The Last Gentleman

Chapter 315: prophetic reasoning

  Chapter 315 Reasoning of the Prophet

  【Nightmare Town-Hospital】

  Yi Chen used the power of the nightmare to repair the wounds of his student - "Farmer. Blakelyn" in the battle, but the wounds were not completely repaired, and some wounds were intentionally left for weaving lies.

   "Branklin, you've done a good job~ It's your limit to be able to help me fight against Dr. McCoff. Next, I will face [The Prophet]. If you assist me from the side, it is very likely that the other party will see through your identity.

  After going back, seriously use the prosthetic body given by the organization to restart your life and start a journey of seeking knowledge.

  As long as the brain is intact, everything can start all over again, and then we will meet again. "

"Thank you, teacher!"

  Branklin also knew that the follow-up confrontation would not help him. As a student, he naturally couldn't hold back the teacher.

  The body like a mountain of meat squatted obediently in front of Yi Chen, waiting for the teacher to help him end his dream.


  The skull was pried open.

   Tiny nightmare tentacles drilled into Bracklin's brain, using epileptic manipulation to modify the memory.

   Erase the meeting between the two of them and everything related to becoming a student, and change it to his heroic experience of killing the nightmare and obtaining information at all costs.

   After repeatedly confirming that there are no loopholes, Yi Chen swung his tentacles and cut off Branklin's dream connection.


   There was a burst of bubbles rising in the power station, and soon staff members tested Branklin's brain.


  Hoo~ Yi Chen took a deep breath and simply adjusted his status.

   "I can't rest at all~ Get ready to go to the seat of the prophet. If Catherine takes the first step, I will have to face Teacher Zed."

  Because the central taste fills up the body state, Yi Chen does not make any stop, and draws the door leading to the library with his tentacles.

   When the palm of the hand grasps the door handle,

  An extremely uneasy intuition pierced the brain like a thorn, and the stress reaction made Yi Chen almost withdraw his hand.

  However, he has made up his mind, and the points earned from Megoff cannot guarantee the final victory of the game.

  If you can't get over the hurdle in front of you, you may end up with a failure.

   "Huh! Come on..."

   In one go, push the door open and enter.

  The scene in front of you is immediately transformed into an old library,

   When Catherine was designing Nightmare Town, she carried out a special spatial and complex transformation of the library, which was specially used to trap some troublesome outsiders.

  The six tentacles quickly attached to the outer wall of the library,

  Borrowing the characteristics of nightmares, Yi Chen fully integrated his physical body into the building of the library.

  After all, the administrator authority is obtained from Catherine, and the changing structure of the library is very clear in Yi Chen's eyes, and the positions of Martin and Marco can be located immediately.

  In Yi Chen's prediction,

  Existences like Martin and Marco are bound to be impossible to stay in the library honestly. He will definitely try to decipher the nightmare space, and return to the church as soon as possible to join his teammates... He may even have opened the nightmare passage.

   However, the reality is quite different.

   "Mr. Marco is actually reading?"

  The Nightmare Eye pierces through layers of walls, and its vision captures the [second floor] of the library where the Prophet is, standing upright in front of the bookshelf, reading with his back facing.

   Even though Yi Chen surveyed all the spaces in the library, he did not find any deciphered points. It seems that Prophet Marko has no thought of leaving the library at all, but is happy to stay here.

  Yi Chen wandered between the walls, quietly approaching the library where Ma Ke was, and when he wanted to see the books in his hand,

  A sound came directly to Yi Chen's brain.

   "Don't hide, come out and talk, Mr. Nightmare."

  Now that he has been discovered, Yi Chen no longer hides, puts on his mask, and completely assumes the role of nightmare.

   creak creak~

  Peel off the wall with six tentacles, with the black liquid dripping,

   tentacles landed,

   Gradually supported Yi Chen, the subject, to separate from the wall,

  Whether it's the body shape that moves through the tentacles, or the nightmare breath that is constantly exuding from the whole body, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a gentleman.

   "Can we sit down and have a chat?" Ma Ke slowly closed the book and pointed to the rest area beside him.

   "Yes." Yi Chen also complied with the Prophet's request, wanting to know what the other party's plans are at this time? Why choose to read books in the library management at such a critical juncture instead of meeting with teammates.

   Sit on both sides of the long table.

  The Prophet still kept his back turned, and the white mask on the back of his head was facing Yi Chen, which looked quite strange.

   "This library has a lot of books, which means that the "Nightmare Origin" that created the town has a lot of reading. It just made me use the resources here to study hard and even acquire some new things. "

  Prophet Mark took out a box of playing cards from his pocket, put it on his right hand, and continued:

  “During the conversation with the magician Jain, I conducted appropriate discursive seduction and information exchange, and obtained a lot of key information.

  For example, the [Nightmare] affecting Zion is just the work of a member of the circus on vacation.

  The magician and others were only temporarily called during sleep to help split up my team. As for why you want to separate us? There must be a core issue involved here.

  Combined with the important clue of "No Killer", this carefully arranged and planned nightmare is more like a "game".

  Let's assume this is a game,

  So, is it the pure play of Miss Nightmare in the circus, or is it a competitive game between her and a non-circus member? The moment I saw you, the answer was certain.

  I can tell that although your body exudes a nightmare atmosphere, it is more like a layer of [cloak]. Your essence should not be a nightmare. For example, the death breath mixed in the black liquid belongs to one of your essence.

   The character who plays with Miss Nightmare is you, right?

   Therefore, the problem comes to a deeper level.

  What is the purpose of you playing the game? Is it the simplest amusement of using our important cities as a playing field, or is there a bigger and more hidden stake? "

   Facing the prophet's reasoning, Yi Chen felt a thump in his heart, feeling that the mask he was wearing on his face was almost seen through.

   Prophet Marko continued,

   "I have gained a lot from this nightmare.

Fighting with Mr. Jain taught me something about 'magic'... not tricks, but real magic, in a way similar to my 'foreseeing', I try to combine the two to combine.

  Combined with reading books during this period, I have mastered a brand new divination technique.

   may give me direct insight into the true purpose of this game. "

  During the speech, Prophet Marko fanned out the playing cards and drew several cards from them.

   Didn't show it, but squeezed these cards in his hands and kept kneading them.

   What finally appeared was a weird [King] card.

  The king above is just monotonous black and white, with a weird smile on his face, covered with tentacles, and the symbol is a red heart

  The king below has a variety of colors, mainly black, yellow, and red. Although he also has tentacles, he has an extra ax in his hand, and his clothes are more like a gentleman. The symbol is spades.

  The divination is over,

  Prophet Marko raised his eyes and stared at the nightmare youth in front of him:

   "Sure enough, you have been listening to my narration the whole time, and you have no intention of stopping or starting a war at all... This can further prove that my divination is correct."

  Suddenly, a sound transmission sounded in Yi Chen's head, "Do I need to lose the duel with you? 』

  『…』Yi Chen didn’t answer anything to avoid violating the rules.

  『I wish you victory in the game, I will go back to clean up the hidden dangers of the nightmare buried in Zion. 』

   At the end of the utterance,

  Yi Chen glimpsed a shadow under the hood, and took out a pair of extremely dangerous scissors to cut off the dream connection on Ma Ke's head.

   Click! The Prophet disappears.

   Yi Chen was the only one left in the library, cold sweat slipping down his cheeks.

   "It's scary. Could it be the other side of the Prophet just now... Is this the gap between me and the organization's top combat power? Prophet Marko actually directly deduced the essence of the game, what a terrible thinking ability.

  If I really want to do it, I have a high probability of losing.

   In this way, the key to victory or defeat lies with the teacher. "

  When Yi Chen calmed down and checked the scoreboard, he froze for a moment.

  【Catherine 8 points】Score source: warm-up (+3 points) + prosthetic body-Kimberly Cabrera (guided kill +10 points) + death (-5 points)

   "Catherine, died once?"

  (end of this chapter)