The Last Gentleman

Chapter 272: massacre unblocked

Chapter 272 Massacre Unsealed

“I have recently tried to create some new varieties of maids. I will choose the two most distinctive and high-quality ones to play with you.”


 Two black shadows descended instantly,

One of the maids has an eight-track prosthetic eye installed on her head, her arms have a pop-up blade structure, and her legs have the same hidden design.

The other one is equipped with multiple power conversion cores and can visibly absorb the breath of killing scattered here. His seemingly slender body is carrying a three-meter-long giant meat cleaver.

 The multiple pulleys and bearing structures between her arms allow her to quickly swing the meat cleaver in her hand and make incredible killing movements.

Yi Chen wiped away the blood flowing from his ear holes and asked politely: "If we accidentally destroy them during the battle, it should be fine, right?"

“Fight to your heart’s content. The more thoroughly you kill them, the more satisfied I will be.”

Jin's eyes were not focused on the two maids at all. He was just staring at Yuri in the wheelchair the whole time. The bleeding between the ear holes had long been blocked by the new red lotus.

“Prophet Yuri, if your two maids cannot test our true level, can you do it yourself?”

"It depends on your ability. If you can defeat them within ten minutes, I will play with you."

After finishing speaking, Yuri's personal maid pushed him back to the sidelines, and at the same time removed the sealed eye patch, revealing a pair of blood-jewel-like eyes.

 The light of the sword, the shadow of the sword, the black mist and the silver flash.

 After bursts of colorful pictures flashed before his eyes, Yuri's expression changed from relaxed to serious.

Although he knew that Kim Almeida had passed the "Executioner Assessment" of Gethsemane not long ago and became the youngest surgeon in history, he did not expect that her standard was more than one level higher than the assessment baseline.

  【5 minutes and 37 seconds】

Jin comforted the crying baby by the hilt of the sword and inserted it back behind him. All he saw before his eyes were broken metal residue and eight complete prosthetic eyes.

 On the other side, Yi Chen's battle is basically over.

The giant meat cleaver fell to one side. The maid, whose parts were corroded by death, could no longer hold on. She knelt down directly in front of Yi Chen. She could only raise her completely powerless right arm if she wanted to resist.

Gazing at the mechanical maid in front of him, Yi Chen also received a prompt from the epileptic brain.

    The target has lost its basic mobility. Now is the best time to carry out "enlightenment". Should we carry out ideological enlightenment? 』

"no. 』

 The battle is over.

Yi Chen tiptoed up and down, turning his shoulders. The battle seemed to heat up his whole body, and even his clothes squirmed together... A desire for killing instinct slowly revealed in his eyes.

Just as Yi Chen tied a few stray strands of hair back to the back of his head, he turned his head and looked at Yuri, who was supposed to be fighting on the sidelines.

 Only found that there was only an empty wheelchair left there,

Yuri is walking towards the center of the arena with the support of his personal maid. The strap around Yuri's right leg has been untied, allowing him to barely walk.

 Even if they just unsealed one foot, Yi Chen and Jin would feel bursts of pressure.

 Because he didn’t wear shoes,

 A non-human-shaped deformed foot is stepping on the ground. The evil spirit expanding in the body pushes the blood vessels out of the instep. More than ten blood vessel openings are exposed, and blood is constantly flowing out.

The toes have a multi-layered toenail, which is spirally coiled and shaped like a spike. It can pierce and tear apart the target with a light kick.

 While walking, the bandages on his left side of the body were also removed one after another.

 An old crimson suit was revealed, as well as an exposed **** palm, as if the bones and flesh were mashed and then mixed into the palm mold.

The murderous aura released from Yuri at this moment even dyed the entire space behind him red, and even transformed into a giant head chewing flesh.

 When Yuri came to the two of them,

Yuri's left hand directly clasped the maid's skull and squeezed hard! The head, which was a mixture of bones and metal, was crushed. He grabbed the end of the spine and pulled hard!


  A spine butcher knife hidden in the maid's body was grasped in her hand.

“During the time I stayed in Zion, enjoying the too comfortable life of a prophet, I gradually forgot the taste of direct killing, and I didn’t lift the seal of my body for a long time.

 First unblock one foot and one hand to play with you.

  If I am suppressed by you, I will slowly lift them all. "

Just when Yuri's murderous aura occupied the arena and became the dominant player here.

 Jin was different from the past. She did not directly kill the past recklessly. Her character seemed to have changed during her journey to the old world.

She sat down in a strange posture. She bent her right foot and hooked it around her neck. She placed her left foot horizontally in front of her face and made a lotus mark with her hands.

 In an instant,

 A completely different murderous aura spurted out from Jin's body, and the influence spread, causing malignant granular flesh **** to grow on the surrounding ground, which continued to proliferate and divide to form tumor tissue.

 Looking at Jin who was sitting in a strange cross-legged position,

 It was as if she were deep in a cave crowded with tumors, with brilliant red lotuses growing in their gaps.

 Since he had never had contact with gold before, Prophet Yuri was quite surprised when he saw this picture.

“Have you... been to the [Cancer Palace] in the old world?”

“Yes, my master is a very powerful person in Cancer Palace.”

“I’m really sorry, I underestimated you.”

Prophet Yuri made a gentleman's bow with his rather stiff body, and the remaining parts of his body began to unseal.

 Perfect body,

A bald man in a dark red suit, a black shirt and a red-eyed skull tie stood in front of the two of them. Just seeing this image made their eyes uncomfortable, as if a real blade was cutting their eyeballs.

 Tumor structures derived from gold exploded one after another.

"bring it on…"


 Inside a hospital several kilometers away.

Principal Deslin, who was attending the doctor's meeting as a special invitee, suddenly turned her head and looked out the window in the direction of Gethsemane, as a burst of stars shone in her pupils.

 It seemed like a horrific scene of bloodshed was taking place.

The old dean also smelled the smell of blood, but he was calmer and gently knocked on the table in front of Deslin.

 “Concentrate on the meeting in front of you first. If there are any problems, I will go together to solve them.”


 In the plantation of Gethsemane, every fruit tree was dyed red with the smell of killing.

All instructors and related personnel are well aware that the strong evil spirit permeating the air comes from the unblocking of Prophet Yuri's ability.

Instructor Bailey brought a group of followers to the door to ask for someone, but was blocked by the maid.

“Do not disturb the master at this time. He is having a great time. Any intruder may be massacred for disturbing him.

 We haven't seen the owner so happy for a long time. "

 The underground arena hidden in the house of the prophet.

 Yi Chen, who was wearing "death makeup", had his upper body nailed to the wall with a spinal spear.

Forcibly pulled out the spear, and with a bang, the upper body fell to the ground, and then with the help of the iron chain growing out of the wound, it spread and connected with the lower body and was thrown away not far away.

 Jin's body was cut in half along the shoulders, and his hands and feet were chopped off. They were all thrown into a mass of fleshy lotus flowers to wait for healing.

Prophet Yuri, bleeding from all his orifices and completely red-eyed, stood on the spot, relying on the butcher knife to support his body.

His whole body was covered with cuts, burns, and erosion spots. The most terrifying wound was hidden on the back of his neck. It looked like a group of black spots, but it had actually eroded to the surface of the cervical spine. If it were deeper, it might affect his entire body's movements.

 He had no idea that the two young men in front of him could bring him such a strong sense of pleasure.

 (End of this chapter)