The Last Gentleman

Chapter 553: Socializing in the square

Chapter 553 Socializing in the Square

 The settlement of the deep people, the black tree man. In front of Lord Karimus.

 At least more than 800 Yuan people are meditating in their own way. As long as their bodies are not completely transformed, they are all eligible for face condensation.

 The only reason why everyone chooses to sit at the foot of the big tree is because of the overall atmosphere.

Also, they are trying to gain the recognition of Lord Karimus with their piety. If they are lucky, they may hear the call of the trees and receive the experience of Nengmian.

The most important thing,

The [Pilgrimage Road] is hidden at the bottom of the big tree, which means that this is the closest point to the abyss, and the face-condensing effect will naturally be much better.

The same goes for William. After arriving here, the abyssal material in his body became much more active.

However, in William’s opinion it is still slow.

Perhaps his body is too strong, or the malignant disease of the original abyss - "Death Plague" is spread all over his body.

The abyssal material in his body seems to be a little cautious, and it has not yet reached its limit. He still needs to continue to use his body as a "petri dish" to cultivate the abyssal material in his body to its optimal state.

“The malignant pathogens in the Tenth Abyss have a high ‘degree of freedom’. Unlike the deadly plague, they are basically qualitative. At most, they only differ in their flagella.

Once they invade, they will quickly copy the host's genetic material, copy, transcribe, translate and express the best fragments, and finally obtain a large number of 'high-quality parts'.

 If this process cannot be effectively guided and controlled, the individual will lose control and turn into a collection of indescribable unit copies.

But if it can be guided perfectly, it can eventually take advantage of the replication characteristics of malignant diseases and obtain an external mask that perfectly expresses its own advantages.

However, the abyss reserves in my body are not enough now, and I need to continue to "cultivate" them. "

Since it was not yet time to meditate, there was no point in meditating during this period. A somewhat bored William began to observe the ‘Yuan People’ at the foot of the big tree.

“There are so many people... and at least 98% of the poor guys are unable to perform face condensation. They come here just to covet the almost impossible miracle.

Furthermore, it is very noisy and uncivilized. The standards of these Yuan people who were forced to come here are uneven. They can't even do the most basic meditation, but they do some crooked things. "

Among the Yuan people that William saw, there were very few people who meditated quietly and honestly.

Most of them were extremely noisy, and some people kept kowtowing and kneeling, as if they could condense their faces by breaking their facial bones multiple times.

Some people even practice dual cultivation on the spot, trying to exchange and supplement the abyssal matter in the body in this way to achieve surface condensation.

 In fact, not only does it have no effect, but it will accelerate the onset of malignant diseases throughout the body.

 Because of the existence of this group of inferior Abyss people, the foot of the big tree is completely a place where demons dance wildly.

Buzz! Suddenly, an interesting idea formed in William's mind. Since he had to wait for a while, he might as well use this time to practice something else and interesting.

William began to take off his clothes on the spot.

  First, he took off all the clothes on his upper body, revealing his rather conspicuous "perfect birther body". At the same time, he also imitated Mr. Rabbit and kept his tie.

 Leather shoes are also removed, and trouser legs are rolled up.

This appearance is quite strange, so many Yuan people around him cast strange looks.

 Finally, William stuck out his tongue and licked both palms hard, and used the styling effect of the sticky saliva to directly comb his hair.

 With the completion of this exaggerated shape,

William stood on tiptoes and stretched his arms high, taking deep breaths to squeeze his chest, shouting loud words from his mouth.

“OK brothers, all eyes are on me, look at me, look at me, I’m going to announce something! There may be something wrong with my brain.”

These words did not exert any epileptic influence, nor were they uttered through a needle mask,

It was just a matter of speaking loudly, and the result of the trembling sound was that those Yuan people who were not immersed in the condensation cast a surprised look.

William continued to speak loudly: "Because my brain is not working very well, I really can't figure out how to condense the face, so I hope that everyone here can take me with you and share some experience with me or directly bring me to join you in the ongoing process. activity'.

 If anyone is willing to take me, please raise your hand! "

 While speaking, William continued to flex his muscles. Such an exaggerated social way caused a psychological burden and a sense of social discomfort to the people around him.

 “No one raises their hand? Then I will choose one at random.

 Hiss~ It’s you, that young guy with an external mind and dilated eyes.

 You seem to be very smart at first glance. How about we talk about it? "

William walked towards the young man while sculpting his muscles.

Even though he did nothing, the young man actually felt a sense of fear in his heart when he watched William walking towards him step by step, and broke out in a cold sweat!

Before William could get close enough, he actually escaped from the square by rolling and crawling.

“Ah~ are you leaving? It’s such a pity, then I will choose another’s you, uncle! I can tell you must be very smart just by looking at the pustules on your face.”

As William approached, the uncle became deeply frightened and ran away without even using his crutches.

 At this moment, someone couldn’t see it anymore.

 An old woman who had also reached the limit of her source of energy and suffered from bone hyperplasia dodged behind William, and a large "white bone blade" suddenly appeared on her arm.

 Beheading, clean and neat! William's head flew into the air.

It’s just that the old woman’s beheading was not to kill William. After all, killing was prohibited in the settlement, and any outsider who accepted the abyss would be protected as long as they did not violate the rules.

 The beheading carried out by the old woman was just to silence William.

 She was also very aware that injuries of this level could be easily healed by a young man of the same rank as her in front of her.

                  ification。 After the head that was thrown in the air spun for several weeks, it landed firmly in William's hands, facing the old woman.

"Grandma! Do you want to discuss it with me... As long as you can provide effective face-condensation experience, it's okay even if you ask me to do something excessive."

William's head held in the palm of his hand was giving a strange wink, and his headless body was shaking his chest muscles at the same time.

 An indescribable feeling of fear arose in the old woman's heart, forcing her to flee from here quickly and stop socializing.

that's all,

Any Yuanmin who focused their eyes on William, and any Yuanmin who heard William's words, cultivated social fear in their hearts, and the fear continued to grow as time went by.

  When they face William one-on-one, their fear will increase several times.

Most people’s toes have already dug through the soles of their shoes, or even dug holes in the solid ground.


98% of the Yuan people chose to withdraw on their own. The eleven people left behind were the real strong men who did not look at William during the whole process and were immersed in their own face-condensation process.

“Phew! It finally calmed down...and I became more and more proficient in using the phobia. Perhaps after I completed the path to face the abyss, the phobia will be fully formed.

  When I return to the circus, I will be able to serve as the chief in a serious manner. "

At the foot of the big tree that had become empty, when William sat down in a cross-legged posture again... rumble~ the square shook, and the big tree as the guardian of the abyss actually moved.

 Bend your body and stretch the bark-structured head in front of William.

“Unique and interesting Yuan Min, you successfully attracted my attention, and you seem to have understood the essence of ‘condensing face’.

 I am willing to provide you with a better place for face-to-face reflection, come in! "

The words fell,

A hole opened at the root of the big tree, and the swaying tree-like roots signaled William to go inside.

 (End of this chapter)