The Last Gentleman

Chapter 45: Gentlemen's Hall

Chapter 45 Gentlemen’s Hall

  【Fetal Heart Church】

 In the office of Professor W.O. George Chamberson.

 An exploratory discussion is going on.

 The white-feathered owl is standing in the corner, watching the battle carefully.

 The sparring time was not too long, only [1 minute and 37 seconds] in total...but for the object of the sparring, it was already a quite outrageous number.


Chamberson, who usually has a mean and rigid image, laughed without scruples at this moment.

The owl also seemed to feel the joy of its owner and kept cooing.

 Since he reached a certain age, he hasn't smiled like this for a long time.

“I knew that you would definitely inherit such a special and unique [physique] from Zed... In this way, your future will be further broadened.

Looking at the entire Zion, apart from Zed, you are the only one who has such physical characteristics.

 Looking forward to the day when you reach the limit of multiple attributes. "

 “Thank you, professor.”

“Your time is also very good~ There are only ten days left in the six-month period. Are you ready for the task?”

“As soon as I leave you, I will immediately set off for the [Gentlemen’s Hall] in Zion.”

 “Well! I’d better remind you more.

Although the academy has no requirements on what tasks you complete, the difficulty of the tasks, etc.,

  But you need to maintain a high standard for yourself.

 Don’t choose the lowest difficulty, pursuit of safe tasks, and think about getting through it... Try to choose higher-level tasks that involve certain risks and unknowns.

 If you cannot adapt in advance, you will definitely die when you face real danger when you leave the city independently. "



        ∣          employers

 This is the first time that Yi Chen has left the college in half a year.

The eternal night scene is blocked by the school gate.

 When the long-lost sunlight fell on the surface of the body, Yi Chen actually felt like his whole body was awakened, which may be related to the photosynthesis of the plants in his body.

 Like a new life,

 A seedling grows in the palm of your hand,

Yi Chen also had a smile on his lips, full of expectations for the future.

 “This feels really good.”

 When the train enters the station in the "street area",

 Three familiar faces are waiting outside the window.

 Just got off the car,

Hands slightly exuding British cologne directly put their arms around Yi Chen's shoulders.

 The dark blue suit also sticks together with Yi Chen's black suit, the leather rubbing against it.

 Under the blond hair,

 A British face that was somewhat similar to 'Aaron Taylor Johnson' came closer, it was none other than his classmate - Edmund Mariano.

“Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time. If we fail to get a suitable task due to time delay, William, you will have to bear the expenses for the rest of the day.

  I don’t mind staying in a luxury hotel for one night. "

“Sorry, I was delayed for some time at Professor Chamberson’s place~ Let’s set off quickly.”

 “Don’t be so polite, it’s just a joke.

The new gentlemen studying in the academy have the privilege of ‘task assignment’. Suitable tasks will be available for us to choose from whenever we go there.

Let’s go, destination - [Gentlemen’s Hall]. "

 In the past half year, although there were only two classes per week,

 However, due to Edmund's persistence, the relationship between the two became closer.

Furthermore, Yi Chen would occasionally discuss the development of the physical body with Dagbert, who also specialized in [Physique].

 The reason why we formed a team is

It was also because Edmund guessed that half a year would be an important milestone and took the initiative to invite Yi Chen in the recent pathology class.

This time was different from Green Lake Town, Yi Chen did not refuse,

 First, because they got along with each other for half a year, he got to know Edmund and others better.

Second, he now has enough "levels" to form a team with Edmund, an elite team that has been training since childhood, and no longer needs to worry about whether his "rookie" attribute will be revealed.

Third, within half a year, Edmund's team has successfully completed five team missions.

 For Yi Chen, who has never carried out a mission, he will definitely be able to provide help with experience.

 Fourth, it is also the most important reason.

Zion has clear requirements. Gentlemen like Yi Chen who are still in the student stage must accept tasks in a [team] manner to reduce the mortality rate.

 At this point,

Edmund's team welcomes new members and expands to four people.


  【Gentlemen's Hall】

One of the important buildings in Zion City, it is located in the central street area. It is a Gothic building that runs through the lower, middle and upper floors.

Take the elevator to the "Street Area-Lower Level"

 Through the winding streets.

With my chest and back almost touching the damp wall, I squeezed out of a narrow alleyway and successfully arrived at a three-way intersection with higher ground and wide open space.

 A huge building whose size, sophistication and aura are far higher than those around it stands at the intersection.

  【The-Gentleman-Hall, Gentleman's Hall】

The black metal plate with long vertical fonts runs across the middle of the building and is also framed with various patterns.

There are also a large number of flying buttress structures on both sides of the building. They are beautiful and gorgeous, but also set off the towering nature of the building, giving people the feeling of soaring up and pointing straight into the sky.

There is also a conspicuous large circular window on the top of the building, which adopts a wheel-type window lattice structure. The pattern in the center is also the logo of the organization - G&D.

“William, is this your first time here?

Although the Gentlemen's Hall is classified as a [public area], it is essentially an important department with extremely high intelligence and even involves core secrets.

 Strict zoning and people flow management are adopted internally.

 As new gentlemen, we have access to very few things, and our range of activities is also limited to the bottom.

 As for the details about receiving the mission, let’s wait until we get today’s mission list. "


 When walking in from the main door,

The gentleman doorman, who is nearly two meters tall and wearing a black mask and mechanical glasses, looks down to check the physical condition of everyone.

Click~As the ring on the mechanical glasses rotates once, the test is passed!

 The doorman immediately made a very polite gesture to invite you in.

The lobby on the ground floor has a circular structure and is equipped with a large number of independent counters. Each counter corresponds to a staff member and is separated by thick glass, which is very similar to the style of a bank.

Yi Chen, who came here for the first time, looked around and didn't see any stairs or elevators leading to the upper floors.

 “Isn’t it possible to go up directly from the bottom?”

“Yes…as long as we have enough [status], we can apply to the staff here, and they will lead us to the middle level or even the upper level to take on tasks with higher density and difficulty.

Let’s talk about this later. "

 The four of them came to the nearest counter.

Edmund looked like an old man and pointed at Yi Chen behind him: "If our team wants to add an extra member, can we go through the formalities directly here?"

“Show me the relevant documents.”

Yi Chen, who was standing behind, immediately handed over the student ID card issued by the college.

There are two noticeable things in this document.

 1. Tasks with a deadline of up to six months will be postponed and stamped.

  2. Seal of the recipient of "First Gentleman"

 The staff couldn’t help but look up and take a closer look at this special newcomer gentleman.

“Wait a moment, the “comprehensive index” after the team’s membership is increased needs to be reworked... In about ten minutes, you will be given a task list that meets the team’s level. "

 Having said that,

 The staff hung up the wooden sign saying "Service Suspended", got up and went to the high-rise area to explain the situation.

Such a special student ID card quickly attracted the attention of a supervisor.


 A rare recipient of the "First Gentleman", since he is a great newcomer, why does he spend half a year resting on campus? Moreover, it was the 'White Owl' who applied for postponement.

in addition,

This team is also composed of three top students. The completion rate of the first five tasks was very high, and the evaluation was all excellent.

 Let's do this~ According to three times the newcomer's gentleman index, this person will be added to the team.

 Then assign them some special tasks. "


 (End of this chapter)