The Last Gentleman

Chapter 668: body of abyss

Chapter 668 The Body of the Abyss

After Yi Chen noticed William's strange state, he stopped disturbing him.

He even deliberately distanced himself and devoted himself to the killing. With the help of the previous state and the blessing of the original world, he spread his murderous intention as much as possible to remove the flowers all over the mountains and fields, and killed the female clones to distract the attention of the Buddha Mother. force.

 To some extent,

 He still believed in William very much,

In Yi Chen's eyes, William is not only a human being from another world formed based on him as a template, but also an independent individual who inherits his advantages without being tainted with any malignancy.

 Even in Yi Chen’s fantasy, William is another version of himself who grew up in a normal family and received a good education.

The same is true for the trust he gave not only to William, but also to himself.

 The bet has been placed, and now it’s time to wait for the final result.


William, who was sitting on the ground, was deeply involved in the illusion, and was even labeled as a "sacrifice without threat" by the Buddha Mother.

 Because the epileptic brain is not here,

William's thinking ability has also declined a lot, but he can still realize perfect fantasies when he concentrates, recreating all the details of the Rabbit Castle Wrestling Arena.

Through the physical touch brought by the illusion,

William imagined that he was standing in the center of the wrestling ring, squeezed in by many rabbit men, with his neck, limbs and torso locked, and even his chest and back pressed against the chest muscles of the rabbit men.

 How to get out of this situation?

The rabbit men are all strong and have developed locking skills. Conventional methods cannot be effective at all. Even if William gets his "Gestalt Body" back, he will not be able to break through such a full-body locking skill with brute force or skill.

Just as Yi Chen said while walking on the mountain road, if William cannot change the status quo and cannot even do the most basic resistance, he will most likely die in the hands of the so-called God.

 Therefore, what needs to be done now is to change, and it is a fundamental change.

 William, whose whole body was covered with muscles, calmed down.

Due to the disease stripping caused by world travel, the only means William currently has is [Abyss].

 Therefore, there is no need to consider other factors, and there is no need to consider various complex diseases... The only problem he needs to consider is the abyss.

 How to make fundamental changes in the abyss.

 Looking back at the entire journey to the Tenth Abyss,

 Recalling the "Parasite Abyss" technique formed by using black roundworms, starry sky and abyss, and a series of experiences after traveling through the world.

 Recall the nature of the abyss, the nature of being a gate of life.


 A string of electricity flashed through his mind, and William suddenly figured out something.

 ‘Wait a minute, I’ve been wrong all along! When I became aware of the possible connection between the physical body and the abyss, my focus was mostly on the physical body, and I only used the abyss as an auxiliary.

I have always thought about how to use the abyss to assist the body, but I have never thought about how to use the body to assist the abyss.

 The abyss was transformed from the gate of life. It was originally a part of my body before, but its proportion was very small. It only occupied a small part of the abdomen.

 Can I expand the proportion of the abyss to even cover my whole body? In this case, perhaps the so-called [change] can be achieved. Of course, I don’t know if my current physical body can hold it. If I mess up, it’s very likely that my physical body will collapse during the transformation process.

 It can’t be controlled so much. If you don’t make changes, there will be a dead end.

Moreover, you must not be looked down upon by Yi Chen, right? It would be really embarrassing if I couldn't help at all. 』

Thinking of this,

William’s attention is no longer on the physical body, but is completely immersed in the abyss of his belly,

He was meditating among the flowers and moved his hands with difficulty, as if countless female bodies were invisibly preventing him from doing this.

 Until he was sweating profusely, he finally put his hands close to his abdomen and clasped his ten fingers at the entrance of the abyss, making a gesture of wanting to climb.

William is not trying to cast "Parasitic Abyss" to hide himself in it.

Rather, it is a "turn over" that goes beyond common sense.

 Simply put, it’s like putting your palms into the collar of the clothes and turning the clothes from front to back.

  What William wanted to do when he put his palm into the hole of the abyss was to "turn the body inside out."

However, the turning here also involves the ‘inner dimension’, not just the inside and outside turning.

If he turned it over from his mouth, William would turn out all his internal organs and the fascia in his body, which is meaningless.

 But if you turn it over with the abdominal abyss, the abyss corresponds to the endless and dark abyss part, with no organs, no blood vessels, and no so-called flesh.

 Everything that comes out is an abyss.

 Based on the ability of "Parasite Abyss", it lubricates the abyss, making its rock structure soft and close to the skin structure, and begins to turn over.

More and more abyssal rock formations are being pulled out of the body,

 For William's own physical components were superimposed into the body,

During the process of ‘turning over’, the space around William began to be affected, sizzling, and even felt like it was collapsing inward.

 A few minutes passed and the turning was over.

Sitting among the flowers, William has completed the so-called "change" and has even become unrecognizable to many people.

 showing a dark body between the rock layer and the skin, all the breath no longer spreads out, but converges inward.

 No face, no external organs, only the outline of muscles is preserved.

  Or useless things are folded inside, and the only useful organ is the "abyss" in the abdomen.

Moreover, the abyss, which is rotating counterclockwise, quickly captures all the information around it by absorbing matter in the air.

 "Body of the Abyss"

This is the abyssal illness expressed by William after his self-realization and bold attempts. It is a more comprehensive and ultimate expression that is linked to the body.

 When raindrops fall on the body surface, they can no longer penetrate effectively.

  Dispel illusion,

William's thoughts were also freed from the club, and all the rabbit men in his fantasy had been defeated by him.

  The information captured by the Abyss is quickly imaged in the mind, resulting in a more intuitive and thorough three-dimensional view.

To him, the flowers and plants all over the mountains and plains are all incarnations of the Buddha Mother.

 They are connected to each other through roots and a large amount of sea water,

 Among them, there is a drop of water that is different, with white light flowing rapidly between different incarnations, exuding a strong divinity.

 In addition, in the vision provided by the abyss,

Standing on the hillside, Yi Chen was like a murderous demon, with extremely pus-like killing intent flowing all over his body.

 Facing the false gods alone without falling behind,

It's a pity that the transfer speed of the rain is too fast, and it can always avoid Yi Chen's slashing at the critical moment...If it continues to be consumed like this, he will eventually lose due to physical problems.

 At this time, a pistol exuding Buddha nature was held in William's hand.

 No shots were fired,

 Because William could tell that such a Buddha-nature bullet was still far behind in killing the evil **** himself.

 In the abyss posture, William chose to put his finger on the muzzle of the gun and "turn over" the object.

The firearm, which was obviously made of special metal and was extremely strong, was like a skin bag in William's hands, being easily turned "inside". To be precise, it was assimilated by the abyss.

 A dark pistol covered in rock formations was created.

 The muzzle of the black hole is also rotating counterclockwise, and it seems that even the basic method of shooting has changed.

 Raise your hand and aim,

 Latching onto the white water drops that are flowing rapidly underground,

 When the accuracy of dynamic aiming reaches 100%, pull the trigger.


There was a gunshot, but no bullet was fired.

 But something strange happened,

  The location where the gun is aimed, including flowers, soil on the ground, and water flowing in the ground, converge toward the muzzle, and eventually condense into a bullet at the muzzle.

This bullet contains exactly that drop of white light raindrop.


William pinched the bullet that gathered flowers, soil and rain with his two fingers, and squeezed it hard!

 The structure disintegrates and the water drops break.

A high-frequency and strong scream came from the barren mountains, which even tore apart the clouds and stirred up waves in the sea of ​​flowers several kilometers away.

 At this moment, Huangpi was no longer attached to Yi Chen and took the initiative to peel off.

In a flash, he returned to William's body, transforming into the iconic white shirt, gray vest and black suit, with holes deliberately cut in the belly of the clothing, perfectly fitting the current abyssal body.

Yi Chen also turned around in surprise. When he saw William's figure, his saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

 “William! You are so great!”

I’ve been drinking too much ice water recently. I ordered another fried rice last night and ended up with acute gastritis. I stayed up most of the night. I’m in very bad shape today ~ I’m taking half a day off and will update again tomorrow.


 (End of this chapter)