The Last Gentleman

Chapter 545: Enlist in the army

Chapter 545 Enlistment

William can't always keep his silver hair and nebula flow (shirtless from the waist up), so there is no need to pretend to be the so-called queen.

"Hmm...Hello City Lord, you may have mistaken the wrong person."

Facing William’s denial of identity, the silver-haired mouse in front of him remained unmoved: “You can’t admit it~ I witnessed your death and the fall of Yue with my own eyes during the war.

After that, I spent my whole life learning, but I couldn't create a moon stone even the size of a fingernail. Therefore, I am convinced that the war caused the old world to lose the "concept of the moon", and no one can create a new moon except you. .

 Now, I see a completely different kind of new moon in you, and it must be related to you! You must be the reincarnation of Queen Faithni. "

 Ah this.

The other party's heartfelt and persuasive words actually made William feel a little guilty. It was not him who really realized the moon's resurrection, but that man.

Through this conversation, William was able to confirm that the city lord was even more pious to the moon than he expected.

“If Lorian found this place first, I don’t even dare to think about it. Maybe he could just hold Lorian’s legs and start licking them.

 Forget it, try to make contact first, you can’t give up such a talent to that Lorian guy. 』

Just when William was thinking about how to establish a normal relationship with the city lord, another voice came from his head, "Do you still need to think about such a simple thing, William?"

Since he mistook you for the reincarnation of the Queen and is extremely pious to you, wouldn't it be enough to just "educate" you with such a good opportunity? 』

“Yi Chen, is it really that simple? This guy is a pure individual who can pull out even the abyss that is deeply rooted in his brain. Moreover, his disease level is completely higher than mine, and he is a strong man from the ancient times.

If you use deception to educate, once he realizes that I am just a moonlight infected person and do not even agree with the concept of "Yuexin Theory", he may pull off the mask before.

I have no doubt that this person can insert his fingers into the brain and crush the epilepsy virus directly.

The so-called enlightenment is not unsolvable, it is just about using the epilepsy virus to achieve faster thought implantation. The real connection of "education" lies in my teaching as a teacher, maintaining the relationship between teachers and students through the resonance of knowledge.

 If the ideas of teachers and students are not pure enough from the beginning, it will inevitably lead to a bad ending.

If civilization is 100% effective, then why didn't Teacher Cao and the others fully domesticate you in the orphanage? Didn't you take off the mask on your face like this city lord in the end? 』

    Hahahaha, hahaha! ” Crazy laughter resounded through his brain, “William, William, are you really~ actually teaching me a lesson in return? Did I, or did we, really take off the mask? Who built the orphanage between the first performances of the circus, and who played the various roles in the orphanage.

Who is acting as an actor, using another way to perfect the orphanage and amplify the fear inside?

William, mind yourself. 』

These words stunned William for a moment, but Yi Chen stopped talking.

Huh~ take a long breath of relief.

William was ready to find his own way to receive the city lord in front of him.

 He leaned down like a gentleman and gracefully stretched out his right hand in front of the other party.

“Although I don’t know who Queen Fesni is, and I don’t agree that I am the reincarnation of this queen, my intuition and fate led me here.

 When I saw this Dark Moon Tower, heard rumors about your deeds as city lord, and saw the moon-centred design of the tower’s stone gate, I wanted to meet you.

Even if you have been eroded by the abyss, I still believe that people like you will not be lonely, so I asked my friends to wait aside and let me try to awaken you.

 There is no need to regard me as a queen, my name is William Behrens, and I hope to be your friend. "

Facing William’s heartfelt invitation and penetrating words, the city lord chose to put his hand on William’s hand and slowly stood up from a half-kneeling posture.

 “Price Silvertail.”

“Mr. Price, my friends and I are planning to go to the Darknest Mine to explore the abyss suspected to exist inside the mine.

The ratmen above the open source in the Rat City have been affected by the Abyss. Price, you have been staying in the tower since the war. You may not be aware of the Abyss, a 'special area' that was later born in the old world. "

Price nodded, "So is that dark thing called an abyss?

I thought it was the shadow formed by my gradually declining will... During my sleep, there was always a voice whispering in my ear, and I also wanted to see what the so-called abyss looked like. "

In this way, the prehistoric city lord Price officially joined the team.

      William snapped his fingers, and the clothes slipped and stuck to his upper body.

As this costume exuding the apostle's aura covered up the body as beautiful as the starry sky, Price's eyes became clearer. According to what he just said, he no longer regards him as the reincarnation of the queen but temporarily as a queen. A close friend who knows how to appreciate the moon.

at the same time,

 He finally looked away from William and noticed the other two females here.

 Notice the armor on Jin's body that contains gold, flesh, and growth, and smell the unique cancerous palace.

“The Cancer Knight...that’s right, right?”

 “Yes, just promoted.” Jin responded.

“Is the current armor designed like this? It seems to have become more conservative and unified in style.

You can wait for me ... I have to put on my armor, but it took a lot of hard work to forge. "

 Price charged up his calves and ran to the top of the tower in a super-fast running and jumping manner. This speed of movement was not at all like that of an individual who had just woken up from a semi-dead state.

Ten minutes passed, and a silver figure suddenly fell down, directly making a crater in the ground without any slowdown.

 A perfectly fitted sterling silver armor,

Looking like pure silver metal, it is actually made into a living state through an ancient technology called "metal carcinogenesis", which can achieve perfect self-adaptation.

Even Price’s exaggerated paws and paws are plated with a silver structure.

 Even the tail is packaged in silver,

 The knight's helmet with the double-moon pattern design is also equipped with a silver bristles structure, allowing a section of long white hair to flow behind him, which not only improves balance but can also be used to block attacks from behind.

The overall armor has obvious gradient layering, which makes it feel like a perfect exoskeleton armor. Coupled with Price's huge rat-man body, it is simply domineering and not too handsome.

 “Is this the armor of the Cavalier?”

Jin looked full of doubts.

When she was making the armor, Cancer Palace had very strict regulations. Many details such as the main color of gold, the fleshy skirt, etc. were set and could not be changed.

“The Tumor Knight was not fully formed at that time, and everyone could build armor according to their own style. Is the Lord’s health okay?”

“Old man? Your Lord is very beautiful and young.”

"Young? Yes...yes...the Lord does have a young skin, but I usually judge a person's age by body hair and smell.

It’s good that the Lord is still alive. After all, she is the second senior besides the Queen who has shown me concern. "

 (End of this chapter)