The Last Gentleman

Chapter 416: Moon Circus and Humans

  Chapter 416 The Moon Circus and Humans

   This trip to the original forest is a decision made by Ms. Olena after seeing Yi Chen's comprehensive performance.

  Decided to cook the uncooked rice into cooked rice in one go, so that Yi Chen and Cancer Palace could be bound at the blood level.

   Who knew that the direction of the matter was completely out of control, not only did not cook the uncooked rice, but put himself in it.

  She only remembered a flash of silver light, and the fruit and sap that shouldn't have affected her took effect quickly in her body, even making the cat's disguise fade away, calling out the human form she had abandoned.

  Due to the clear offense and defense last night, Olena didn't move much, and her physical fitness was reserved.

  Now she feels the movement of Yi Chen coming out of the bathtub, and she gradually wakes up from sleep.

  Gold is different,

  Because the long-standing wish was finally fulfilled, I spent a whole night of high-intensity petting, and even gave myself more than ten needles on the way to improve my physical abilities.

  Even falling asleep now, there are still two needles stuck in the neck that have not been drawn out.

   Jin, who has been completely drained, is now sleeping like a corpse. The only difference is his body temperature and the continuous snoring. Even if he picks it up and shakes it vigorously, he will not wake up.

  When Olena realized that she was in human form, she slapped the table with a slap,

  啪~ The round table with whole pieces of meat was lifted up suddenly, blocking Yi Chen's vision, and when the table fell down, she also changed back into a cat appearance.

   "What happened last night must not be discussed with anyone!"


  Olena waved the cat's claw, and an invisible force field directly emptied all the remaining fruit in the bud room.

   There was a long silence, and after Olena's mood calmed down, she asked about the weird things that happened last night.

  "Why do you soak your whole body in the sap bathtub, but it is me and Jin who are finally affected, I can still remember that there seems to be a sliver of moonlight illuminating the room, forcing the breath of desire here to affect me.

   What the **** did you do? "

   "This substance that can produce illusions happens to react with an attribute in my body..."

   "What attribute?"

  In order to explain clearly, Yi Chen made the moon seal appear between his eyebrows.

  The well-informed Olena recognized the meaning of this mark at a glance, and the cat's eyes were full of disbelief.

   "How is it possible? This is the mark of the Moon God... The moon in the old world was completely shattered in that war early on, and there was not even a residue left. How did this mark come about?"

  Yi Chen could only tell the whole story about the moon marks, and Olena immediately gave the inference of the moon's reappearance

"The moon is one of the basic attributes of the world. Even if it is destroyed, its original concept is preserved in the depths of the pathogen. When the "world infection" occurs, the pathogen will use the rules of your world and the phase of the moon to in some way [New Moon] is formed under certain conditions.

   That guy named Lorian should be the origin of the new moon, where is he, can you let him come over! "

  “It’s usually he who contacts me, and it’s hard for me to take the initiative to contact him.

  Besides, we haven't seen each other for a long time, that guy should be in the [path]... and Lorian is also a high-quality customer of the Duke. If you want to meet, you may be able to take advantage of this relationship. "


  Olena is very clear that this kind of person who is directly related to the birth of the new moon will never be willing to be restricted to the source of the epidemic, so she will not ask any more questions, and if she has the opportunity to meet in the future, she will talk about it.

   Moreover, Yue is dangerous, even she dare not touch it easily.

  Compared to the mysterious and unpredictable moon marks, William, who also has a relationship with the moon, is obviously more reliable.

  A cat hop landed on William's shoulder again, and the topic changed accordingly.

   "Now let's talk about you and the human forces behind you, William.

  Guys like you should be the top in your human organization, right? Although I heard Jin talk about a human organization called 'Gentlemen and Doctors', which has cultivated some quite powerful characters and even better characters than you, I personally don't believe it.

  After all, your origin is just a subordinate area directly under the leather factory, and the "medium" you use to connect the pathogen is just the lowest-level batch of goods from the leather factory.

  Being able to cultivate humans like you and Jin already surpasses the value of the military district itself. "

  "The "leather" as a medium is indeed not very good, but the leather factory did not restrict our development, allowing us to combine various diseases. Moreover, the skin given to us will not produce any thought enslavement or influence, and retains our human nature foundation as human beings... Perhaps it is these two reasons that lead to many strong people there.

  Even though I'm already open source, I get beaten up a lot.

  The reason why he followed Jin to the Old World this time was also because he was defeated in an important game. "

  "The development of diversity and the preservation of humanity? It is indeed interesting... But there must be other reasons that promote the special elitism of your small group.

   I didn't expect you to come here because of defeat. So, are there really many strong people in this lower-level military area? So how does the strongest human being in your impression compare with the three tumor knights just now? "

  【The strongest】

  Because Yi Chen has never seen the founder of the organization make a move, when he heard the word "strongest", the first thing that popped up in his head was Teacher Zed, who has been guiding his physical growth.

   "It should be much stronger..."

   "How much is a lot?"

   "Judging from the breath, it should be able to barely hit three?"

   "Are you kidding me? Do you know the gold content of the tumor knight... Although the three of them are polite to me, it is only because I have helped them. They are all cancer patients recognized by the Lord."

   "I'm just making a rough estimate. That person is a teacher who teaches me how to use the body. He once made a member of the circus suffer."

   "Circus? Is the circus you mentioned the same as the circus I understand?"

   "It should be. There is a core member of the circus who happens to be from the Palace of Cancer. As the main clown, he calls himself "Art". From then on, Jin felt a malignant tumor in his body, so there should be nothing wrong with it. "

  Yi Chen immediately talked about the whole process of the nightmare incident, which completely stunned Ms. Olena.

   "Your teacher was able to completely kill a deputy clown in the circus and the third head of the acrobatic troupe... Moreover, your organization almost broke out with the magician who crawled out of the abyss and a pervert like Art.

   It really made me more and more curious. "

   "Ms. Olena, if you have the opportunity, you are welcome to visit Zion at any time."

   "Let's talk about it, the Cancer Palace has recently imposed strict travel restrictions on personnel, and I can't go out for the time being... You kid is really not afraid of death, and you even took the initiative to get in touch with the circus."

   "Although Art is not quite right, the clown and magician I have come into contact with seem to be okay."

   "The "Circus of Fear" is a new organization in our old world. It only appeared after the war broke out. It is made up of weird talents from all walks of life. It tours and performs around the old world while recruiting personnel.

  The circus will not appear in the source of the epidemic or in the neutral city. It often appears in an uninhabited suburb, and the surrounding sick people's residences often receive 'tickets'.

   It is rumored that it is very difficult for anyone who enters the circus to come out alive. Even so, people who receive 'tickets' will still go to it in an endless stream.

  I personally have not been there due to risk issues, because I know what kind of guy Art is, and the organization that that guy can belong to must be extremely dangerous.

   If you really want to get in touch with the circus, I suggest you ask the Duke for his opinion. "

   "Well, when I leave the primeval forest, I'm going to set off for the Duke.

  By the way, Ms. Olena, I have one last question. You used to parasitize the consciousness of weaker patients through cancer metastasis, go to our world, and live in various human cities.

   By the way, besides me and Jin, who came from the Pichang Family Area, have you seen other humans, or have you ever accepted other humans not belonging to the Pichang Family Area in the Cancer Palace? "

   "No, the human beings I have come into contact with are either ordinary, or are infected by the gray field, or are so-called 'gentlemen' cultivated by the leather factory family area.

  The human beings accepted by the Cancer Palace also come from your organization, and Jin is the only one who survived, and the rest were not fully recognized by the Cancer Palace, and were cut off in the end. "

"There's none…"

  Yi Chen frowned tightly. Such an answer made him guess that among the five continents of the human world, only the fourth continent, where the G&D organization is located, still has humans alive.

  But it is not possible to draw conclusions directly.

  After all, other continents may also have human organizations that are interfered by the source of the epidemic, but they are not as free as the leather factory, but a kind of slavery management.

  (end of this chapter)