The Last Gentleman

Chapter 345: insomniac

Chapter 345 The Insomniac

Since the D&G organization used sufficient manpower and material resources to build Zion as a core gathering place, it has officially entered the stage of expansion and development.

 Start to expand its power to surrounding areas and expand the scope of surveillance and management of the organization in order to better judge the progress of the world's disease, and to generate "channels" faster, helping more capable gentlemen to achieve extreme breakthroughs.

Such expansion reached its limit a few years ago. With the creation of the gray area, many stations were forced to evacuate, and their jurisdiction was reduced day by day.

 A few months ago, Levenholm, the third largest city under the organization's control, was shrouded in death, and gentlemen as powerful as Sundis died in it.

 The organization officially launched the "Recall Plan" to allow some special people stationed abroad to return to Zion.

 For example, some tailors, cemetery managers, watchers, etc.

Of course, there are also some gentlemen who are talented and powerful but have certain character problems. They deliberately choose to leave the city and even take the initiative to be stationed in sparsely populated remote towns.

  【Wood Town】

 A remote town close to the northern border, where snow falls at least two seasons a year. It is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest organizational transfer station, and Zion is even further away.

Such a remote area should have been eroded by disease long ago, making it impossible for humans to survive.

In fact, there is no disease here, and there are even thousands of townspeople living here.

 There is only one gentleman stationed here, and it was this gentleman who took the initiative to come here.

During several years of living in the small town, he had a good relationship with the villagers, and he often visited each house as a guest.

this day,

Wood Town, which had not been visited for several years, welcomed a carriage. It was a high-end carriage made of four skeletal horses created using the resurrection spell, combined with the latest mechanical devices.

A burly coachman wearing a fanged ghost face came down, and the villagers did not dare to approach.

The coachman came to a single-family bungalow with an organization mark on it, restrained his anger, and knocked on the door with a very respectful look.

 The door was not opened, and a feeble, low voice came from inside the house:

"What's the matter? You came all the way to deliver a letter."

“There are two letters here that need to be delivered to you in person, one is a recall letter from the organization, and the other is from Shenpi’s official residence.”

 When he heard the previous words, the people inside wanted to send him away, but when the word "Shenpi Mansion" appeared, the situation was different.

The door opened, and the smell of old men's bed mixed with smelly socks and fermented sweat came out.

 The house was strewn with all kinds of clothes that had not had time to be washed, and a handmade stinky sock was even hung on the wall lamp for baking.

  ga~ga~ wood blocks rubbing together.

Following the sound, I saw a wooden and rattan rocking chair leaning against the corner.

A mysterious man with an unkempt appearance is sitting on it. His face is almost hidden by his messy beard and gray hair. He looks like an elite among the homeless.

His body, which is as thin as a bamboo pole and matched with this kind of rocking chair, seems to be already old.

From the dirty or even damaged suits on the hangers, you can tell that this is the only gentleman stationed in [Wood Town].

 Hand over the two letters,

But the other party only opened the letter from Shenpi's Mansion. When he read the information in it, the frequency of the rocking chair gradually slowed down.

“Mr. Claude, can’t you hold it in any longer? Hey, I really can’t bear to leave this place! I finally calmed down and even had a chance to make friends.

By the way, does the carriage have a matching bathroom and cleaning kit? "

 “Everything you need.”

 “Give me a moment, I’m going to say goodbye to my friends.”

 When the mysterious man stood up from the rocking chair, he couldn't straighten his back for a moment.

When he finally straightened up and pushed back his hair from his eyes, he revealed a youthful appearance.

The extremely deep bags under his eyes were like trenches on a battlefield, and the dark circles under his eyes were exaggerated to the extreme, as if he hadn't slept for a month.

  Stretching out one's back and having a hard time,

 Walking is also in an extremely casual state.

Not only did the groom dare not urge him, he lowered his head and asked, "Do you need me to help you organize the things in the room?"

"No~ Even if you have sorted it out, I still have to take it back to Zion to unload the goods. These dirty things still have to be cleaned... Anyway, there is a high probability that I will not come back. I will burn the building with a fire later." Save yourself the trouble.”

 “Okay, then I’ll wait for you in the car.”

 Return to the carriage,

The driver took out an encrypted personal information from the partition of the car. Although the young man in the information did not have such messy hair and beard, he could be judged to be the same person by the exaggerated eye bags and dark circles.

 Continuing to look at the personal information below, there are several pieces of information that the coachman paid close attention to.

  【Yode Sapen. Gallon】

 Candidates for First Gentleman

 Former Executioner of Gethsemane (retired)

  *Special note, this person suffers from a rare disease - "Insomnia Syndrome", which causes erratic mood changes due to sleep problems. Please pay attention to your attitude when receiving this person, otherwise it may lead to death.

The coachman also checked the layout of the carriage many times to confirm that there was nothing wrong with it.

By the time Gallon finished saying goodbye to the townspeople and stepped into the carriage, the driver's palms were also sweating.

 “Um...can we set off?”

 The coachman's question received no response, and the unusual silence frightened him to the point where he began to sweat all over his body.

After five minutes of stalemate, he tried to gently open the partition window at the front of the carriage.

Unexpectedly, Galen was already lying on the soft bed in the carriage, and his clothes were thrown carelessly on the ground.

 Slight snoring came from the nostrils, as if he was asleep,

 Strangely, he kept his eyes open even though he was snoring.

After calling twice more and still not getting a response from Galleon, the coachman was basically sure that the other party was in a special state of sleep, but couldn't close his eyes for some reason.

 The carriage sets off.

Even if the maximum speed can reach 180km/h, it still takes more than three days due to the long distance and the need to pass through many dangerous mountainous areas.

Two hours after starting the journey, when the carriage was traveling through a broken road covered by tall grass, something jumped out of the woods on both sides.

 The driver immediately took out his hot weapon, a specially enhanced shotgun, and accurately killed suspicious lives.

A closer look revealed that it was just a sick ape.

 The ape has four extra deformed human legs growing out of his lower body. Together with his own legs, he can run very fast.


As the ape was shot, a large number of ape barks were heard in the forest, and eyes like green light bulbs appeared in the depths of the forest.


Just when the driver was about to speed up and escape,

Like a tide, a group of diseased monkeys poured out from the woods on both sides, including a giant ape that looked like a tank and had a human face on its chest.

Just when the driver was about to force his way out,


His brain suddenly fell into a short-term stasis,

 When he came to his senses and opened his eyes again, he realized that he had actually fallen asleep in such an emergency!

 Not only him,

The horses that had been resurrected by necromancy were actually sleeping, and the carriage had been parked in place since just now.

 At this moment, a scene that the coachman will never forget came into view.

The road and the nearby forest area of ​​100 meters are covered with the corpses of diseased apes, none of which has a complete body.

Either smashed into pieces, or cut into several sections, and some were even twisted into twists.

The coachman quickly opened the compartment window and saw that Galen was still sleeping in the same position as before, his body never moved even half a minute...

 (End of this chapter)