The Last Gentleman

Chapter 307: magician's tricks

Chapter 307 The Magician’s Methods

Seeing that the others had chosen a target, Catherine jumped out and turned her attention to Deputy Director Kimberly, who had transformed into a prosthetic body. "Hey, the guy with metal disease? He's the type I'm least good at dealing with, forget it. ~Since you have chosen your target, I will make do with it."

 The words just fell~ Whoosh!

A laser beam shot out instantly, piercing Catherine's forehead from the front, and also shot through the door behind her and the pedestrians who were reading newspapers on the roadside across the street from the church.


 The moment Catherine was penetrated by her forehead, her body began to fill with flesh quickly.

  Careful observation will also reveal the weirdness and horror of flesh repair. Between the holes penetrated and scorched by lasers, tiny female bodies pour into them, hugging each other to complete the filling.

 She did not hate Kimberly for the sudden attack, but looked at Jain happily.

"I told you, this group of humans is very powerful, otherwise I wouldn't disturb your precious rest time. I leave it to you to break them up, Uncle Jain."

“It’s interesting, especially the human being in front of me who has severe schizophrenia.

Unexpectedly, Lechang actually reared this group of humans in a diversified and free-range manner without any restrictions. It did not restrict the development of their diseases and only made a fuss about their clothes.

 This is completely different from the old-fashioned epidemic area in my impression. Do you want to reform to adapt to a new era, or do you want to give this group of humans a certain degree of 'freedom' before complete enslavement?

 Okay, let me help you deal with the matter at hand first. "

Magician Jain makes a seemingly ordinary move - throwing his bowler hat forward.

The hat rotating in the air suddenly split into five parts, corresponding to everyone except Wrinkly Spacey, and accelerated towards them.

 Clearly feeling the spatial fluctuations existing between the hat bodies, Prophet Marko shouted loudly: "Everyone avoid this thing!"

He himself also used the mental power accumulated in his brain, condensed it into an almost real mental impact, and tried to knock away the high hat flying towards him.


Something weird happened. The mental power shot out like a cannon actually turned into a boosting force, pushing the hat body even closer.

What's even more exaggerated is that when Marco moved his steps to try to avoid the high hat flying towards him...his body actually turned around and approached the high hat on its own initiative.

 Everything seems to be turned upside down.

Just when Marco realized the "inversion" problem and wanted to warn his teammates, it was already too late.

 Hit hat is very fast and coupled with reverse actions, contact behavior has already occurred.

 The moment it comes into contact with the high hat, the mouth of the hat turns into a nightmare vortex and involves the individual in contact. There is no way to prevent this process from happening.

 The individual involved in the hat is taken to an independent dreamland set by Catherine in advance.

The whole process is like magic, making the interactor disappear.

However, this magic was not completely successful.

Only four of the five hats thrown out by Jain were effective.

Zed, who was crawling between the domes, was not hit.

His body immediately caught the upside-down trap that existed in the high hat room. Within 0.01 seconds, he completed the reverse correction of his thinking and actions, changing "avoid" to "approach" to perfectly avoid the trigger of the trap.


Zed faces everyone with his eyeless face, senses the intruders with his body, and even arranges the order of killing in his mind.

At the same time, Captain Mosand, who was walking on stilts, suddenly took a step forward and blocked everyone.

“It’s really interesting that someone could see through your magic trick Jain at the first meeting! This dream is really the right one. Since everyone else has been transferred, this guy might as well just let him stay here.

 Let me play with him. "

 Catherine gently poked the meat-legged stilts with her finger, "Mosander, please don't kill anyone. These people are all my game characters."

“Don’t worry, I only need to take away one leg. This kind of guy can avoid Jain’s magic. Even if he lacks legs, it will not affect the overall strength.”

Even the magician Jain himself was quite surprised. He did not expect that someone could avoid his first magic show.

Although he was very interested in Zed, since Mosande was more interested, he did not take the initiative to fight for it.

“Catherine, it’s okay to let this man stay in the church, right?”

Catherine immediately made an OK gesture, "Thank you Uncle Jain, it's good to be able to separate four of them. You and Aunt Halida should go back first. I'm sorry to disturb you in your busy schedule."

 Captain Mosand, he should be able to "return with a full load" after playing for a while. "


Jian waved his hand, "Don't worry, there is nothing going on at the circus tomorrow anyway, and the rehearsals for the latest performance will not start until a week later. It is rare to meet such interesting human beings and play with them for a while."

  Don’t worry, I’ll try not to kill anyone. I just want to have a conversation with the human being who has a complete split personality. "

Halita, the ventriloquist on the side, also raised her hands to express that she also wanted to 'communicate' with the grumpy woman.

 Catherine made a face, "I knew...hey~ if I can't play the game anymore, I will come to you to settle the score."

While everyone was chatting,

A strange cortical wave came from the depths of the church,

The skin covering the church actually lifted up like a wave, rushing towards the circus members talking at the door, trying to engulf them completely.


Within a second of the huge wave of skin falling, the densely packed long legs continued to expand inside the cortex, and finally burst completely, causing the church to be filled with broken skin fragments.

However, currently only Captain Mosander is left at the door of the church.

The remaining members have been teleported away through the permissions of the dream space, corresponding to the independent areas of each member of the sharp knife team.

 Mosander’s eyes were also attracted by the wrinkled Spacey in the silver barrier under the altar.

"It's really pure skin manipulation. It's hard to believe that you are not a direct descendant of Pi Chang, but a human being... With such a high talent, you will get very good treatment even if you are sent to Pi Chang, right?"

However, Youshui Piping Field is suffering from an unprecedented crisis and may disappear. At that time, the reliance of you humans will also disappear completely. I don’t know whether it will be good or bad for you.

 After all, even if the leather fields don’t disappear, you will eventually be enslaved by them.

By the way, don’t do any more ‘dream skin grafting’! Join your teammates to attack me, it will be more interesting. "

 As soon as the words fell,

Five pale fingers suddenly appeared in front of Mosand's eyes, followed closely by the palm holding the five fingers... He couldn't even see clearly when the hand came close.

 Hand your head with five fingers...pop!

 A force beyond his expectation came upon him,

Mosander's "stilts" are like tens of thousands of perfectly structured legs and feet derived from different patients, which together support his body.

What is currently putting pressure on is a mountain of corpses piled up by countless corpses.

 Forcibly overturning all the legs and feet supporting him,


Mosander was pressed hard to the ground, and his head was crushed to pieces.

  【fall to the ground】

This is a great shame for an acrobat on stilts. Since he became the third leader of the acrobatic troupe, he has completely eliminated this word from his personal vocabulary.

 In an instant, an extremely terrifying force spewed out from the body,

Over Nightmare Town,

 An unimaginable giant foot appeared out of thin air and descended with great force!

  Boom! The Church of Dreams and various street buildings in the center of the town were razed to the ground.

 (End of this chapter)