The Last Gentleman

Chapter 479: zoo

Chapter 479 Zoo

 “This is the “crossroads” of the circus! "

Under the control of Catherine, the roller coaster stopped at a cliff passage and walked dozens of steps along the closed passage to an internal crossroads.

  【East-Magic Zone, Management Zone】

  【South-acrobatic troupe, restaurant】

  【West-Beast Area, Performer Channel】

 【North-Internal roller coaster (only for clowns)】

 “Is it so big under the circus...”

“William, you are mistaken. We are not under the circus, but inside! All areas are in tents and can be moved with the tents at any time and relocated quickly.

 The reason why it feels so big is because this tent belongs to the boss and is a "circus tent" created by him himself. The internal space is expandable!

 As long as the funds are sufficient, it is absolutely possible to open several more departments. So we are all performing hard, trying to earn a little more 'fear', and trying to make the circus the largest organization in the old world. "

William did not dig deeper into what Catherine said. What the circus would become in the end had nothing to do with him. All he needed was a springboard.

“By the way, which department is that lunatic in?”

Catherine stepped on the black and white stockings and jumped to the west side sign.

“Here! He is the highest-level animal trainer in the circus and enjoys direct management rights of the animal pen. His animal training performance often ranks first in the entire circus in terms of praise.”

 “animal tamer…”

William had a vague premonition, but he still nodded and followed Catherine to the animal stable management area.

“By the way, the animals in the circus should be very different from the animals I know, right?”

Catherine, who was walking in front, put her hands behind her back and turned around, her black lips slightly curved.

“That’s for sure~ The ‘beast’ cultivated by that senior is very special, and it doesn’t even require too many performances to inspire fear in the audience.

By the way, I haven't been to the animal pen for a few months, so maybe there are some new products. "

 After saying this, she happened to arrive at the elevator entrance. Catherine raised her right leg and gently tapped the button with her toes.

Rumble~ An elevator full of blood stains and a fishy smell descended, with a large number of fresh **** handprints left inside.

  『What a strong fishy smell... This is not the elevator leading to the animal pen, it is simply a "butcher's lair". Although it feels somewhat similar to Yuri's Prophet's House, the smell of blood here is more intense and lasts longer.

Yuri Prophet's massacre is a method of achieving rapid killing through the perfect understanding of massacre and the combination of massacre lines.

 But the killing here is lasting, controlling the amount of killing, ensuring individual is more like an area where physical perversion exists. 』

 “Catherine, is there really no danger?”

"Anyway, he is very good to our internal staff, but this is the first time I have met a lunatic like William. I can't say whether there will be any problems. But don't worry, William. If there is any danger, I will Taking you away."

 Catherine patted her slightly bulging breasts, looking quite confident.

 Step into the elevator,

Sounds of neighing sounds immediately came from the top. It was indeed similar to the cry of animals, but it was also mixed with other sounds, like the sound produced by human vocal cords being cut and air leaking.

 Ding dong!

 As the elevator reaches the station, a zoo-like area comes into view.

 Use transparent thick material to seal it, and hang animal bones and blood graffiti on it to form a seal to ensure that the beasts will not escape.

 There were no wild animals seen in the first few animal pens. Only some blood scattered on the ground and broken feed piled in metal buckets could be seen. Perhaps they were taken away for training.

Until we reached a place called a sheepfold, we could still hear the sound of sheep braying from deep through the thick glass.

Because he had just come out of the "Breasting Forest" not long ago, William also had a certain fondness for the sheep species, so he set his sights on this closed animal pen.

Inside, there is a wooden sheep pen that is common among farms. Through the broken and cracked wooden boards, you can vaguely see the pink flesh squeezed inside, and even dairy products flow out of the wooden house.

 Perhaps feeling the breath of outsiders,

The 'sheep' began to move its body and slowly walked out of the wooden house... to be precise, it should be crawling.

The lower body is completely covered by the mud-like fat flesh. All that can be seen is the upper body covered with fat and a fat bald face with black horns.

 The skin has been peeled off, revealing the pink flesh essence.

His fat belly is covered with young sheep heads, more than ten in number, neighing constantly.

The milk flowing from the fat body is used to feed these lambs. The bald subject, who cannot tell the difference between male and female, even enjoys it and observes the growth of the lambs at all times.

 Watching this scene, William felt very uncomfortable and had a sense of physical rejection.

 “Is this…flesh suturing?”

Just when William whispered these words, a **** breath came from the depths of the 'zoo', and at the same time there was a deep sound like a beast.

“Stitched? Please don’t use such low-level words to describe my creations. It is both disrespectful to them and an insult to us.

This is called "animal transformation". It is a higher-level, more primitive, and more touching change to the origin of living things. It is a primitive gift that only I can bestow. "

 As soon as the words fell,

A man wearing an unknown skull mask and wearing no other clothes came out.

However, various patterns were painted on his body with blood, which could barely function as a kind of clothing.

 Strong, tall and exuding an aura of primitive brutality,

But he was holding a thick classic in his hands, and he was still absorbing the knowledge in the book as he walked. This state of seeking knowledge suppressed his cruel nature.

 Just when this person appeared,

Buzz! William's epileptic brain immediately resonated,

 Similarly, the other party slowly closed the book and cast a strange look through the weird skull mask.

 The atmosphere of the entire zoo changed instantly.

 The smell of blood continued to intensify, and the beasts from the surrounding stables ran out one by one, making roars that sounded both sad and excited.

  Catherine noticed that something was wrong. She put one hand in front of William and grabbed the woven bag with the other hand, preparing to forcefully take William away like she did in the clown house before.


The mysterious man suddenly attacked at an incredible speed, grabbed Catherine's arm, and threw her far away with brute force... You could even hear the sound of flesh hitting the elevator.

Facing this sudden change,

William, however, stood motionless, with no intention of running away.

It was not that he was intimidated by the other person's aura, but because William did not feel any murderous intention. Instead, he felt a sense of affinity from the same kind through epileptic brain resonance.

 Next, the instinct imprinted in the minds of both parties was stimulated,

At the same time, he stretched out his right hands and touched each other with his fists.

 Then pop the thumbs together and clasp them together,

 Give another half-body hug and touch your forehead,

Finally, take out a sharp tool and cut the skull open at the same time, bow at 90° so that the brains of each other gently touch each other, completing this unique way of greeting people.

The mysterious beast tamer said: "You are not from the group of lunatics. You are a new type of lunatic formed with the help of the "lunatic box"... Your black lunatic brain is so beautiful. This is the first time I have seen it!" "

 “Thank you, your brain is truly spectacular.”

William could no longer take his eyes away from the other person's head. He was fascinated by the wild beast's brain that was like a combination of a primeval forest and a maze.

 After a while,

 Catherine rushed over angrily. She even took out a dagger from the treasure chest and prepared to fight the animal trainer head-on.

  As a result, when she returned to her original place...

The dagger fell to the ground, and Catherine's jaw elongated in an almost dislocated manner.

In front of my eyes,

William and the mysterious animal trainer showed an intimate state of shoulder to shoulder, exchanging knowledge about the sheep in the stable, like two long-lost cousins.

   I didn’t feel it when I was writing it, but it felt a little weird after I wrote it. I don’t know how you feel.


 (End of this chapter)