was so powerful and suffocating, was actually blocked by the world, and even the most fundamental rules were locked up.

 Reproductive isolation, quantitative lock-in, and even deprivation of the right to die...

Yi Chen still clearly remembers the giant sword that penetrated the black sun and plunged into the earth.

 Forcing the old world to survive only through "world parasitism".

 Who did it? It is unknown, and a war must have broken out at that time, and many infected areas were wiped out in this war.

Only a few powerful source epidemic areas have been preserved, and they have all been greatly weakened. The overall strength is far from its peak.


 There is no concept of time at all.

 As an epileptic virus, Yi Chen has already adapted to and even accepted this kind of life.

He has infected more than 5,000 patients, 93% of whom have been successfully civilized.

Even during the process of indoctrination, Yi Chen developed a spiritual network that was unique to him. As long as he was on the surface of the old world, he could get in touch with these indoctrinators at any time, and even conduct "online teaching."


 A special group was formed, and for some reason Yi Chen temporarily named it [Yuan].

 Always stay in the surface area and have no intention of going to the depths of the old world.

Yi Chen knew very well that with his current virus status, even if he wanted to go deep, he would not be able to go deep. If he got into an epidemic area, he might be wiped out.


Although there is no physical depth, Yi Chen continues to penetrate deeper at the spiritual level and get closer to the root cause of the disease.

When the knowledge he absorbed reached the limit, enough for him to carry out the final [evolution of the insane], he gathered all the educated patients in a no-man's land,

 With Yi Chen’s parasitic host as the center, it is surrounded by layers of circles, sitting around it.

 Integrate everyone’s mental power to perform “signal amplification”, allowing Yi Chen’s spirit to have the most direct connection with the source of the disease. This will be an excellent opportunity for the patient to open source.

 The host controlled by Yi Chen sits cross-legged.


 The entire skull is pushed upward by brain tentacles, revealing an extremely active brain.

Epilepsy virus also completely opened the "characteristic capsid" at this moment, releasing the internal nanobrain to fuse with the host's brain nucleus.

The active brain was dyed black and wrapped in needle-pricked iron chains, exuding a metallic sheen from the dead air.

If a real lunatic passes by here, he will be amazed at Yi Chen's transformation.

This is completely different from the normal progression of an epileptic. It has even surpassed an epileptic at some level, and a brand new individual is being born.


 【Hippocrates Hospital-Inpatient Department】

 Whether it is a private ward with good isolation effect or a ward where multiple people live,

 Patients resting in the hospital all have more or less headaches and dizziness symptoms, and some patients in a coma wake up early, and even a vegetative state wakes up due to this.

 After inspection by a professional team, it was found that the problem was not with the patient, but with the head impact caused by external interference.

 Such an impact even slowly spread to some apprentices and employees, with constant ringing in the ears.

Teachers and students who are proficient in induction borrowed instruments that capture spiritual perception and conducted detailed tests and found that

 The source of head discomfort is actually within the hospital.

 It is the closed white building used for patient research, disease materials, documents and book collections.

Furthermore, when some doctors looked up at the sky, they unexpectedly discovered that the clouds gathering above their heads showed a circuit structure similar to brain sulci, and that they tended to evolve into the brain over time.

Not only that, the clouds were getting darker and darker, and there was even a faint smell of death.

The increasingly weird situation caused many doctors to gather towards the white building. At the same time, a lady who happened to pass by wearing round glasses and long leather boots arrived.

 Pathology Research Center, deep in the death studio.

Dr. Andrea Vesalius, the vice president and one of the heads of the Secret Medicine Review Department, was standing in a completely dry swimming pool. There were four empty bottles of "Twilight Silver Liquid" placed on the shore. ”.

Although Vesalius was in great pain, the sight in front of him made him not regret it at all.

  A few days ago, as the vice-president, he ordered that no one should come near this place without his permission.

 The center of a dry swimming pool.

 A young man with a smoothly cut skull is sitting in the air.

 A black biomass brain that resembles an epileptic brain is squirming between the cut skulls, and a spiked iron chain is entangled around it. The pain stimulates and increases the activity of the brain.

There is even an opening at the top of the brain, from which the breath of death is constantly exhaled like breathing.

 The book emblem engraved on the back of his head is turning rapidly.

Not only that,

Yichen’s muscles and organs all over his body are also beating together with his brain. Every piece of flesh has been qualitatively transformed and sublimated in this process, and has a deeper exchange and integration with the iron chains all over his body.

“This is the first time I have seen such a limit breakthrough... How deep is this kid’s connection with the old world? The aura overflowing from his brain is like an open source patient!

 Completely different from epilepsy,

He is a brand-new patient with multiple attributes, and it has not stopped changing. This guy's consciousness is still using "relics" as a medium to get closer and deepen its connection with the source of the disease.

 Can a three-attribute relic actually reach this level? No, it should be more about himself.

What a scary guy... If this is the case, maybe the first gentleman issue that this guy mentioned before is not a big deal, and it is really possible for him to seize something from the other side of the leather field. "

 (End of this chapter)