The Last Gentleman

Chapter 338: Meet the president

Chapter 338 Meeting with the President

 Tailor, along with doctors and prophets, has become one of the three major public professions.

 It is the earliest planned job transfer system of the organization.

 Especially in the early days of the organization, the profession of tailor was indispensable. Every gentleman needed to make clothes and repair them after battles.

  The status of tailors was very high in the early days, but as time went by, more and more tailor shops were built, and more and more gentlemen who were good at tailoring emerged. About two hundred years ago, the number of organized tailors was approaching saturation.

 So we began to improve the assessment standards for tailors, and at the same time divided tailors into grades, similar to [professional titles].

At the same time, a tailors association directly affiliated to the organization was established to manage the entire tailor system.

The current head of the Tailor Association is the general manager, Wrinkle Spacey. Every newcomer who passes the tailoring assessment will receive a certificate from Spacey.

 Privately, tailors all refer to Spacey as "President" and "Boss". In their eyes, Spacey is no worse than today's first gentleman.

is also like this,

When Yi Chen suddenly took out Spacey's business card, the tailor who was meeting him for the first time was so frightened that he almost fell off his seat.

Although he is already a tailor who has settled in Zion, and his status is higher than that of many gentlemen, he is just an entry-level apprentice in front of Spacey.

While leading the way, the tailor occasionally glanced at the two people behind him.

At first, his sight was still on Little Grape. After all, the special robe and the looming ash color under the robe were too eye-catching.

 But slowly, his vision was pulled away by Yi Chen beside him, and he even kept turning his head, watching the young man like an idiot.

This actually made Yi Chen a little embarrassed.

"What are you looking at?" As Yi Chen asked, the other party realized his gaffe.

“Sir, the workmanship of your clothes is really perfect, especially the stitching of the collar, cuffs and buttons. This is completely different from the tailoring I have learned, and the effect is even better than in the book.

Haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Fabrico Ter! An intermediate tailor who has been in business alone for more than five years.

I often attend tailoring technology seminars organized by the association, and I also visit some colleagues and seniors privately to learn sewing techniques from them, but I have never seen such a thread routing method.

 Don’t know which master made the clothes you are wearing? "

“It’s not convenient to reveal this. I can only tell you that this tailor is not at the market, and is not under the management of the organization or association for the time being.”

"A retired master? He probably doesn't want others to disturb him. What a pity... The entrance to the Tailors' Association is at the front of the street, and Mr. Spacey is usually inside."

 “Thank you.”

 The association is built in the center of the market,

By showing Spacey’s special ID card, he immediately attracted the attention of the association, and someone was immediately there to guide the two of them.

Since the tailoring assessment is conducted here, many young gentlemen are gathered in the hall, who are undergoing registration and the most basic examination. After passing the examination, they can undergo a unified examination at the beginning of next month.

 In addition, the association's buildings are also very special, with wallpapers made of gentleman's leather.

Of course it’s just scraps with less than 20% leather content. After all, the organization will not be extravagant and wasteful in order to highlight the specialness of the place.

When Yi Chen stepped into a certain passage and slid his hand over this comfortable leather wallpaper, he couldn't help but sigh: "The leather content is obviously very low, but the texture and sealing effect are extremely good."

The gentleman leading the way explained: "These leathers do not come directly from the Shenpi Mansion, but are imitation leathers derived by President Spacey using some leftover materials. Although the leather content is not high, it contains the President's own attributes. "

"I see."

“The president is waiting for you in the deepest room of this passage.”


As you go deeper, even the floor of the tunnel gradually evolves into a cortical structure and becomes softer and softer. It feels like walking on someone else's skin, and you can even feel the body temperature from it.

 When Yi Chen pushed open the unlocked door,

 In an instant, you have the feeling of falling into a sea of ​​cortex, with layers of soft waves swaying under your feet.

 The little grape feels the same way.

 As a huge wave of skin rushed from behind, the two of them were carried directly to the depths of the sea.

 The epileptic brain is activated, clearing away the thinking effects brought about by Yi Chen's cortex.

In a blink of an eye,

Yi Chen and Xiao Putao have walked from the door to the depths of the room. President Spacey is cutting a piece of his daily clothing in front of them.

 President Spacey’s appearance is completely different from what he looked like in the Hall of Glory this morning.

 Due to his uncontrollable systemic cortical hyperplasia, the layers of wrinkled skin are stacked and bloated. In order to reduce the burden caused by these wrinkled skin, he wears a full-coverage flesh-colored leather one-piece jacket in his daily life.

 The one-piece leather jacket even covered his head, leaving only his mouth, nostrils and two eyes exposed.

 The leather jacket is designed to shape Spacey's body as much as possible to make it look less bulky.

 But there are too many wrinkles stacked on the abdomen. Even if it is restrained by a leather jacket, it still looks like a super big belly.

Coupled with the pork belly color of the leather jacket itself, this style really makes Yi Chen have some aesthetic difficulties, but he has to pretend that everything is normal.

Before Yi Chen could speak, Spacey said:

“Your friend is wearing the costume of the original church. It seems that he is very popular with the archbishop. Do you want me to help make the costume?”

Yi Chen quickly explained:

“I’m mainly here to keep the appointment and ask the president for some advice about skins. As for Little Grape, Mr. Spacey can just arrange for his tailor to customize some clothes for him.

 It’s just that the little grape’s body is a bit special, and regular clothing may not satisfy it. "

As Yi Chen said these words, Little Putao also lifted his hood, revealing his ashen face and dozens of randomly arranged eyeballs.

 “Well…it’s indeed a little difficult, but it’s not a big problem.”

Spacey made a motion of tapping his foot on the ground, and a wave of skin spread out along the floor.

After a while, a seamstress with messy hair, even disheveled clothes and thick glasses came to the door.

“President, what’s the matter?”

"Jessica, please welcome this guest. His body is relatively special. Let's try making it first. I believe that with your ability, you should be able to control such a scorched body. Remember to consider the specialness of the guest's eyes."

The seamstress walked on bare feet, holding up a thick glass lens in one hand, not caring about the evil and danger emanating from the little grape, and observing closely.

 Made an OK gesture after a few minutes.

 Even took the initiative to take Little Putao’s hand and take her to her tailoring room, or her tailoring laboratory in the association. Of course, the seamstress also put on a layer of gloves at an instantaneous speed when holding hands.

 In her eyes, this is a difficult challenge given to her by the president, and she must not fail.

 After the two left, Spacey said:

“Jessica is one of my most promising students. She is best at handling this kind of unconventional clothing customization and should be able to make a suitable clothing for your friend.

In addition, she is also a candidate for [First Gentleman] and will become your competitor when the time comes. "

 “Hmm? Is she also a candidate?”

“Jessica’s leather content reached 100% three months ago. Her understanding of alienated leather and the production of some inhuman clothing are even better than mine.

 You have to be careful about her then. Costume production aside, she is still very dangerous.

 Let’s talk about our affairs next.

Zed once saved my life in a nightmare incident. Since you are his student, I will treat you as a temporary student.

 But... there is not much time. I have received reliable news from Shenpi's official residence that the selection of [First Gentleman] will be carried out in one month.

That guy Claude can't hold on any longer. "

"Okay..." Yi Chen had already predicted that it would be good to have a month.

 “Show me your [restrictions lifted] first.”

 (End of this chapter)