The Last Gentleman

Chapter 282: cook meat

Chapter 282: Cooking Meat

  Restaurant private room.

 The total height of the dinner plates stacked in front of Reagan was higher than his head.

 The three-hour nightmare trip brought him a lot of physical and mental exertion.

 According to Reagan, because of the combined effect of his own profession and the electronic spineworm, fat can be directly converted into various types of energy for direct use, so daily fat accumulation is necessary.

 But to Yi Chen, it always feels like an excuse.

After dinner, the two discussed the "Nightmare Staircase". When Reagan fully understood the principle of creating the "Nightmare Staircase", Yi Chen was also shocked.

I have to say that Reagan's creativity and sensitivity were unparalleled. Such a talent would have been a top academic master in Yi Chen's lifetime.

 Regan also said that he still has work tonight. He will review the nightmare and strive to optimize the best ladder manufacturing plan.

 The team disbanded at the entrance of the hotel to rest.

As soon as Reagan left, Jin grabbed Yi Chen's arm and yanked him toward the other end of the street.

“Don’t go back to school tonight~ The nightmare consumes a lot of energy, so just go to my house. When you are tired from playing, just go to bed, it’s okay.

 Since your breakthrough, we have not had effective ‘communication’. "

Unable to refuse Jin's warm invitation, he could only follow her to the apartment building where she lived.

As for the nightmare card, it doesn’t matter if you wait until tomorrow. There’s no time clearly marked on it anyway. It's true that I'm a little tired today, so it's time to relax.

The weird thing is,

On the way to the apartment building, Yi Chen felt a sense of prying eyes from the dark more than once.

Occasionally, the ordinary people I see out of the corner of my eye seem to be wearing a strange smile.

For example, the boss standing in the door of a shop with only half of his face exposed, the passers-by who accidentally walked by at the crossroads and turned back, or the strange tenants standing by the windows of residential buildings secretly watching the street.


When Yi Chen changed his peripheral vision to the main perspective, the other person either left or didn't smile at all.

Such a weird situation forced Yi Chen to wake up the resting little grape and let it open a 360° global perspective. The weirdness disappeared immediately, and there was no smile at all.

    Is it the subsequent impact of me eating the tentacles alive and taking the initiative to go to the depths of the nightmare? Forget it, I won’t delve into it today, just go find someone with the nightmare card tomorrow. 』

The two were walking on the stairwell of the apartment. Jin seemed to think of something happy, so he quickly crossed the stairs, walked up the stairs backwards, and gestured with Yi Chen below.

“William! I learned a brand new meat-making method from [Cancer Palace], and the compression efficiency can be more than ten times that of the previous one.

 According to Master, as long as this perfect sarcoid substance can be made, even if I am seriously injured, I can fully recover with just one meatball.

However, I can only make semi-finished products at the moment. If you can help, William, you might be able to get started! When the time comes, I will give you a few pills, and the effect may be even better than the secret medicine. "

 “Okay, I’m trying to help~Jin, be careful!”

At this time, two children, one older and one younger, who were born in Zion, were playing throwing iron **** in the stairwell, when an iron ball flying at high speed hit Jin's head.


 With all the gold in coordination and perception, when the iron ball was about to hit, he suddenly extended his palm to the back of his head and caught it steadily.

Moreover, there is a layer of cancerous tissue growing on the surface of the palm.

 The cancerous tissue is completely isolated from itself. Even if the surface of the sphere is contaminated with toxins or pathogens, it can be effectively isolated.

 “Who threw it?”

Jin turned his head with a serious face, even showing some murderous intent.

The naughty kid standing in the stairwell showed no fear at all. Instead, he kept a smile on his face and quickly admitted that they had thrown it.

After Jin returned the iron ball, he suddenly put his hand on the heads of the two children and stroked them gently.

At this moment, Yi Chen's expression was a little ugly, and he had even envisioned the terrifying scene of the naughty child exploding on the spot.

 He wanted to stop her verbally, but in the end he swallowed his words.

 There was no explosion. Jin simply touched his head and continued going upstairs.

The two children didn’t feel anything strange and continued to play ball in the stairwell.

 When Yi Chen followed, Jin suddenly turned around, slightly lifted his mask, and stuck out his tongue.

"Looking at how nervous you are, you don't think I'm going to kill those two children... It's not a small thing like this. But, as a small punishment, I implanted a benign brain in their heads. tumor.

William, you feel it too, right? These two kids are a little weird, but I can't tell why.

 I didn’t feel anything strange during the contact process. The benign tumors were implanted to act as a kind of surveillance. The tumors would disappear on their own after one year. "

“Well, it’s a little strange. It may be the sequelae of a nightmare, or there may be a real problem... Since you have monitoring methods, I won’t deal with it.”

The two of them arrived at the top floor of the apartment. When passing by a rental house, bursts of inappropriate laughter suddenly came from inside.

When Yi Chen was thinking about how to find out the internal situation,

Jin directly raised his leg and kicked the door open. In the messy room, he saw two gentlemen stacked on the sofa in a very strange posture.

  The two people have similar characteristics. They are both inclined to physical transformation, and they are entangled in a weird and even funny way. Because the bodies are squeezing each other, the laughter becomes a little strange.

There was nothing wrong with the two of them. Faced with Jin's sudden kick in the door, they immediately cast hostile glances.

But after seeing the iconic mask on Jin’s face, he immediately became intimidated and immediately said that he would restrain himself and not make too much noise.

 “Are you really a little nervous?”

Jin knocked his head hard, and the passion in his heart was drained by the unexpected incident in the corridor.

 Evening, candlelight, bedroom.

It was inexplicably hot in the small room filled with imitation meat. Yi Chen and Jin both took off their coats, hung their ties on the door, unbuttoned some of their shirt buttons and rolled up their sleeves.

 The palms of the two people are intertwined, holding and rubbing the meat on the turntable, similar to the shaping stage of pottery making.


Jin also kept adding meat to it, and Yi Chen needed to use precise muscle control and increase the strength of his palms at a constant speed to keep the size of the meat unchanged.

 Tick tock, sweat dripping from hair.

 After five hours of hard work, a nearly finished "cancer tumor body" was completed.

 Hongpupu meat powder powder,

 Perfectly round without any flaws,

 Looks like the size of a table tennis ball, but actually weighs nearly a hundred pounds.

Once swallowed, this thing will multiply in the body very quickly, providing unimaginable physical energy. Yi Chen didn't dare to swallow it casually. After all, only Jin could control something like cancer.

Jin held the ball in his hand and looked at it for a long time. Suddenly he jumped slightly and hugged Yi Chen tightly.

“Wow! It’s almost the same as the real finished product~ Thank you William! If you have time next time, come over and help me make some balls... That’s it for tonight, I’m so sleepy!”

 The simple rental house still only has a mattress in the living room.

Yichen’s fatigue level was completely full after the complicated tasks of the day, coupled with the intense mental and physical concentration of rubbing meat **** in the middle of the night.

  Put your coat on yourself as a quilt and fall asleep.

Jin lay on her side, supporting her head with one hand, staring at Yi Chen's face through the mask. She also started playing, feeling tired.

Just when Jin was withdrawing from the joy of cooking meat and was about to fall asleep with Yi Chen in his arms,


A sense came from the cancer cells in the heads of those two naughty kids!

And the sensing distance is very close. It seems that two children are standing at the door of the house, tiptoeing, peering through the peephole to see what's going on inside.

 “Huh? Are you too invested in cooking meat to notice it?”

Jin Qiqi was on top, one hand fell on his back to draw the sword, and the other hand slowly pushed the door open.

 Sure enough,

 Two children were really peeking at the door.

Jin Qi has been slow to draw the meat sword from his back. The reason is very simple...the naughty children are dead, their bodies are missing, and only their heads are hanging at the door.

 Jin immediately spread the red lines throughout the entire apartment building, but nothing was noticed!

 (End of this chapter)